
Cuaroc's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cuaroc's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Ah the return of buttery males, a republican favorite. What's next? Ben Ghazi?

1 point

Speaking from personal experience there Bronto?

1 point

Ah I see you can't read either.

1 point

So is Bronto your alternate persona or something? You like to talk about him alot.

1 point

I've already explained your fallacy, troll.

Pot meet kettle.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

I forget, was Bronto one of Prodigys accounts?

1 point

I mean, it's not like we didn't realize he was a disaster beforehand :p

You'd be surprised at the stupidity of some people. No doubt many people voted for Trump for plenty of dumb reasons such as "He's not a politician so he'll be different".

1 point

So the radicals don't care enough to get out there a vote then?

1 point

almost voted a socialist in as the Democratic nominee both in 2016 and in 2020

In 2016 maybe. Nowhere close to voting in a socialist in 2020.

1 point

So just because the democratic party doesn't have a radical nominee doesn't the radical movement of todays society isn't real.

And I'm not. I'm simply disagreeing that radical movements are what majority of the population wants.

1 point

Piss off Bronto. You couldn't lie straight in bed you fraud.

Ah so you know I'm right so you resort to accusing me of being an alt account, which is rich coming for a 2 year old account.

0 points

The very fact that a progressive socialist won so many votes in the first place debunks you.

And the very fact that a progressive socialist did so much worse in the 2020 primary compared to the 2016 one rebunks it.

1 point

Yet they don't bother to show up and vote for the radicals.

1 point

How come? If the general publics perspective is becoming more radical then why wouldn't those same radicals show up in the primary to ensure their radical candidate gets nominated?

2 points

Doubtful, he doesn't have the not Hillary vote like he did in 2016 while Biden is going to have a strong not Trump vote. Well, at least that would likely be the case assuming no voting interference happens.

0 points

I think we live in a time where people respond to radical ideas. I don't think moderate profiles like Biden will be elected again in the foreseeable futures. Bernie was radical, Elizabeth was radical, but the democratic party went the moderate way

Except that's not really true, if that was the case Bernie would have won the nomination. Instead he did even worse than he did in 2016. If anything we live in a time where people respond negatively to the idea of Hillary as president.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
-2 points
-1 points

I wonder if FromWithin would be singing the same tune if it came to light that Kavanaugh forced his girlfriend to get an abortion.

0 points

Remove the log from your eye before judging others over the speck in their eyes.

Democrats have lost all shame and sense of humility when it comes to their hatred towards Conservative thought.

The sins of the those on the Left are simply regarded as human nature, mistakes.

But if someone on the Right may have sinned decades ago in school? CRUCIFY HIM


0 points

Now we will hear from those who deny science when it tells us that the unborn baby is a living growing human life.


0 points

So what steps has Trump and the Republican majority taken to ban abortion?

0 points

Unbelievable hypocrisy from the Left.....................................................


0 points

I know this wont get a response but. FromWithin would you vote for a Democrat whose only policy you agreed with was a ban on abortion or would you vote for a Republican whose only policy you disagreed with was to keep abortion around?

1 point

I think this is why the Left controls the teacher's union. They can start teaching our children the new definitions for words when the words no longer fit their narrative.


Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

No, just your narcissistic deluded

That's my FromWithin account.

0 points

So the baker got treated based on how he treated others.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

He'll no doubt use this post as an "excuse" to do so.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
0 points

The Left picks and chooses which verses to believe.

Don't act like you don't do the exact same thing.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
0 points

I agree with the verses you mentioned.

Isn't it a sin to lie?

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

oooo is Matthew fair game?

Matthew 7:12

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

John 13:34-35

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

1 point

Such a world would not try to force a Christian owned business to cater things that go against his faith

So Christians would be exempt from the Golden rule then?

1 point

Yes yes, I know I have not always follow the golden rule, but strive to do so.

I'm sure there have been times when I have called people fools, or such, when they had not first called me names.

For that I apologize, because I know I do not like being called names with no provocation.

I will try to do better :)


3 points

But only when it's fits the narrative you want.

1 point

But but Late Term abortions that rarely ever happens! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2 points

Now imagine if Obama did/said half the things Trump has.

1 point

So I guess the meaning of tolerance has been twisted by the Left. Tolerance is now conditional. It will only be afforded to those who follow the tenets of the Lefts political correct ideology.

If you are a Conservative woman, or Conservative Black man, the tolerance from the Left is no where to be found.


1 point

How can any intelligent person not admit, that without a moral foundation to build upon, a nation's culture will deteriorate to what we are seeing today.

Millions of broken families, No Restriction abortions, constant law suits from LGBTQRSUVWYZ groups pushing their agendas, mass killings of children, etc. etc.

The only groups getting special mention and access to the bully pulpit of fake news, are on the Left. The rest of us are sued if we speak out.

Were it not for Fox news, our Left wing media would completely control the minds of Americans.


