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This personal waterfall shows you all of Apollo's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point




Gun Rights.

Welfare abuse.

1 point

Then he should vote for Obama .

2 points

So jobs were lost, not created. There has been a NET creation of 400,000 jobs since he took office. And the month he took office we lost 750,000 jobs, the biggest loss in the past 38 years.

If your refering to Obama "ending" the Iraq war, the end and withdrawl had already been put in motion by Bush

HA! There was one deadline set for the next month (and this deadline was yet another pushed back meaningless deadline). Obama not only ended that war, but created an exit plan for Afghanistan.

Obama is quick to say "I inherited this" but takes credit for the good things he did inherit.

War is good? Since when? Bush killed thousands in Iraq...that was good? And then you are saying creating an arbitrary deadline and pushing it back years is an accomplishment for Bush...something good to inherit?

1 point

Obama doesn't care about jobs, he cares about votes.

Unsubstantiated generality.

Wars lost means our foreign policy

Did we lose the War in Iraq (as if it matters anyway)? Afghanistan?

specifically as it relates to the middle east is non-exisitent

Nonexistent?! The only thing that is non-existent is Osama Bin Laden and the 22 other Al Queda heads that Obama has killed. Or is that a bad thing?

Non-existent is the oppressive dictatorships in Egypt and Libya.

That's what is non-existent.

My company along with many others know that it will be cheaper for them to discontinue insurance and pay the penalty than provide insurance for employees. The company I work for has plans to drop our insurance coverage day #2 of Obama care, We are going to wait for CAT to drop theirs on day one!

Yet the fundamental requirements have not changed. Premiums went up the by least they have in decades since Obamacare has been passed. They are projected to go down, making healthcare cheaper. Not to mention the small business exemptions.

Scare tactics? Fear Mongering? How about soup kitchens and homeless shelters.

What about them?

I run a small business... I can't ever afford to hire employees. NEVER, NEVER, EVER! Not while Obama is in office.

Then blame the GOP. Obama has cut taxes for small businesses on 22 occasions. He overcame GOP obstructionism to pass the Small Business Jobs Act. The majority of his jobs bill was further tax cuts and hiring incentives for small businesses. But the worthless right obstructed it...just like they obsctructed healthcare for 9/11 first responders and jobs bills for veterans.

No wonder Small Business Owners support Obama over Romney.

Meanwhile Mitt wants to RAISE TAXES on the poor and middle class. Cowardess and screwing America, a GOP speciality.

1 point

Assuming the premise of the question, yes. Though it would be likelier that these diseases evolved from what god created and were not directly created by him.

Regardless, why are diseases bad?

1 point

So job creation = projected job loss?

Wars ended = more wars created?

And more insured people = more deaths?

Scare tactics and fear mongering. Come on.

2 points

With whom does he agree with the most ideologically? Is he an anarchist or apathetic?

If he sides mostly with Romney, he should vote for Romney. If he is the "screw the two-party system" kind of guy, that's a Gary Johnson thing. If he is has that mentality but agrees with Obama, Jill Stein.

But don't tell him to do something that would make him an extension of your vote (i.e. do what Andy is saying and only tell him to vote if he will be voting for your preferred candidate). I'm going to have to go completely against Andy on this one.

1 point

What to you is evidence of god's existence? Or have you created criteria that one could never hope to fulfill so that you could take the intellectually lazy way and rub in how "you can't prove god with my criteria for evidence... nah na na na nah."

What would be evidence for a religions' veracity? You have indicates your view that religion contradicts science, yet Hindu cosmology and astronomy fit very well together, this given Hindu cosmology was posited over a thousand years before the first telescope. (This is just one example).

2 points

The more and more I learn about our existence and philosophy, the more and more I believe in the positive existence of some supernatural, extra-natural, omnipotent, being that itself is the universe and everything (and also nothing).

