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Garry77777's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: No justice yet for Rachel Corrie and her family.
Winning Position: How can a person satisfy their soul?
Winning Position: Can we survive in the absence of any real role model?
Winning Position: Of course!!!
Winning Position: What are the benefits of asceticism?
Winning Position: Can you lose your conception of the self in pursuit of a thought?
Winning Position: We are both the Painting and the Painter.
Winning Position: Is it possible to convey deep meaning without sounding pretentious?
Winning Position: The power of a thought is beyond all reason.
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: Agree
Winning Position: Nay
Winning Position: all your sopas are full of lye
Winning Position: True
Tied Positions: You're a bitter - angry - little man vs. The Answer Is Free Markets
Winning Position: Epic

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