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This personal waterfall shows you all of BlueFang24's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Everyone has an opinion on everything, so as long as there are two different choices (the choices not being synonyms) then I think that all topics should be allowed.

1 point

Also along the same line of thought as "If God is possible what logic is there in being Atheist?" is "If there being no God is possible, what point is their in being religious?" or even "If it is possible that all of the Greek Myths are true, why be Christian, Jewish, so on?" It is up to what you believe in and what you think is true. If the reasoning is "Hey if it is possible to have eternal happiness why not get on the road just in case?" then I can say "Why be Christian if it is possible that the aforementioned Greek Myths are real? Why not worship those gods and goddesses instead?" It is all up to personal belief and some believe it is a waste of time to pursue religious endeavors since they don't believe in a God or any gods/goddesses.

1 point

Your body is not "Godly" as the side's hyperbolic title claims, but it should be treated with respect. Think about the amazing processes your body undergoes daily for you to live. Such a complex system resulting in life. If that's not good enough it should be treated well so you can better enjoy your time on Earth and also so that you can have more time on Earth if nothing else.

1 point

To live you need good health. To have good health you, most likely, will need healthcare. I believe everyone has a right to life, and if you are religious you should see that God would want his children to live as you would believe that he gave the gift of life and that we humans should protect everyone's gift and right to life.

1 point

That is quite the argument except I know liberals who support Trump. I am not at the liberty to disclose any personal information, but I do know some people. However I agree with your statement that supporting a party that supports those political views is simply supporting those views.

1 point

I don't support their views, they are not my own. I am sorry if I was not clear on what I meant with my original statement. It was simply to display how in the minds of the left it is possible for them to be anti-gun (because of their fear of death) and also pro-abortion. I don't agree with this sentiment and believe it is hypocritical to believe both but many left-wingers do. I was simply presenting a left argument for someone to dispute. I was perhaps not clear enough with the intention of my OP.

1 point

Why would you judge someone based on how they look? Isn't that a philosophy of liberals, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

1 point

If the women who wear them don't want to and are forced to, then I would say it is a form of oppression.

1 point

It should definitely be an option and readily available to any students who want to take a foreign language. About it being a requirement I'm not so sure. Some students won't use it and won't do well or enjoy it. It should be an option but perhaps not a necessity.

2 points

To be fair it's a simple mistake on a tweet. If this was on some important document then I would be worried.

3 points

Maybe next he will get two pieces of cake instead of one! We need to impeach him now!

2 points

do·mes·tic vi·o·lence


violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.

Violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.

By definition a man could be attacked within the home by his spouse/partner, therefore domestic violence on men is by definition real.

1 point

This was an accidental double post, sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused.

1 point

No offense meant, but faith is not a fact even if it may seem that way to you.

1 point

It's true that most of the left have a lot of double standards, I was simply suggesting that we shouldn't generalize all left people as the same and with the same beliefs.

1 point

I was simply displaying how it is possible that one can be afraid of death themselves and also be for killing a baby. They believe that unborn babies are not people until they can survive on their own, although in nature mothers care for their young which contradicts their argument. I also never said they believe the baby is not a valid human person just days before it is born. I was not and will not even look at the point of view of such an extreme. Looking at and understanding the other sides' point of view is important, even if you think/know they are wrong. You have to understand them to be able to debate them. I don't agree but from their point of view they are not hypocrites and I was just telling you how that could possibly be so, I was not defending them or their beliefs.

1 point

Memes are dank, not offensive. It is mostly up to interpretation of a joke. There are a ton of racist memes, it is up to you if you get offended. Personally I am not.

2 points

People should be able to love who they want to and to express that way in all the forms possible. Religion isn't fact, therefore the argument "God meant for men and women to be together." isn't valid as factual information.

1 point

Religion is all about faith. Faith is a choice. There is no proof for any one religion and even though all religious think their religion is right there is no proof only faith. Since faith is a choice I think we should be able to choose what we believe and what we think is true when presented with all of the facts.

1 point

Although every day isn't your last, if you live like it is life can be so much more enjoyable.

1 point

In today's society offensive is such a broad term in the sense that you could say you like chocolate ice cream over vanilla, I say that's offensive and racist and in some cases I can have your post taken down for something so ridiculous. Unless it is truly hurting someone, I think we should have free speech.

0 points

To be fair if the art is sanctioned by the College then it is not bad. Personally I wouldn't care even if it was showing the decapitation of someone I like. It is freedom of speech but could be considered graphic and not appropriate for school grounds. That is up for the school to decide to my knowledge. I think as long as foil7 is supporting both sides of the coin, no matter whose severed head it is, it is an argument that is respectable.

1 point

I don't think any president would like being president. It is one of the closest things you can get to the weight of the world on your shoulders. I think they do it because they want to make the world a better place. Unless they are corrupt (which I am not suggesting Trump is) and are only in it for the power, although the president is not a dictator.

1 point

For the sake of argument I would suggest that some of those people believe that babies aren't real people until after their birth, not that I believe that.

1 point

Why wouldn't you be able to change your name? It is yours after all.

1 point

Google is accepted by most people as the search engine to use, and I for one agree.

1 point

Agreed that there are simply too many earthquakes to name them all.

"It is estimated that there are 500,000 detectable earthquakes in the world each year. 100,000 of those can be felt, and 100 of them cause damage." (Source Below)

Supporting Evidence: USGS Website; Earthquake Facts (
1 point

With the way things are going right now, I don't think that self-driving cars should be a thing for quite a while. I just don't see a system where real drivers and self-driving computers integrate well. If anything, it may cause more accidents for the sheer fact that the computer can't and will not be as capable to handle some situations.

1 point

From what I've seen personally, it is almost expected for the guy to pay. But, I can say that I have seen the opposite expected, with sometimes the person who sets up the date/dinner being expected to pay.

1 point

When it comes to the law I don't think there is anything against gay marriage. What you think is up to you, but I feel like since it doesn't hurt anybody, then people should be able to love who they want to.

1 point

Did Peyton Manning even play in Super Bowl 50? Must've missed his 141 yards and 1 interception performance.

1 point

A lot of anything can be a problem. Water is needed for all known life, but you can have too much of it.

Supporting Evidence: Even too much water is a thing. (
1 point

Personally, I'm just confused as to what this debate is supposed to be about. To me it just seems like OP posted a news article.

1 point

Quite the odd question, but I would think that smell would probably work fine.

1 point

I agree. The Patriots have only gotten better this off season, and I don't see them slowing down any time soon.

1 point

It really depends, but I'm going with no simply because the media is a business and businesses are supposed to make as much money as possible. By over exaggerating stories, they get clicks and ratings, which makes them money. To be honest I expect them to over exaggerate because it's their jobs. As much as we may not want to believe it, their jobs are to make money not to report the news.

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