2 points

I have also found lots of places where science and the bible disagree, and I believe the rational and logical thing to do is to give up religion instead of giving up science.

1. Why are you equating the veracity of a god's existence the veracity of religion?

2. Why are you equating the veracity of any religion to the veracity of Christianity?

1 point

How does one distinguish "brainwashing" from a genuine difference in mentality that results in happiness?

And how does one claim the results of those two are substantially different?

1 point

Of course.

It has already saved Americans $2.1 billion.

Premiums went up by the lowest rate in over a decade.

The youth uninsured rate dropped by the largest percent since records have been kept.

1 point

Chuckie chuck chuck...what to say?

Probably one of the most intelligent users. Witty, smart, clever. A careful pragmatist.

If he has an intellectual flaw, it is that he either insincerely misrepresents his beliefs on issues where he deviates from the position one assumes he would take or he is attempting to justify a position he does not logically believe solely for the sake of holding it. Such a case is a rarity, though.

An atheist. A thinker. Perhaps one day even a dreamer.

1 point

YouTube has no obligation to follow it at all. They should follow their TOS, what each and every user agrees to. They have an agreement with the user. The user gives them the right to take down their videos for whatever the fvck reason they want.

Only a fool would say otherwise. If they don't like your video, too bad. They have no legal obligation to continue to provide their service to you if they object to it. Now we can get into moral/ethical obligation, but this a mater of legality.

1 point

The video is protected free speech/freedom of expression. isn't. Freedom of Speech does not apply all.

It is also in accordance to youtube's terms of service.

YouTube's TOS and Community Guidelines specifically prohibit hate speech/discrimination and the incitement of violence acts.

Deleting the video would be youtube implying that they do not value free speech/freedom of expression.

YouTube deletes hundreds of videos daily. If you think YouTube has any obligation to Freedom of speech, you clearly have no clue what the right to free speech actually is.

And if the video is literally resulting in murders, who in their right mind would keep it up?

1 point

You don't have free speech on YouTube. They have the right to take down any video they want, and you can't do a think about it.

Free speech went out the window the moment you agreed to the terms of use/service.

If your video is causing the deaths of innocent lives, that video should be taken down.

1 point

Seems like a great guy. Don't particularly care for his religious beliefs, but he doesn't go setting fire to foreign embassies when I tell him that now does he?

Either that...or he's the most skilled troll on teh interwebzz.

2 points

Kovu approves .

But good luck! Don't get eaten....ya. Solid life advice right there.

1 point

Not Christian =/= atheist.

There are so many much more intellectually stimulating, factually non-brain cell destroying, and culturally beautiful in every way than Christianity.

Even if you don't believe in god, there are many fascinating religions through which even atheists could learn a lot.

1 point

Well it wasn't me that did it but perhaps it was due to lack of sources

Show me one comment on this thread that has sources. Show me one god damn comment. And I have posted the sources for all of these before. And that is not grounds for three down-votes.

uncontrolled partisan bias.

Everything I said was a fact. And a plethora of the comments above have solely opinion bias. Mine is just a collection of facts, reality. The fact that Republicans are too ignorant to see reality doesn't make it biased.

It just sounds like a kid sort of thing to act like one party is golden and the other one sucks.

No...just that one is MUCH better than the other in almost every way.

Apollo(1608) Clarified
2 points


And is who you vote for only dependent on what your preferred candidate would do for you?

1 point

Down-vote. No rebuttal. Typical conservative .

1 point

Great for the union...terrible position for democrats and Rahm Emanuel.

They haven't striked in 25 years. That strike fund must be flowing over the brim. That's the easiest way to strong-arm union disputes. Any prolonged hold-out screws the 350,000 students.

I don't see an easy way out for the city. Union wins this one.

1 point

A is red

B is blue

C is ----meh. Can't describe it. Blue-ish grey?

D I can't describe with colors found in nature

E is green

F is purplish red

Can't visualize any other letters as colors that exist in reality.

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