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Rick_Zeta5A's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: Debaters who ban other debaters are most likely impotent, survey says!
Winning Position: Who do YOU think is the trolliest troll on this debate site?
Winning Position: Bad Religion is an awesome band, this cannot be denied, it is irrevocable.
Winning Position: No new world order for me.
Winning Position: What is it these fruitcake trolls get out of interaction on this site?
Winning Position: If I create enough blithering moronic posts, I’ll get respect.
Winning Position: Probably, he’s a prostitute
Winning Position: Well duh-doi
Winning Position: Philosophy will give is truth.
Winning Position: I’m soft. Clean it up.
Winning Position: Factual Scientific Information
Winning Position: Yup, prosecute em.
Winning Position: Religious people’s brains aren’t configured for interpolation of facts.
Winning Position: Bible is literal and all real
Winning Position: People have right to liberty

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]