
DJSNuva1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DJSNuva1's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

It's nice to see that none of you have any idea what you are talking about. Have you ever heard of Pre-Crisis, Silver Age Superman? Well, back to about 1956-1970 Superman could literally sneeze out a Solar System, blow out a star like a birthday candle, re-ignite stars with his heat vision, move at speeds far in excess to the speed of light, not to mention survive the force of "100 Galaxies" being thrown at him, among many, many outlandish things such as the stated above. There is absolutely no chance for Goku.

1 point

So, you're calling yourself an asshole. That makes sense.

1 point

I'm not saying that the students shouldn't be punished. I'm saying they shouldn't be punished by their teachers. Teachers and students alike should NOT curse, and they should all be punished according to the rules.

1 point

Yes, that was a typo thank you for pointing that out. Why should teachers be able to discipline their students? What would make that right? The teachers have no responsibility to discipline other people's children, however, if the student has misbehaved, the student should be sent to the office by that teacher. So what if the children curse all day long? Does that make it right? The adults are supposed to follow the rules of conduct just as the children are-- If teachers or students do not follow the rules, that does not make it right.

And you didn't answer my question. Why are high school students attempting to get an education for themselves 'delinquents'?

1 point

the students or teachers should swear. It's against rules of conduct. What makes highschool students getting an education for themselves delinquents? If the admistration wants to set rules to limit the students conduct, they should adhere to those rules. Unless they want to be hypocrites.

0 points

This isn't a debate about equality. It's a debate about whether or not teachers should obey the rules they impose upon their students. Not about homework or assignments, but about the rules of conduct that one should follow. You're metaphor looks solid at first glance, but give it say, five seconds of thought. We are NOT debating about whether or not teachers should do the same work as the students - That's clearly ridiculous. What we are talking about is the rules of conduct that should be followed, unrelated to the assignments of the 'worker'. And administrator should do his/her job, a teacher should do his/her job, a student should do his/her job, but they should all adhere to the same rules of conduct. So, Like I said, imposing a rule while not following it yourself is hypocrisy.

1 point

The liberal punks out there generally want bigger government, as in, tyranny, not anarchy. Conservatives lean more towards anarchy then the liberals.

0 points

No, all the idiotoc hollywood morons are liberal, so that would be a noo

1 point

Anyone who imposes a rule but doesn't follow it is a hypocrite.

1 point

I judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.

1 point

Corporations don't vote, people vote. No matter how much money a candidate is given from the corporations, people are still going to vote for who they think is right.

So, why does this matter?

5 points

Hitler was a gun control advocate, liberals are gun control advocates. Hitler was pro-abortion, liberals are pro-abortion. Hitler was an animal rights freak, liberals are animal rights freaks. Need I say more?

1 point

I read this myself. It's a good book, with good arguements, and citations for EVERYTHING

3 points

It represents the supreme dislike for Obama's Healthcare plan. It was the people's turn (Liberal peoples) to decide whether or not they wanted this crap, and they have chosen no.

1 point

I am a direct descendant from the Lee family (As in Robert E Lee), and I believe that it's a sign of my heritage.

1 point

SO you're admitting that President Obama was lying to the american people?

Because he's not letting the American public see the healthcare debate.

1 point

No, it's not being televised, get your facts straight. Taking a position like "It is" makes you look ignorant view/opinion/Health-Care-Reform-Will-Not-Be-Televised-Should-It-Be-2111

1 point

So, you're admitting that President Obama lied to the American public?

1 point

I have yet to see a completely logical response as to why men hold virtually all political power-- Yes, there are some women that play a very active role in politics (Senator Hillary Clinton, Barbra Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, etc.).. However, this is not a debatable fact. A VAST, and I mean VAST majority of countries have men that rule the country. Why is this so?

0 points

There are more trees in the United States today then when the country was founded.

0 points

This debate reminds me of "Recess: School's Out". And I would agree with the premise of that film :-)

1 point

The government should NOT have the power to take away our guns-- If you want to carry a gun, you have the right to do so.

1 point

I think that Bill O'Rielly is an intelligent moderate republican.

3 points

Fox news is conservative, and nearly everything else in media is liberal such as NPR, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, etc.

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