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Johnbonham32's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: Well, my grandson's up to his old tricks again, and he'd like some Soundcloud feedback!
Winning Position: My grandson's music page -- please give as much feedback as possible!
Winning Position: No way!
Winning Position: They're so cool!
Winning Position: Analytical types: what do you think of these lyrics? Written, of course, by my grandson.
Winning Position: Agree
Winning Position: Of course they can!
Winning Position: My grandson would dig feedback on his Soundcloud music!
Winning Position: Disagree
Winning Position: Absolutely!
Winning Position: What music do you listen to when you're stoned?
Winning Position: Kony 2012: Pure and worthy cause, or sly and shameless profiteering?
Winning Position: Happy Birthday Johnny Cash, the Man in Black!
Winning Position: What the hell is wrong with all of you?!?
Winning Position: I'M SO BAKED RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
Tied Positions: vs. Oh yeah!
Winning Position: GO BLUE!!
Winning Position: How do you feel about the Nine Noble Virtues of Ancient Scandinavia?
Winning Position: Good
Winning Position: Anxiety
Tied Positions: Nope vs. Yeah
Winning Position: Yeah they do!
Winning Position: Absolutely
Winning Position: Picard! He has class!

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