
ChiefToad's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ChiefToad's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I think it was about freedom for him and also because he felt ready to be his own man. he hitch hiked around the country trying to find himself an engineering job because he had studied on his own and felt he was ready but no one would hire him because he was a kid with no credentials. Eventually though he found a company that was willing to hire him because he showed them some technical drawings which proved he was smart enough.

2 points

You ran away at the same age as Jacque Fresco, did you ever notice that?

1 point

Wow, 14 years old? How did that happen? .

1 point

The book of genesis was a Jewish text first .

1 point

I would say it all comes down to Jews, we would be living in peace just eating bananas and mangos if it wasn't for you evil Jews.

2 points

have seen you and Nom flood it just as much. Bronto has simply accelerated lately, he evens out periodically while Nom goes ham.

Even if we blasted the site like he does it's still not half as bad because our sole intention in doing so is not to flip reality upside down and promote the antithesis of truth.

2 points

It's not fair to even call them debates, because he just shitposts alt-right hate speech and spams factually empty narratives resurrected from Hitler speeches. There's no option to disagree with him. He's a parasitic, myopic little partisan shill with 200 accounts, no brain and a huge fucking mouth.

My thoughts exactly bro. I'm getting more and more fed up with his endless waves of Israeli counter-intelligence strikes.

ChiefToad(145) Clarified
1 point

I wouldn't say he's a Milo-type or an AJ-type. He's definitely more JP and PJW and I'd say Reagan and Thomas Jefferson are strong influences too.

There is another influence I'm not sure of. He seems to think Islam is the literal anti-christ and I've heard that before but I'm not sure where he gets it.

1 point

If we measure the overall time spent, I reckon you, Bronto and Nom are all exactly equally obsessed with this website which leads me onto another theory I have.

Then why are Bronto's debates the ones flooding the site?

1 point

I am genuinely telling you this; the moon is a supernatural disc-like object. It is not the sphere you are told it is.

I saw the all seeing eye on my bagel so bagels must be an illusion.

2 points

BuzzFeed’s stumble is highest-profile misstep at a time when press is under greatest scrutiny. You want to debate that.

I'm not a liberal or a democrat and I don't follow BuzzFeed you worthless idiot.

1 point

Oh look, another evil capitalist being labelled as a "lib" by the most politically and scientifically illiterate fool on the internet.

1 point

This is not caused by technology but by how we use technology, the way we use technology is the result of how society operates, society operates under capitalism. Capitalism is slowing humanity's evolution.

2 points

Nom is 6000 times less of one than you. Nom doesn't spend ten hours a day watching Ben Shapiro and Stephan Molyneux on youtube then repeating everything they say on CD.

1 point

Whilst Russia fought with all the ferocity of an army whose homeland had been invaded they could not have defeated Germany without a Second Front and there wouldn't have been a Second Front without the United States.

You're missing one key thing, USSR did 70% of the fighting. But fuck them, America was the key to victory because capitalism is automatically the best thing ever just for being capitalism.

The British were also brave and defiant, but wholly incapable of taking the fight to the enemy never mind defeating Germany's vastly superior forces.

Yes, they are surely more worthy of praise than the ones who did the most damage to the Nazis, the USSR. Even though the British and the Americans supported Hitler at first and condoned his eugenics program until it threatened the balance of power in the west. Only the USSR stood up to them from the beginning but of course they are evil because they aren't capitalists.



1 point

Your festering wealth-worship has eroded your powers of reasoning and rendered you a drooling idiot who spouts irrational incoherent gobbledygook.

The world will remember Donald Trump as a bigoted ignoramus who bought his way into an office far beyond his scope of competence and a man of incredulous dishonesty along with zero moral fibre .

Everyone will remember me as the one who laid out the path to the future. I am the combination between Nicola Tesla and Jacque Fresco.

ChiefToad(145) Clarified
2 points

FactMachine ?


I've been gone for a bit, trying to see who's who. What does Nom go by these days?

He hasn't been on as much but the last ones I saw were jamesbody and ghostheadx.

ChiefToad(145) Clarified
1 point

Antrim ?

Yes, he is Antrim. I realized he was Antrim long ago when I caught him logging on and off to upvote the Antrim account every time Antrim made a post.

1 point

Shrewd President Trump

Yes, Mr wise and benevolent and oh so tactful lord president Trump, please save us from those evil democrats Mr lord president highness sir.

Trump emerges from his gesture of reconciliation as a reasonably minded mediator willing to compromise on this emotive issue.

Yes! His royal sanctimoniousness is so bloody great, I wish I was great enough to be born with a rich daddy and still end up going bankrupt four times. I am truly a lowly being compared to his lordship the oh so privileged one.

1 point

blabbity blabbity blah blah

I'm not wasting another brain cell reading your crap. Your only goal is to mock any who oppose your system while ignoring their arguments and trying to bring them down to your level. It's people like Trump who are the losers, anything I have is obtained through struggle while he was handed wealth on a silver platter from day one.

1 point

blah blah blah

Listen idiot, you clearly have the worst comprehension skills since the dawn of stupidity. I am not going to sit here reading your mindless ramblings about how people perceive wealth because it is nothing but a deflection of the fact that you worship a spoiled baby who never earned anything in his life.

-1 points

You never replied to my objective facts you pussy cunt. Why are you so determined not to accept new information? Also unless you reply to the information I'm talking about I won't waste my time with your mindless repetition of fallacious excuses so don't bother.

1 point

You are

Yes, and you are an object which is designed to regurgitate right wing propaganda.

Oh my god, now you're a racist and a species denier...

Your understanding of what it means to be a leftist comes entirely from the most biased sources imaginable. The right wing media has created an entirely fictional characterization of the left. all of your ridiculous mockery of "libs" only applies to two things: capitalist establishment democrats and the fairies dancing in your head which Ben Shapiro told you are an accurate representation of left wingers.

That's because you have the brains of my ball sac.

Trust me, I am far more intelligent than your numb paralyzed ball sack which was rendered useless after you decided to risk your life fighting for American economic imperialism. Fucking idiot. You landed yourself in a wheelchair for nothing.

Being a full blown snowflake, your feeling is probably, "words hurt", and you'll now need to retreat to your "safe space"

Sure, and you fucked your sister and regularly attend KKK meetings. As do all right wingers, of course.

I doubt a clone army of you could defeat a bucket of fried chicken.

Listen bro, there is only one asset wheelchair bound fuckboys have left and you sure ain't no Stephen Hawking.

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