
Amarel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Amarel's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The article says this journalist was not charged with a crime. But he is gone now, as is his unpublished story.

1 point

A person who ascribes superiority to a race generally does so because they lack any level of personal superiority. It's never those who are truly superior in some aspect who claim it has anything to do with their pigment. They know it's a product of ability and environment.

In short, racial supremacists are always the least supreme examples of their race.

1 point

Nahhh... Racism is what you DO, not how you think. In my view, it IS possible to BE a rabid racist, and never DO anything about it.

Well, that's an opinion that doesn't matter.

2 points

Racism: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

When you say that a black person cannot be what a white person can be, it is a racist statement. By definition. A black person can be anything a white person can be, including a racist. Ask a Black Hebrew Nationalist.

It is monumental irony that the largest group of racists in American society today are those who purport to be anti-racist. Racism such as that presented in your posts needs to stop

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Dude, you are not nearly curious enough. There's a lot more to the world than what you are spoon fed. That's all you regurgitate anyway, why not change up the diet?

1 point

When you see a compelling story from a source you don't trust, you should look for the same story from a source you do trust. Get curious. This video is merely commenting on a Rolling Stone article.

1 point

Media cannot affect culture if it's not relevant to the culture it is playing to. Experience shapes biases too, as is the case in your example.

1 point

Your still avoiding responding to everything I said. .

1 point

The creators of the T.V. show or movie deliberately take a scene where there is no prejudice and then have the straw feminist see sexism everywhere.

Those scenes exist because they resonate with the audience.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I didn't even try to respond to all your claims in the name of brevity and speed.

Or any claims at all. Very brev.

1 point

We are losing the war on hate and antisemitism.

No we aren't. It feels that way only to people inside a particular echo chamber. The increase in accusations of racial hate and bigotry arose out of the political potency that comes from opposing such things. Opposition to bigotry is politically potent because bigotry is repellant to western culture. But that also means that politically motivated people must find racism and bigotry wear it doesn't actually exist, namely in their political opponents. Then they convince people in their echo chamber that political opponents are the real life monsters of their imagination, thus driving votes. Cynical politics

1 point

They don't count their beginning prior to Abraham. .

1 point

It's a little more like someone watching an inconvenient truth and freaking out about the end of the world, while someone who took a little more time than watching one propaganda piece reassures them that the world is not ending.

It is absurd to claim that military service is high prestige and low risk due to high foreign civilian casualties. In the US, military service in war time is far more dangerous than not serving. That's one reason for the moderate prestige. And military casualties are not limited to the battle field. Check into veteran suicide if you're a curious person.

The "Greater male variability hypothesis" does a better job of explaining why there are more men in leadership. It also explains why there are more men in destitute poverty. While men and women have very similar averages for very many measures, the bell curve is not shaped the same. Women tend to cluster more around the average, making the curve taller in the middle, while men tend to have more individuals falling into the ends of the tails on both ends.

Gender differences are not themselves socially constructed; how those differences are expressed is socially constructed. It's a subtle difference, but it's paramount to understanding the relevant social phenomena we observe. The lack of this understanding is the source of much junk pop science and sociology errors. These errors require willfully ignoring the impact of natural and sexual selection (evolution).

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

What do you consider a child? When I was a kid, I would openly carry a rifle down the road to the public hunting area.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Oohh better not quote that verse to the trans activists. .

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The feral child phenomenon is usually the result of terrible abuse and neglect from a very young age. It is the result of a child being isolated from human contact beginning early and lasting for years. Some few situations have involved a child in the wild. Often they never acquire the ability to speak. On some occasions speech is developed but highly limited.

There has been speculation about the impact of mask mandates on very young children. The concern regards early childhood development of emotional recognition and language development when half of everyone's face is consistently covered. My daughter was born in late 2019. I was sure to never wear a mask at home while interacting with her. By the time she went to daycare, the caretakers mostly did not wear masks. She speaks very well for her age. If there is a broad negative impact on early childhood development, my daughter has avoided it.

1 point

Males and females are not arbitrarily assigned their sex at birth. It is determined through observation of physical, biological reality. Trans men are not actually men, that's why you have to put "trans" at the beginning so everyone knows you're referring to a female who prefers male pronouns.

1 point

If a given white person is a victim of racial discrimination, then that's what it is. The low likelihood of this happening does not eliminate the instances in which it happens.

1 point

I'm not sure that the children of dead soldiers would be comforted by the notion that only 10% of war casualties are military so most folks aren't like their dead dad. We don't have an active draft, meaning we aren't picking a class to send. Troops volunteer. Those volunteers are overwhelmingly male. If there was a draft, women are excluded.

