
Cartmen's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cartmen's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

The alternative was a fascist who literally tried to overthrow the democratic system and replace it with his own dictatorship.

You are conflating two unrelated concepts. Fascism is what you practice. Donald Trump was a Democratic Fascist which only uses the better parts of Fascism.

1 point

Capitalism is a system of creating economic prosperity by exploiting the labour of the individual.

It's Democratic Capitalism though.

Cartmen(56) Clarified
1 point

Even the largest empires fall, so therefore fascism is great", reasoned Hitler.

It's Democratic Fascism though.

0 points

I used to hate Trump, but the psycopaths running the left are proven lunatics. Trump flushed em out.

1 point

Without the electoral college, millions og Republicans in California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, and New York who don't vote because it's pointless, would suddenly have had a reason to vote. The Democrats might lose by 15 million votes in a popular vote election.

1 point

But you agree with Islam's view on women though.

1 point

Man created cancer and you're being a science denier though.

1 point

You don't support the wall and will be the one taxed though.

1 point

It's Ten Commandments rock though.

2 points

How long will it take to waste $5.7B?

Obama wasted trillions though.

3 points

What are you going to do when it's a nothingburger like everything else though?

1 point

You don't smoke cigarettes, and smoke pole though.

1 point

I like being an animal, complete with all the biological drives and pleasures-eating, sex, etc..

Pinning down and raping goats doesn't count though.

1 point

How do you know a little warmer isn't bettet though?

1 point

You are nom pretending to not be nom though.

1 point

Obviously, I am not the idiot.

You are stupid, jobless, a virgin, and an idiot though.

1 point

But your stupid and lose all of your debates to brontoraptor though.

1 point

You like four legged animals, especially goats and lambs though.

1 point

Liberalism and Islam is antisemitic and conservatives made Jerusalem the capital of Israel though.

Cartmen(56) Clarified
1 point

Haven’t you heard? The Jews are behind every dastardly plot.

That's what liberals say though.

1 point

Defense and taking over peoples' lives isn't the same though.

Small government is a term generally used in liberalism, especially by political conservatives and libertarians to describe a government with minimal involvement in certain areas of public policy or the private sector, especially matters considered to be private or personal.

1 point

Liberals caused the age of terror though. Conservatives would have never allowed them in the country in the first place though.

1 point

We wouldn't be able to get the upskirt pics though.

1 point

You look like a klansman with that white face though.

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