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Sunset's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: Bullies-what can you do?
Winning Position: No, they shouldn't
Winning Position: What can possibly be going through this persons mind?
Winning Position: Yes they have
Winning Position: Yes there is.....
Winning Position: system
Winning Position: I wouldn't date a co-worker
Winning Position: Do you have money on stocks?
Winning Position: Ron Paul
Winning Position: No I do not
Winning Position: Yes I would
Winning Position: Welcome my sister LOTRHP to the site!
Winning Position: He should
Winning Position: If you were a trainer what would you suggest
Tied Positions: Free Markets and Minds vs. balance
Winning Position: Yes, they were cool
Winning Position: I collect....
Winning Position: How long does it take you to get ready, when you are going out?
Winning Position: If you can get just one...
Winning Position: Friday cocktails, served and ready to drink
Winning Position: I don't
Winning Position: Yes, you don't hurt feelings
Winning Position: what questions should you never ask a man or a woman?
Winning Position: Finish the sentence.....

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