How you perceive (or believe others perceive) female masculinity or femininity does not create a double bind for them. You seem to be grasping at straws in the face of multiple inequities that I presented.

Claiming that you see no double standard is only indicative of your own double standard. If all of the inequities I mentioned worked against women instead of men, you would see them as proof of an overwhelming misogynistic patriarchal culture.

1 point

That's not a counter argument so much as a statement of disagreement.

A rise in hate crime from miniscule to less miniscule does not indicate any level of broader cultural acceptance. Nor does the existence of an obscure fringe internet haven for racists. In fact, the existence of hate crimes as a designated category of crime demonstrates the cultural, and subsequent institutional rejection of racism as something worthy of special legal punishment.

On occasion, famous people are caught on a hot mic saying something racist; their career is over. It used to just be the way people talked Politicians are constantly trying to construe the position of their opponents as racist because it is detrimental to winning elections. Racism used to be a common political approach.

Racist is the most toxic accusation one can hurl. It's toxic because it is culturally rejected.

1 point

It's the article you linked to as your example. .

1 point

This house is on fire! Get out before it's too late! (In other words, do what I say or I'll kill you)...mhm

1 point

It's often the case that the facts are irrelevant to his statements. Pertaining to this discussion, it doesn't matter if Israel is actually fine without American Jews, it matters that Trump thinks American Jews need to get on board for the sake of Israel. You taking his statement as an antisemitic threat is absurd, and likely insincere.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

That's not an example of antisemitism. He is claiming to be super pro-Israel, and that the result is super supportive American evangelicals and Israel Jews. He is saying that American Jews need to get on board before it is too late for Israel.

Attacking a particular group for a perceived policy position is not the same as attacking a particular group BECAUSE they are that group.

Did you read the article? It's not very long. There's always a reason when the headline fails to fit the body of an article. Also, the article fails to link to, or show, the full text of the original post. There's a reason for that too

0 points

Haters do have to hide. Antisemitism is not tolerated in predominant American culture.... except for prominent Democrats.

1 point

Men have shorter life expectancy. They are disproportionately homeless, addicted, and murdered. They are wildly disproportionately incarcerated. They are the vast majority of war time combat deaths. They are the majority of suicide victims. The draft is still for men only. They receive biased settlements against them in divorce and child custody.

None of this is to pretend that men are victims of some kind of matriarchy. People are victims only if they have been individually victimized which is most often not a product of their sociological category. This is merely presented to indicate the double standards of those who espouse the mass victimization of sociological categories.

1 point

I respectfully disagree, this may seem like semantics but only white people can be racist against racialized otherwise known as BIPOC people.

The semantics are incredibly important, and you're incorrect about them. Racism is a word that, until recently, was widely understood in the context of individual racial discrimination or prejudice. Indeed this is still the first definition presented in Webster. This first definition is foundational to the second definition, which is systemic racism.

Interestingly, those what want to pretend that systemic racism the only racism possible, often claim that only white people can be racist. It's ironic because this position falls squarely into the first, primary definition of racism. As if a white person, inherently, can be something a black person cannot. Furthermore, this racist position is often weaponized, to accuse individuals who are not racist of upholding a racist system, this implicating them in individual racism.

When a white group of children bullies the only Black child in the school this is racism as well as internal bias. This is because only white people have the super powers of the world to back them up. Including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom and more to enact institutional racism.

A racist childhood bully does not have the support these countries. Indeed, being called racist is one of the most damaging accusation one can hurl in the listed countries. The listed countries have laws that, if the bully continues into adulthood, will be utilized by the very systems in question to punish the racist for their racism. Our institutions, like our cultures, are anti-racist, that's why the consequences for racism are both socially and legally dire.

Without institutional racism, this would only be a case of internal bias. Which is the case when a group of Asian children bully an American Indian. Or any other combination of BIPOC people bullying other BIPOC people. Same when BIPOC people bullying white people.

This statement relies on your misunderstanding of racism. It is, fundamentally, discrimination and prejudice based on ones race. A black person can be anything a white person can be, including racist. To maintain that a black person is inherently incapable of something due strictly to the superficial qualities of pigment, is a racist position.

The dominant, justified, demonization of racism has caused a substantial decline in the number of actual, individual racists. The clever thing about racist systems, is that they can be managed and dominated by non-racist people. So the narrative was turned to systemic racism by those vested in keeping racism a predominant issue. The lack of individual racists is so stark, that we have had to turn a focus on micro-aggressions just to find a substantial aggressions at all.

