
EvilJew's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of EvilJew's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The name "Jew" given to these ethnic groups is an arbitrary word and nothing more

Is the name "African" arbitrary as well?

1 point

Judaism is a race as well as a religion. You are a jew if you were born a jew, just as one is chinese if he was born chinese, and a male if he was born a male.

1 point

Hitler wasn't trying to prevent jews from controlling the economy.

Hitler, like every dictator, needed a national villain.

And murdering the rothschilds?!!! can financial issues justify murder?

1 point

most people don't know who the hell Twenty One Pilots are

How do you define "most people"? Anyone who follows mainstream music knows them.

Face it, you're generations music won't endure.

You mean fame-wise? Since when is fame the judge on what music is good?

1 point

They just are. Period. There's no two ways about it. Change my mind.

2 points

I'd agree with you but then I'd be arguing like a leftist.

1 point

This interests me particularly given that liberals are mostly atheists

Oh, it's certainly a secular religion. I mean religion in that it has a specific dogma which you have to abide by, and most importantly, that you are labeled as a racist/sexist/homophobic (read: heretic) if you disagree.

1 point

Do you mean I'm a figurative circle or a literal one???????

1 point

Alright, now that your objective fact has been stated, maybe you could explain to me the difference between leftism and any other religion?

1 point

No I am not him. I know this site is infested with trolls like that but I joined it last night and hope to have a logical debate.

2 points

Idiots like you expect people to believe that businesses are bastions of truth and knowledge, while universities are indoctrination centres. And that is why no intelligent person will ever listen to your silly bullshit.

There we go with the name calling. Can't leftists even start with logic?

1 point

The way the youth is indoctrinated with leftism reeks of religion. Varying opinions are forbidden, much like an established faith.

1 point

Not worth a response. If they're going to promote conspiracy theories, they should do a bit of research first.

0 points

Rastafaris believe the bible has been tampered with by the Christians.

1 point

Uh, Harry Potter's real. I read it. Where is the myth part exactly?

0 points

I mentioned god. Not the bible. The bible is exclusive to Jews and Christians.

1 point

Most of the religion, yes. But not the core of a religion. Please describe how a myth like Jesus would spread?

0 points

Jewish law has not been overruled. Here i am, a proud not-overruled-Jew.

You said that the bible says that humans have dominion over animals, but can't necessarily eat them. I said that once you mention the bible, the bible says you CAN eat animals.

Nobody mentioned the bible before that.

EvilJew(34) Clarified
1 point

I see now the wording was wrong. I mean random fact as in random piece of knowledge which is not true.

1 point

You are right, a myth is not necessarily a random fact, but it generally is not the core reason for a lifestyle change. You can tell me Paul didn't exist, or that jesus lived in the 1600's, but you can't tell me that jesus didn't exist.

0 points

stoning gays is not okay. The Israelite high court (which is gone for 2000 years) is required to do this. Slavery is discouraged, but in light of the culture in that time period, it was addressed. Either way, I am not using the bible as an argument. I am merely responding to what you said about the bible's view of humans in relation to animals.

0 points

The bible states that killing animals for the purpose of eating them is okay.

1 point

A myth is a random fact which has no major bearing on peoples lives. People live for jesus. How do you convince someone of something without proof enough to make that person change his life?

1 point

If you believe in God, then animals were created for humans to benefit from. If you don't, then humans are animals. Animals prey on other animals.

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