
Ameri2ca's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ameri2ca's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I still can't believe people support the NFL, because they let players disrespect the American flag. The American flag is what makes the US the US!! I mean think about it, the American flag represents us, the American flag is us. After NFL did that, my family ditched football because it isn't worth it. Kneeling to the American flag is like not taking your hat off during the national anthem. It is all really wrong

1 point

Donald Trump does not pitch hate ok? And if you want to start talking about tax cutting, and pitching jobs, Obama didn't do either but no one talked about him like that. Donald Trump is a great president, and he is an amazing leader for America. He may have said some bad stuff on twitter, but his actions are louder than his words. And besides, he is free to say whatever he likes. There have been more Indians, blacks, asians etc working than ever before. That isn't a coincidence, Donald Trump is creating jobs for a lot of people, and he is making America Great, and once that is done, He will work on Keeping it GREAT!

2 points

Thats true! Honestly it is stupid that people think gossip is harmless because clearly it isn't!

3 points

One thing you should know about debating, is that you have to get your facts straight. You can't change up someone's words and expect to win a debate. Donald Trump is an amazing president, and he supports "Brown or black" people. And some of them support him back. So next time, get your facts straight!

1 point

Kanye West is a Trump supporter because if he wasn't he wouldn't have risked possibly losing his career. What I mean by this is Kanye could possibly have lost his career, because some of his fans may have stopped listening to him because of their feelings and opinion about Donald Trump. Kanye looks up to Trump, and Trump has inspired him to run in the next election

2 points

Stop blaming the system, learn to work around it

what does that even mean? And when people are gossiped about, and gossip back, that is wrong, and it never ends well

2 points

Gossip, is one of the worst ways of finding out the latest news at your school or in your area. We all know the game telephone right? Well you might have noticed that what is said in the beginning of the game, and at the end, it is never the same. It is the same way for school gossip. One person may hear the true story, while another person hears something different. Also most of the time, gossip is always about someone else. Imagine hearing gossip about how you have ugly clothes, or that you are poor. Gossip can ruin friendships and relationships in seconds. So the next time you hear gossip, don't pass it on. Or else, you will regret it!

1 point

I would definitely want to have a gun, because I would have a way bigger chance of survival. I mean, lets face it, when you take a knife to a gun fight, the gun will win every time. It is just common sense. And especially in the world we live in today, you probably want to carry one around everywhere you go so that you always are prepared in case you are in trouble.

1 point

He deserves to be killed. What he did was a terrible thing, and it killed innocent people. The synagogue is there so people are free to worship whoever they wish, without being disrupted. If there are shootings at synagogue's what will be next? Will there be shootings at other churches too? The person that did this should get the death penalty because what he did was wrong in every way, and he needs to pay for it. If we let it go, it could happen again. WE NEED TO STOP THIS! The best way to do that is to get rid of him and make him pay for what he did. I know there is the saying "always give people a second chance" but what is that going to cost? If we were to let him go, he might kill more people, and there is no going back. We need to do what is right, and the right choice is to give him the death penalty.

1 point

Honestly, I would like to see you do better.. NF is a great rapper, and his music career is just now taking off. His music saves people's lives and it makes people feel like they belong. His music is inspirational, and NF himself is an inspiration to others.

1 point

You can't.... criminals do what they want.. there is no stopping them.. What does that have to do with gun violence?

2 points

I have plenty of experience, and have had my account for about a year. And thats nice to know!

1 point

Exactly!!!! I agree 100%, especially now, nothing is used for it's main purpose. Take for example drugs you would get from a pharmacy. Some people overuse them, and use them for the wrong purpose. They use something that was made to help you, and turning it into something that could possibly kill you. It is the same scenario. As you said "People choose to use the firearms illegally"! They use them to hurt other people. That doesn't mean you can blame it on the gun. Here is another one, when someone is arrested, is it right to blame the police officer? Just because the officer cuffed someone up and took them to jail doesn't mean you can blame the officer

1 point

"A person armed with a gun is capable of considerably more violence than a person armed with a pencil or a shoelace." Honestly you seem to just be stating the obvious. Of course a gun can do way more damage than a pencil, I don't remember hearing a story of someone dying from a pencil. However, guns were made for self defense. Guns are dangerous, they can save lives just as easily as they can take them. And I never said that guns aren't dangerous. All I said was they aren't violent. As I told someone, if a person is hit by a car, does that make it car violence. Or what about if someone is killed with a knife, is it called knife violence? No!

1 point

As I said earlier, you think by criticizing me, and calling me an idiot, that it makes you right. Well you would be wrong!! So why don't you put your big pants on, and we can do this the right way!

1 point

That proves nothing, all it does is show a shooting that happened. And just because it says it was “gun violence” on there, it doesn’t make it true. Apparently you didn’t hear me the first two times, so I will say it once more, The guns aren’t violent, it is the people that get ahold of the guns. Let’s think about this, guns were made for defense right? Well when someone uses one for another purpose it is their fault, it wasn’t the gun’s fault even though the bullet came from it, the person pulled the trigger. If a car runs into someone does it make it car violence? Or what about a knife? If a knife killed someone is it knife violence? If so why doesn’t anyone call it that? You need to backup your facts buddy!

1 point

Maybe so, but NF has gone through so much and he uses that fire and passion in his music. NF stands for new flame, and it is about how he has overcame so much, and he changed. I honestly commend Eminem, because don't get me wrong, he is an amazing rapper, but NF's music really moves people. His music changes people's lives. He went from being poor, and having nothing, to having his dreams come true, and sharing his music with the world. NF is a sign of hope to millions of people.

1 point

I agree 100%, if only more people had as much common sense as you do!

1 point

As I said, the problem with the south side of Chicago is when the wrong people get ahold of guns. The south side of Chicago is violent, but you can't blame it on the guns. In fact guns have saved more people than it has killed.

2 points

No, guns are a form of self defense. However when they get in the wrong hands, people get hurt. But you can't blame the gun, it was the person that pulled the trigger.

1 point

It is almost impossible to think the democrats (Or as I like to call Demonrats) can lie more than they already do, But nope!! This is why no one likes them, all they do is lie and you can't trust anything they say.

1 point

We all need to stick together. Everyone knows that we are stronger together than we are apart. Separating people with solve nothing! He has already separated us from the illegal immigrants, thats all we need.

1 point

As much as I hate Hitler for all the terrible things he did, I wouldn't kill him (as a baby) even if I could. I would probably talk to him about love and compassion and hints that could stop him from doing the same thing in the future

2 points

Each teacher has a phone in their room, so if there was any kind of problem, the teacher can call the police or whoever. And you can use the teachers phone to call your parents or just go to the office and use the phone there. Phones cause distraction not only to the owner , or the person on the phone, but the people around that person

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