That being said it is all about the movie, shows, and music that are widely broadcast. These add in institutional racism. There are four dimensions to racism, HIIP historical, institutional, interpersonal and personal. We really need to pass reparations H.R. 40 to end historic trauma and dismantle institutional racism.

Many of our most celebrated actors, musicians, and athletes are non-white. They are celebrated by a predominantly white population. That celebration is independent of the color of the admirer or admiroree. Which is a positive statement about modern western culture with regard to racism.

Reparations are untenable on both practical and moral grounds. Collective punishment is a war crime for a reason.

0 points

That's hilarious. I had TS SCI clearance back in the Marines. So I know what you don't know that you don't know.

Have you heard of WikiLeaks?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
-1 points

In a world where no one can keep a secret, the hardest part was getting the countless people required to pull it off to stay quiet about it.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

If the kid experiences race based bullying, then that's racism. If the kid is not targeted by police for their race, that's not racism.

The movie, shows, and music a person chooses to consume is irrelevant.

Regardless, in America today, blaming others for ones own situation is detrimental to an individual. Whether they are blaming racism, their parents, or anything else.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
0 points

It had always been the case that we only heard what the information gate keepers wanted us to hear. That is falling apart with the internet. No, I'm not talking about blogs with questionable theories. I'm talking about the easy accessibility of videos documenting shit that contradicts lies of politicians etc. I'm talking about legit news upstarts.

This is a huge problem for narrative builders. It also contributes to societal disunity. Just as the printing press was an information revolution that the powerful sought to control, the internet is as well.

1 point

9/11/01. .

1 point

If something is racist, then that's what it is. Pretending something is racist when it isn't may be dangerous, but that's not a myth. That's just a lie. Lies concerning racism are not isolated to a given race.

0 points

Bad? No.

It's just not as awesome as being straight.

1 point

By being conscious for the last several years. .

1 point

The CDC is no longer an authority on this matter. .

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

So Hootie ignored each of those questions 3 years ago, and you're here to claim I'm on Hooties side...ok.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

You wouldn't call the cops who hide in the hallway but you fully believe that most cops will hide in the hallway. You'll need that special 911 for hero cops, rather than that 911 for the regular ones.

No mass shooter was ever stopped by anyone who was without a gun.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

You're witnessing a mass shooting and you're not calling the cops. Ok. What are you doing then?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

It's not possible. Not only because of the size of the country and number of guns, but because people don't want what you want.

1 point

In the end, the bad guy was shot and killed by someone who is apparently not a good guy with a gun.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Magical thinking. Broad disarmament is not a possibility in the US. Legal issues aside, there are far too many in a country far too big. Instead of pipe dreams, we should consider real solutions given the physical, legal, and social realities on the ground.

1 point

Your post showed in my alerts as a response to my post pointing out to lipek that most police officers are not Democrats, as was asserted. To that post, yours appeared irrelevant and needlessly insulting. Could be my mistake.

1 point

Not partisan, so that's half true.

The quality and relevance of your responses has really declined since I've been away.

1 point

Black poverty rates were declining despite Jim Crow which, incidentally, ended generations ago.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I'm sure you believe that. But it was the Great Society and other such measures that have held black and poor people in poverty for generations.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The problem is that you don't believe they CAN overcome their past. You favor policies that hold poor people in their impoverished state while you claim they need more from the nanny state that holds them down. That's the old paternalism of the slave days reinvented by modern Democrats. Those lower expectations are based on race. There's a word for that.

1 point

That's what many cities started doing. Crime rates have skyrocketed, especially black victimization.

2 points

Sure of course it's stressful. Cops aren't called because everything is mellow.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Donut eating cop is a pretty old trope. That was back in the 80's before proactive policing took off and helped send crime plummeting.

1 point

I said you'd miss them when they're gone.

1 point

Many people are casual supporters of BLM because those people are against racism and that's what they incorrectly think BLM is about. A BLM supporter and a Dem could be a fair jurer. I don't think an active BLM activist could.

1 point

Violent crime is way up and departments are struggling to hire and retain enough officers for their cities. Leftists across the country called for the defunding of police and a significant number of police have called their bluff. Now Dems are walking it back and pretending they never said it.

I said you would miss them when they are gone. You might not, but the significantly higher number of murder and assault victims sure do.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Stand your ground is entirely concerning civil interaction. It relates to law enforcement only insofar as it helps determines the criminality of a given case. It's a legal standard, not a law enforcement standard. Also it has not a god damned thing to do with race.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Did you see it this way in 2018 ?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

It really is something how a shift in one single fundamental premise leads to such divergent views on all off the major issues. I just couldn't disagree with you more.

1 point

We still occupy Japan. .

