
Asem's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Asem's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You mean if they legalize it, they taxes would go down? But why?

1 point

I think not all people are provided with computers, so that the government should spend a lot of money in order to provide each citizen with a computer, or laptop.

1 point

We do not really know the real consequences of Marijuana right? it's the same as to say, people smoke Shisha, but they have no idea of how dangerous it might be.

Asem(19) Clarified
1 point

What I mean by that is, not only native population, but also the immigrants would smoke it too. That only increases the problem.

1 point

I think its not right because there might be some hackers like bad people in real life, who would change all the updates. It might be risky. So you better think of safety of citizens first.

1 point

Do you have evidence? You just said: "It seemed...". It is the same drug as heroine, and others..It causes fatal illnesses like cancer.

1 point

As I said already, Canadians use Marijuana in things that they need. For example, medicine, and etc..

1 point

It's almost the same thing. All people think that its not as addictive as nicotine, and start smoking it. I can give you another example with Shisha. So many people around the world smoke it even without knowing how dangerous it might be.

1 point

I guess you don't know that Canada already uses marijuana in medical ways. Do not you think it would harm a lot of people? I do not think there is lot of corruption though. It would become a "TOO FREE" country, and people would go crazy. However, some state that the demand will decrease.

1 point

but do you have a reason why? and whats "almighty ganga"? I don't think your argument is clear and argumentative.

1 point

I totally agree with you. There is also a little problem with population. There is only 35 million people for such a big country, and I dont think that Canada wants immigrants who smoke Marijuanna.

1 point

Its not about having more deaths, its about having people who are getting ilnesses like cancer because of these drugs. That does not contribute to our society anyhow.

1 point

If Canada legalizes Marijuana, it will affect the society badly. The teenagers would start using it, and it would bring more problems to the development of the citizens. More immigrants would start coming into Canada in order to smoke. Even though it is a good treatment for some illnesses, it causes fatal problems to health.

2 points

No one ever found out the truth, but this is what has been discussed for years. Some say that there are things that we can't see, but feel;such as, wind, or love etc. some say that When someone asks for hapiness, Does God give it? No, he gives the opportunity to become happier. I guess it's all about personal choice, and intellegence of every individual. I do believe in God because I feel like I must, because it comes from my own relative history, and I can't reject it. I do believe because when there is no hope, it is what does not let me give up.

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