
Cuaroc's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cuaroc's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Ah the return of buttery males, a republican favorite. What's next? Ben Ghazi?

1 point

Speaking from personal experience there Bronto?

1 point

Ah I see you can't read either.

1 point

So is Bronto your alternate persona or something? You like to talk about him alot.

1 point

I've already explained your fallacy, troll.

Pot meet kettle.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

I forget, was Bronto one of Prodigys accounts?

1 point

I mean, it's not like we didn't realize he was a disaster beforehand :p

You'd be surprised at the stupidity of some people. No doubt many people voted for Trump for plenty of dumb reasons such as "He's not a politician so he'll be different".

1 point

So the radicals don't care enough to get out there a vote then?

1 point

almost voted a socialist in as the Democratic nominee both in 2016 and in 2020

In 2016 maybe. Nowhere close to voting in a socialist in 2020.

1 point

So just because the democratic party doesn't have a radical nominee doesn't the radical movement of todays society isn't real.

And I'm not. I'm simply disagreeing that radical movements are what majority of the population wants.

1 point

Piss off Bronto. You couldn't lie straight in bed you fraud.

Ah so you know I'm right so you resort to accusing me of being an alt account, which is rich coming for a 2 year old account.

0 points

The very fact that a progressive socialist won so many votes in the first place debunks you.

And the very fact that a progressive socialist did so much worse in the 2020 primary compared to the 2016 one rebunks it.

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