0 points

Please spare us all the deception of how there are Gay animals. (Because FromWithin doesn't like being proved wrong.) No one has ever shown us one Gay pet, farm animal, or any other animal we would know that is Gay.

Animals humping anything that moves when in heat is NOT BEING GAY!


1 point

If Trump had spoken tough with Putin, the Left would have been screaming how Trump has no diplomacy and will create war.

As you might have noticed, weak kneed Obama ushered in ISIS, Russia going into the Ukraine, wars in Syria, etc. etc.

Gee, in a couple years, Trump has decimated ISIS, sat down with North Korea and is now trying diplomacy with Russia. Tell us all, is peace created through strength or weakness?


1 point

Like we always knew, it would take a man not tied to the political system. A man with no desire for money or power. A man with one goal of making America great again.


1 point

Now you will hear the Left having mental breakdowns. You will hear feminists and the Left ranting how Justice Kavanaugh will end our world as we know it.

Don't be mindless sheep! Use your brain and stop listening to fake news.


1 point

How reprehensible is it for a Democrat party to have a litmus test for their nominees, that he must support abortions regardless what the Constitution says about our alienable rights.


0 points

It's a simple question.... do you have the honesty to answer it?......................


1 point

The main reason the Democrat Party is so deceptive, is because they are tied at the hip with the Feminist and Pro abortion lobby! That's called big money and votes, the only thing this radical Democrat party cares about.

They have sold their souls for these special interest groups and have degraded to such a point, they support No Restriction abortions of any baby at any stage for any reason!

BARBARIC AS IT GETS! They test for Special Need's children and will abort viable babies for not having as high an IQ as they would prefer.


2 points

So please explain why you label the GOP as being hateful towards to poor every time they want to put restrictions on those who refuse to find a job, or welfare restrictions on drug users who refuse to quit, etc. etc.


1 point

The function of the Supreme court is interpreting our Constitution and basing their decisions on their findings. It's not creating new law as the activist Justices try to do.


1 point

Please be honest when answering these questions. if you refuse to be honest, don't waste our time.


1 point

If you are incapable of being honest when answering these questions, don't waste our time!


1 point

If you refuse to be honest, don't respond.......................................


1 point

We are 20 TRILLION in debt and the interest rates are going up.

I'm amazed he mentioned how the debt is still going up under his God Emperor. You'd think that'd be something he would ignore.

2 points

I believe that the majority of people who vote for this Socialistic Democrat party, are very selfish irresponsible insecure people who want someone else to take care of them, and bail them out from so many self created problems.


2 points

The Democrat Party should have a new name. The Obstructionist Socialist Party.


1 point

So I guess the welfare of children is not the first priority for Democrats when the parent is a possible future Democrat vote.


0 points

Blah blah blah blah blah.......


1 point

So why does that excuse Trump?

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
2 points

FromWithin is quite the Christian. Down-voting verses from his holy book.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Remember people the bible is only symbolic when it doesn't support your agenda.

1 point

Now as always we will hear bigoted choicer's talking about verses in the Bible symbolically speaking to killing their brutal enemies in war, even their children.

So here is the ludicrous excuses of those who support killing even viable babies, FOR ANY REASON, and then comparing that to children dying in war.

Do you understand the meaning of hypocrite? For any person to support killing innocent viable babies, FOR ANY REASON, and then judging verses in the Bible symbolically speaking to killing the children of those who killed their own children, is beyond being a total hypocrite and far worse then anything that could ever happen in war.

We are talking about killing innocent babies for mere convenience, not in revenge against brutal enemies.

I would also speak out against killing children in war, but have no clue how I would feel if brutal enemies killed my children.


1 point

Psalm 137:9

Blessed is he who seizes your infants

and dashes them against the rocks.

1 point

Now we will hear the same old rhetoric of how women should have control over their own body.

Yes I agree, and the other life inside of the mother should also have control over their body. Their life is also deserving of protection unless the mother's life is in danger.


2 points

Now we will hear arrogant Progressives cry about their special interest groups no longer being able to force businesses to go against their God and sanction things that God says are sins.


1 point

With Obama, the food stamp roles grew to record numbers, all while he told us the economy was doing well.

And when Trump became President the economy went from being really bad you really good right?

2 points

That explains why Jesus made sure to do extensive background checks before feeding thousands of people. Oh, wait.

1 point

Proverbs 22:16

16 One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth

and one who gives gifts to the rich—both come to poverty.

2 points

Looks like someone hasn't read the New Testament. Are you sure that you're actually a Christian FromWithin?

2 points

It's funny how selective FromWithin is with old testament verses.

2 points

Now we will hear the deception of bigots and Progressives who try to tell us they can not discern between the truly needy, and the irresponsible lazy dead beats.


1 point

So lets make this as clear as possible. The Left want's to be able to condition our children's minds with controversial issues such as Homosexuality, where the children are indoctrinated to believe it is natural and normal for two men to have sex... BUT it is not ok for their children to listen to a simple prayer of love and forgiveness.

