
BobBarker's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BobBarker's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It's the most complicated form of music, but that doesn't necessarily make it the best.

BobBarker Clarified
1 point

Pointless buying crypto now. Ten years ago it was worth it, but everybody is doing it now so you can;t make any real money.

1 point

Yet you provide no evidence for this. Indeed, it is contrary to the findings of science.

You assert that a Zygote, blastocyst and embryo are found by science to be human beings. Then you quote excerpts which assert the complete opposite, for example:-

"Human development BEGINS after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception). This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the BEGINNING, or BEGINNING primordium, of a human being."

So development into a human being only begins after the ovum is fertilized, disproving your assertion that it is human at the point of fertilisation.

Congratulations on disproving yourself you idiotic Bible-bashing halfwit.

1 point

But nothing to say about the constant harassment of professionals by organised Jewish campaign groups, including one poor old aged Austrian lady who has JAILED for questioning the Holocaust.

One rule for you. The opposite rule for everybody else. You make me sick. Fascist scum.

0 points

The anti gay leader of the Westboro Church is a Democrat

Oh God you're just SUCH a retarded partisan hack. Fred Phelps DIED in 2014. Furthermore, he was thrown out of the Westboro Baptist Church BEFORE he died.

3 points

Nope. If we go electric, the Chinese will create combustion vehicles in mass and dominate the vehicle industry in less than a year. Then we get to figure out where to dump the batteries

Ahahaha! Oh God, you're just SO UNFATHOMABLY STUPID.

You know electric cars are rechargeable, right? You don't throw them away after a week.

What do you do with the batteries which are already used in petrol cars you gigantic idiot?

The way you try to invent non-existent problems to justify your insane neo-Nazi rhetoric is ridiculous. Shut the fuck up.


BobBarker Clarified
2 points

Which direction to you believe the causal arrow goes in the correlation between crime, poverty, single parenthood, and culture?

Why do you believe a correlation is the same thing as a causation?

You write such stupid things. Why are Jews so stupid? Please clarify.

-5 points
1 point

You ain't proved shit you Dumb Ass

Time dilation proves that time travelling to the past is possible and I have explained why and how. Go and do something useful like cutting off your own head.

0 points

Three accounts you argued with recently including fingerbang have been Factmachine.

I wasn't sure with Fingerbang whether it was FM or Bronto trying to impersonate FM. His views didn't seem to align with FM's, only the writing style.

-2 points
-1 points

I didn't fuck up, I planned ahead.

No you didn't you pitiful retard. That would require the gift of telepathy. You had no idea when or if I would reply and therefore you had no means to know when to hit the switch button. You posted on the wrong side of the debate, changed your mind like a retard, and caught me in the middle of a reply.

0 points

Why does it say "Disputed" in orange letters on the message then?

Because presumably you hit the big blue "switch" button at the same time I was writing a reply to you.

1 point

What is the meaning of your existence?

To keep reminding you that you're an imbecile.

1 point

I give facts

What a fucking joke. You aren't interested in facts, otherwise you'd be spending your time explaining why you support a man who lies an average of 30 times a day instead of attacking The Washington Post for having the audacity to point it out. Your retarded right wing conspiracy theories are not "facts". Literally the first thing you did when you replied is blame the Washington Post for Trump's record with fact checkers. Facts? Don't make me piss myself laughing, you warmongering, militant Christian cretin.

1 point

The Washington Post has the nerve to talk about lies?

You have the nerve to go on the offensive when your Fuhrer tells an average of 30 lies a day? That's ridiculous, like pretty much everything you write.

They are totally in bed with the Left

Spare me your insane conspiracy theories you Pizzagate wanker. If Trump didn't tell an average of 30 lies per day then The Washington Post wouldn't be able to point out he tells an average of 30 lies a day, would it? You can't blame The Washington Post for the fact that your Fuhrer is a pathological liar. It isn't their fault you goddamned insane halfwit.

-1 points

Leftist tell me about your confused ideology

Outlaw tell us more about that blessed bastion of right wing ideology you love so much, Slobodan Milosevic. An incorruptable champion of the people, you say?

In the midst of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Milošević was charged by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) with war crimes in connection to the wars in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo.[1] Milošević resigned from the Yugoslav presidency amid demonstrations, following the disputed presidential election of 24 September 2000. He was arrested by Yugoslav federal authorities on 31 March 2001 on suspicion of corruption, abuse of power, and embezzlement.[2][3]šević


Super stoopid.

0 points

Mingi is a witless autistic bitch and a dipshit

This is a disturbingly accurate analysis.

0 points

Do remind everyone here what your sense of humor is.

You should remind everyone here what the point of your existence is. We are all eager to crack this enigma.

0 points

The side you posted on is mommy. I baited you so easily.

I hit Support instead of Dispute. You didn't bait me. I just hit the wrong button.

-1 points

You remind me of a badly raised CHILD who needs a Daddy-figure.

Why you saying hurtful things to daddy?

Daddy spank bottom now.

4 points

Trump's a Nazi!

Trump's a Xenophobe!

Trump's a Misogynist!

Trump's a Racist

Clearly this has escaped your attention, but the ENTIRE WORLD is saying these things about Trump, not simply Democrats. Everybody except an extremist faction within your own party. The way the minds of people like yourself operate is just honestly beyond my ability to make sense of. Does it not bother you that the man you support is a racist, a liar, a misogynist or that world-renowned historians and Holocaust survivors are comparing him to Hitler? Or is it more the fact that you think everybody except Donald Trump is a big fat liar? Help me understand the insanity which distorts your thought processes. As a man of religion, how can you sit there and fail to condemn Trump for his absolutely prolific campaign of lies?

Donald Trump didn't tell the truth 83 times in 1 day

Donald Trump is Lying 30 Times a Day on Average

BobBarker Clarified
1 point

Worse yet, they thought they were awesome, so they drummed extra loudly.

Ironic. That must be why you write us such delightfully long essays of fallacious rubbish. Because you're so awesome.

Nobody has any problem reading through gigantic walls of shitposting written by a corrupt, dishonest far right wanker. It is what we all came here for.

-1 points

First off, Morality is NOT a social construct

But it obviously is. Saying demonstrably false things isn't going to help people determine that you aren't intellectually deficient, if that was what you were hoping for.

i don't understand where you would get that from

How about the fact that every single culture which has ever existed on planet Earth has had a completely different interpretation and definition of morality? The ancient Greeks used to sleep with children for heaven's sake.

How about the fact that philosophers disproved the notion of objective morality hundreds of years ago? How about the fact that people like yourself are the object of ridicule in intellectual circles?

The survival of the individual DNA

What the fuck are you even blathering about? Survival of DNA hasn't got anything to do with morality. If you could save your DNA from extinction by raping and executing everybody at your local college frat party, you are telling us that would be a moral decision?

What fucked up, fucking crazy shit are you smoking there bro?

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