3 points

The fact that you see the battle lines drawn thusly says more about the punch you drank than anything else.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I talked to a girl with the "wrong" color skin for me in a bar. Or rather, I had the wrong skin color for her according to people other than her. I was called a racial slur, my life was threatened, and I was told to leave. Fucking waa.

This whole thread started with your list of ways to behave at s traffic stop. It's a good list and every one should follow it. Not everyone does. But you think this is about me, someone you know nothing about; because your pot fried brain got distracted. That's your problem, not mine. It makes you believe you know what it's like to be black at a traffic stop.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Empathy with what you imagine a situation is like is not the same as experiencing the situation. I have experience with police interactions and I'm familiar with the data on the matter. The vast majority of black traffic stops are the same as white traffic stops. The main difference is that if a white person encounters a prick of a cop they likely suspect the cop is a prick, but if a black person encounters a prick of a cop, they are likely to suspect a racist cop, even if the cop is black.

Studies have found that right wingers are better at guessing what the left winger position is on a given subject than left wingers are of the right. Put another way, right wingers are better at putting themselves in lefty shoes.

As for the list, I didn't know it came from BLM and I don't object to anything on it. I think everyone needs to be told how to interact with police and it should be explained why cops respond to certain behaviors the way they do. That way the public can put themselves in the cops shoes.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Do you know what it's like to be black at a traffic stop?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

And yes, a lot of snitches intend to snitch. They contact police just for that purpose. Criminals are not honorable.

1 point

Legitimate law enforcement cannot be successful without public assistance. If the cops are at my door asking questions about something I've witnessed that isnt drug related, such as my neighbor assaulting someone or stealing something, that a bit different than asking if an odor of marijuana ever drifts over.

It would be despicable for you to protect your neighbor and enable them to further victimize people.

"Yeah, I heard some girl screaming no and stop, but I'm not telling the cops shit". If that's you, you are creating more victims. Disgusting.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

99.9to the tenth, if you are right, you'll survive. I added mine because people get themselves arrested for nothing more than interfering with official acts by not providing that which they are actually required to. Trouble can be avoided. Risks can be lowered

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

If the cop asks for your ID, but you don't think you have to provide it, ask the cop. If the cop says you have to provide it and is lying, you can take it up with a lawyer later.

2 points

It's always or never? It can't be like "for pot no but for rape yes"?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I didn't even get into the obvious dishonesty that we all witnessed all last year while cities burned and news reporters would stand before the carnage and call it mostly peaceful. Sure excon, Fox has duped us.

1 point

I don't watch Tucker so I didn't bother with your link. Everything I talked about was just what was in the news. I saw the news, that's how I know there was nothing to the Russian hubbub. Remember? There's no there there. But also because I saw the news I saw how they played it for three years. I saw the news, which is why I saw what Trump said on his phone call. The idea that there was something wrong with him wanting an investigation was screwy. Would it help him politically? Sure. Does that make Biden less corrupt? Nope. But the immediate and automatic rejection of anything Trump said was justification for impeaching him on that too. That same autoi rejection caused the media to cover for the Chinese communist party and their lab leak. Vanity Fair now has an article blowing it open. They can do that now that Trump bus gone. But not before.

If I bought snake oil it was just the news minus their opinions on the mdtyer. Which means you agree with me I guess. They do peddle some shit sometimes.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The actions of a few reflect who YOU are. The actions of a few does not reflect who WE are. Am I getting that right?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

My mistake, it wasn't Pew it was Gallop.

Interesting side note: when I was looking at public confidence in various institutions, I noticed that the percentage of people expressing a great deal of confidence in the presidency used to regularly be above 20%. That norm almost went away during the Obama years, but it was starting to recover these last 4 wouldn't know that by listening to the news, but then who really trusts them anyway haha

1 point

Dr Fauci switched his professional opinion often. Sometimes it was found that he had presented a "noble lie" to protect the public from itself. That's what he did when he said not to wear masks and again later when he said he wasn't wearing his mask for theatrics. It's Fouci's own double talk that undermines him. (And absurd notions of near indefinite masking)

You don't have to listen to Hannity to know that the lab leak has always been more probable and less racist than the wet market cover put out by the CCP. But the folks over at CNN said it's more racist to blame commies than to blame a gross cultural practice in wet markets. And if they say it's racist, then it must not be true. Now we are learning that the lab leak was covered up pretty hard and the mainstream news was complicit.

That's after years of everyone in every new room ranting fabrications about Russian meddling and Trump collusion. All bullshit. And after it was well established that it was bullshit, they went right along with pretending that Trump calling for a legit investigation requires impeachment. The icing on that cake was the full-blown media black out of the Biden laptop story.