Can you grasp the hypocrisy, or are you a total hypocrite as well.


Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Are you going to respond to anything else I said?

Of course he isn't

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

the millions of parents on waiting lists for newborns will have a chance for a baby.

So what evidence do you have supporting this claim? Or will you just downvote this and not answer because you have no evidence?

2 points

Something something ABORTION! Something something EVIL DECEPTIVE LIBERALS! Something something DRUNK DRIVING! Something something HOGWASH LIES!

1 point

We all know that this never ending Gun control is not about so called "assault rifles" (the definition always ends up including our hunting rifles), but about taking our guns one step at a time.

Try being honest just once in your life. Stop hiding behind the lie of supposedly saving lives.


1 point

I want every person calling themselves a Christian to watch a video of an abortion, and witness the dismembering of a healthy viable unborn life.

Then, the next time you vote for the Democrat Party, understand you support keeping No Restriction abortions legal. It's so easy to bury your head in the sand and pretend you are not supporting such inhumanity with your vote.

You say you do not personally believe in late term abortions of healthy babies for any reason? You are not fooling God.


1 point

Have you ever wondered why guns are the only weapon Liberals want to take from us? Alcohol kills far more people, but never a peep from Liberals. No mention of more alcohol restrictions and back ground checks before giving a possible repeat DWI offender a drink in a bar or night club. Ask yourself why that is.

As in every dictatorship, to take control of the people, they must first disarm the people.


1 point

So if teens start mowing over children in the parking lot at schools, what will you gun control fanatics say? Ban cars?


1 point

It's comical how Pro-School shooter FromWithin seems to be.

1 point

So the next time you speak out on children being killed in schools, try looking in your heart and ask why you never give one mention to the many viable unborn babies killed for convenience.

Without God, it seems that people are incapable of admitting their inhumanity.


1 point

The Democrat Party wanted to keep slavery legal a couple hundred years ago. The Republican Party helped end it!

So would you have said you were not personally for slavery while electing Democrats back then?


Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
-1 points

Shame that you regressed. You where making such great progress too!

1 point

So tell us all how the deaths of thousands of children at the hands of drunk drivers is not a more pressing issue than ten or twenty deaths of children from school shootings.

The answer is not the weapon of death, but the person behind that weapon. Ask yourself why we have so many mass killers of children today.

Take a look at all the violent Hollywood movies made by all these anti gun hypocrites. Nah, your goal is not to save lives, but rather to take our guns so the Government can better control the masses.


1 point

Now we will listen to hypocrites making their ludicrous life of mother abortion excuses, when it has absolutely NOTHING to do with tax payer funding of an organization that helps with convenience abortions.

No one is disputing life of mother abortions so SPARE US YOUR DECEPTION!


1 point

So I guess Hillary can call decent American Conservatives as being deplorable, and that is ok to the likes of Pelosi, but don't you dare call brutal gang members animals.

These fools are nauseating.

These deceptive Politicians understand how hypocritical they are, but for you to vote for these idiots says much more about you.


1 point

Democrats never admit their total hypocrisy when they support No Restriction abortions with their vote, but claiming they do not support late term abortions for any reason.

They would never give Republicans the same excuse for other issues.


0 points

Sounds to me that someone hasn't read the New Testament.

1 point

So the next time you say that we should all give our money for universal healthcare because it's what God wold have Christians do? Don't!

God is not a bleeding heart no fault kind of guy. God realizes that the no fault mentality leads to millions more broken lives.


1 point

Can you see the phony hypocrisy of the Left? They could not care less if Bill Clinton had raped women. He was their golden child.

But when it comes to Trump, all we see is the Left grasping at every straw possible to dig up dirt on Trump's past sins.

The hypocrisy is unbelievable! Conservatives did not hate Clinton because of past sexual sins, but rather his Liberal social policies such as abortion, etc. and his actions in office.


0 points

We've seldom heard about the wall Trump wants to build as well.

1 point

Democrats are too busy worrying about Trumps past sexual sins. They are spending every waking minute trying to find ways to get Trump impeached rather than helping him make America great again.

They know Trump is showing the world what a business man can do for a nation. We need no more fake politicians telling everyone what they want to hear, and then doing nothing.


Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Are you ok? You're actually providing evidence and acting civil.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
-1 points

Impressive! You managed to stay on topic and not rant about abortion!

4 points

I think Outlaw answered your question quite well. Have a total meltdown.

1 point

The first thing Democrats will say, is that these media outlets sensationalizing these types of stories have nothing to do with the Democrat Party.

LOL, this is the type of intellect coming from these left wing debaters. They will ALWAYS deny the constant race bating used by their Democrat party.

The Democrat Party lives and breathes race bating whether they mention this story or not.


1 point

So if you are White, and are denied the bathroom because of some store policy, refuse to follow their policy and turn it into a racial or discrimination case against White people.

See how many media outlets cover it.


Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Impressive, it's truly impossible for you to stay on topic isn't it?

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