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ChiefToad's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: Would you fuck Donald Trump in the asshole for a million dollars?
Winning Position: Why does Andy censor the word "fucking" and not "asshole"
Winning Position: So this is your evil plan Mingi? Sad.
Tied Positions: bowing to european invaders vs. jew
Winning Position: wank
Winning Position: Somebody fucking entertain me
Tied Positions: fact vs. true
Winning Position: But Mah Narrative
Tied Positions: No vs. Yes
Winning Position: Fantasy
Tied Positions: evil vs. left
Winning Position: But Mah Narrative
Winning Position: But Mah Narrative
Winning Position: That one
Winning Position: But he says words wrong
Winning Position: False
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: The rap I'm not embarrassed to like
Winning Position: Nom, let's go super saiyan on these cunts and their entire cunt system of tyranny
Winning Position: Class pyramid of modern capitalism (in order)
Winning Position: You're an anti-semite tho
Winning Position: McDonald's should be destroyed
Winning Position: Every racist on CD is a conservative

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