As for media trust, Pew research are the ones who show that media trust is at record lows. If that was all just. Because of Fox News, Biden wouldn't be president. People like me (who don't watch Fox), and Democrats alike have lost trust in the news.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

A probably false lie by a politician is the norm. That's why we don't trust them and we have a media that constantly challenges them.

Private false lies by the media that are then covertly altered before accountability can occur is a bigger problem. That big problem is magnified when the media in question favors a political position.

Trust in media is now rock bottom, and they earned it. But that also means that people go finding facts wherever they can. And they choose "facts" that suit their bias, including fantastic conspiracy theories.

The media needs to earn our trust again. We all need them to.

2 points

I can't think of any other way to confirm or deny, but I started looking at obits for Albert in Rhode Island. One was born in 1920 and died May 16. You guys know him better. Any details I should look for?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I guess it will be nice to have everyone on board this time. .

1 point

Well, a couple years ago it was racist. That's all I mean. .

Amarel(5669) Clarified
3 points

Dr isn't the one demanding someone else have the courage to defend your values. He is challenging the fact that you don't. A coward who descends from heroes is no less a coward. Other people's deeds are their own.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

So he's just racist then ?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

No, these aren't leftist attacking Jews in the street. These are right wing religious fundamentalists who also happen to win high marks in the American Intersectional Olympics. As such, many leftists find themselves in the contradictory position of excusing the violence of right wing religious fundamentalist anti-semites.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

Political pundits will take one person's position on a given side of the isle and juxtapose it with another person's position on the same side of the isle. They then call that side of the isle hypocritical or contradictory because someone on that side is saying something different than someone else.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Most places saw that winter second wave regardless of how strong or weak their lockdown measures were.

Do they call it the Trump virus over there?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The only way the UK has gotten this far is because we've been locked down for months.

Exactly how far has the UK gotten?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Florida has a population of 21.48 million and an area of 65,758 square miles. Much of that is uninhabitable. 4.5 million Floridians were 65 or older in 2019.

New York has a population of 19.45 million and an area of 64,556 square miles. In 2019 there were 3.2 million New York residence 65 or older.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

My bad excon. I do apologize. I see that you didn't call anyone by an ethnic slurs, just like DrChamberlin didn't.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Really excon, why did you refer to Tim Scott as Uncle Tim? That's a racial slur. I would have thought you were above that sort of thing.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

Why did you call Tim Scott Uncle Tim ?

1 point

Not illegally. So if you are on probation, or on the registry or banished from Ohio you should obey the law and respect borders. Also, if you want to go into some other country, they are gonna have border laws that you should follow. And you better follow em because literally all other countries don't fuck around with that. Do you know how to become a Japanese citizen? First, you have to be Japanese. Fuckin racist Americans.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

And you don't think we have enough regulations?

Man !

1 point

Trump, however, installed some political hacks into the upper echelons of the CDC


0 points

The cops kill right around 1000 people per year. It's consistent. The majority of them are armed. The vast majority are justified. It didn't rise under Trump, though hate crimes did. The point is that violent crime is an issue for law enforcement. Racism mostly isn't. The fact that police shootings remain consistent regardless of the significant social backlash is evidence that they occur out of necessity, not racism.

1 point

The test you describe is not part of SEAL training. It's not part of Navy MP training. It's not part of mess hall training. If you had that training while in the Navy, it wasn't the Navy training you. That was Hogan's Alley Nintendo.

1 point

They would have their Virginia Senators to represent them. And you're right, this should have happened before the census, but they will get thier extra seats in due time. Expanding the size of the senate for one city is unreasonable. If you are concerned about the rights of DC, Virginia would be perfectly reasonable. But if you are concerned about adding two blue seats to the Senate, then making a citystate is the goal. But it's dirty politics. Maybe Omaha should be a state too, they also lack the senators they deserve...

1 point

I would be very glad to see all Americans have representation, as promised by our system and fought for by our founders. That's why DC should be brought into jurisdiction of Virginia where they will have the full representation granted to residents of any other state. Wouldn't you agree?

0 points

When I was in the Navy, we went through maze where targets would jump out at you and you had to make a split second decision to shoot or not.

That sounds more like something you saw on MIB then anything the Navy does.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I read an article that said American LE numbers are plummeting as a result of natural cycles of hiring and retiring. It said we shouldn't be concerned about all this talk of police leaving for lack of support, defunding efforts, increased hatred, increasing numbers of ambushes, riots, automatic blame, mob rule, etc etc.

The point is that articles can miss on the analysis.

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