
Callisto's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Callisto's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No, there should be a ban on heterosexuality. I'm so tired of all these hetero's blatantly rubbing their sexual preference in our faces and forcing their heterosexual lifestyle on us all.

1 point

Depends. Which God? You ok if they say "In Allah We Trust?" How about "In Satan We Trust"? No? What about "In Amon We Trust"?

Callisto(5) Clarified
1 point

Short answer? It didn't. This is just an attempt made by rabid christians to feel self-important and justified in pushing their religion on others even harder.

0 points

Is having a working wanker a man's right?

1 point

If you live in a house are you responsible for anything in it? You have a responsibility to anything you are a part of.

1 point

I think so. Now we have the internet and electronics to help us with our schoolwork and jobs. We may not make as much so that limits us but we can talk to multiple people around the world at the same time.

1 point

He's already a fool. Kim Jong Un didn't do anything Trumpet hasn't done to himself.

1 point

He was good for his time. Not the best and not the worst.

1 point

Do you think a person who refuses to help when they could should just be clear of anything?

1 point

Hopefully if they can't jump in the water to save them they can at least user the phone to call for help. Alot of times they stand there and film it instead.

1 point

That you suck as a person and they don't want to bother with you. Either that or you are a lost cause and they don't want you to drag their numbers down.

1 point

You keep misunderstanding what people say and accusing them of being an ableist. Sounds like you have a prejudice against people who aren't disabled.

2 points

Yes. You have to prove you are disabled when you park in a handicap spot so you should prove your pet is a service animal.

2 points

Atheists practicing Laveyan Satanism are killing young girls.

The title is an contradiction.

2 points

No he didn't but you did just prove his.

1 point

No one chooses the color of skin they are born into. People aren't a Nazi by birth, they choose to follow that ideology.

1 point

If they are swearing to follow the law of the land than they should swear on the constitution.

1 point

Merry Christmas to you to.......................................

1 point

"It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats... yet they are still poor."

Republican president giving tax breaks to the rich and screwing over those in student debt isn't helping the poor either.

1 point

Yes but the cats really don't care....................................

1 point

Asking a girl out one time is not harassment. If you keep asking her out when she isn't interested in you then it would be.

Callisto(5) Clarified
1 point

Don't worry about it, if you are a gamer you might like Warframe. Totally great movement control.

3 points

No. If you can't handle the game because it makes you feel bad then don't play it. Just because you get no enjoyment from it doesn't mean others don't.

2 points

MJ. Madonna is desperate for attention and it shows. MJ didn't always want the attention but he enjoyed preforming and his art.

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