
FactLord's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FactLord's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Laws that force you to give your money and time to institutions involuntarily (insurance, taxation etc.) laws that protect the right of banks and large corporations to fuck people over and provide them with legal advantages, laws that force ideological conformity or limit what you are allowed to say. In fact, now that I think about it, every law is garbage unless it is designed to stop people from harming and fucking each other over or to limit the governments power.

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point

Do you believe that enforcing law is inherently tyranny as in malignant control?

Individual laws can be just but the very existence of law implies tyranny. Government IS tyranny, and there has never been a benevolent government in the history of humanity.

1 point

You can't have peace and happiness without freedom because you can't have tyranny without either rebellion or such an oppressive and brutal form of tyranny that it turns the masses into subhuman slave robots.

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point

You can't quell freedom without giving someone the freedom to quell the freedom of others and decide what freedoms people should have. So you can either have freedom or you can have an oppressed population with those lording over them free to do whatever they want. Those who write the laws always end up being above the law and the worst abusers in society.

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point

I already know you agree that it is irrelevant to intelligence how one uses words and grammar.

I wouldn't say that's necessarily true.

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point

Oh you think that he doesn't use a thesaurus while writing his raps?

I'm sure he does, and the product is raps with a better vocabulary.

1 point

Hold on let me just get my dictionary so I can understand it.

Do you understand that you just insulted your own intelligence?

1 point


K-rino better flow and lyricism
1 point

Ignoring facts belongs to you ! Shall you continue to show your stupidity is the question ???????????

You are a puffed up bloated throbbing clit face. You haven't replied to a single point that anyone makes, you ignore it and say something stupid then accuse everyone of doing what you do every time someone tries to engage your fat fanny with the facts you so desperately need.

1 point

I hope Andy prosecutes you for the way you've harassed his site.

Yes I'm sure those who can't win arguments such as yourself would rather just prosecute everyone who disagrees with you.

1 point

But grains are bad for your immune system. That's why they have such big noses, to hold all the snot because of how sick they are from grains.

1 point

Yes, also orc's are dumb brutes and dark elves are good at destruction magic.

1 point

She only likes russian men though. She is a dirty little russian whore.

1 point

Yes she has nice boobs but no I wouldn't rape her or even penetrate her consentually based on principle. She is the spawn of treason.

1 point


Mathfan hasn't been here in quite a while after he realized that half the people here are a british soccer coach named Nom who sticks fruit up his ass and wears a turbin.

1 point

Pezzo de merda! Che avolo si averci sufferto de piu! Sperro che brute!

1 point

Yes, I mock religion because it was made up by humans and humans think they where made up by the gods that they made up.

1 point

Mingiwuwu is a flat earther.

He told me, he'll tell you if you ask nicely.

1 point

See what I mean, no argument just more psychological masturbation. Let me show you how a leftist version of you would sound...

You say progressives are stupid but you're a dummy and you don't know anything, so why are you talking ??????????????????????????????????????? ROTFLMFAO

1 point

So Cuba is not Communist ??????

You just said they are socialist, now you say they are communist, shut up you inconsistent prick. I would explain but you would just ignore it and make some stupid comment instead of making an argument. This is why I just ignore idiots like you.

1 point

You babble like a fool

No, that is what you just did. Instead of an argument all you gave me was proof that you can't comprehend a word I am saying so you just ignore it and resort to psychological masturbation.

1 point

It is true you are all about Socialism. Would Cuba be a place for you to make home ??????

Cuba isn't socialist.

1 point

supports the only religion that would happily kill all Marxists in a mass slaughter in a New York minute.

I don't support Islam, I hate all religions.

1 point


I am not one of these modern mainstream progressives, and most conservatives are anti-free speech. You must let go of the narrow dogmatic political ideologies of current day america and embrace a larger view. One that takes into account all the worlds nations along with the fact that not all left wingers adhere to what you hear on the news or read on websites. Take Israel for example, right wing government, anti-free speech. The left is not inherently anti-free speech any more than the right is pro free speech. There is more than left and right, there is up (libertarian) and down (authoritarian) and there are authoritarian and libertarian sides to both the left and right.

1 point

In other words, we could do without the military and police if people weren’t human. But since they are, we need to have institutions of of the worst criminals in the world...

I wouldn't say humans need to not be humans, they just need to be very different humans. I know you of all people will not accept this but there really is no reason that humans behave the way they do other than conditioning from the conditions of their environment. The thief steals because he does not have, the Rothschild grubs money because he was raised by money grubbers, the soldier kills because he was told that murder is okay as long as you murder the "bad guys". The "bad guys" where told that our guys are the bad guys, but the real bad guys are the politicians and bankers who start the wars and convince people to kill for them. All governments are evil and all militaries are the right hand of evil. We are nothing but primitive hairy apes fighting over land and resources, believing that we are fighting for justice, humans fail to see that these wars are pointless and counter productive. We fight for our country, our tribe, our pack etc. rather than working together as one species, and that is why humans can't be called "civilized".

1 point


What makes you think I'm going to read a word you say? Reading your posts is like pouring mercury on my brain cells.

1 point

But everything else was true, and this is not.

Translation: I agree with most of what you're saying right now, but at the end of the day I am domesticated and think institutions should have the authority to kill me.

0 points

Exactly. That's why you always disagree with me.

Yes, because I agree with other geniuses such as myself who are socialists like Einstein and Tesla.

0 points

Conjecture. And doesn't prove your point in any way.

How so? Most people aren't geniuses, most people disagree with geniuses about everything and their opinions are the opposite of geniuses. This couldn't be any more obvious, but as a common fool it's no surprise you don't get it. Let me simplify this for you, pop music is more popular than classical music because most people are stupid and not intellectual, voting for idiots is more common than trying to meaningfully change the system because most people are stupid and not intellectual, and the character traits of geniuses are the opposite of those that are exhibited by celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump.

It created the richest, most powerful civilization in the history of planet Earth with a GDP of $20 trillion.

Translation: It created the greediest, most destructive and violent civilization in the history of planet earth with a made up number of social construct points which the federal reserve pulls from it's rectum.

The genius who can't figure out how to make enough money to buy a sandwich

I know exactly how to make a lot of money in a capitalist society. You either have to be gay and stupid enough to appeal to the masses in media, or greedy enough to excel in business and jewry (banking).

0 points

Most of those sites are openly christian with an agenda to make christians look smart and one of them is a fucking body building forum. Your links prove nothing.

1 point

There are many different lists to choose from on the internet, it makes no difference if he doesn't happen to be on the one you cherry picked specifically because he isn't on it.

1 point

It was the cornerstone of everything else I said. No one abuses firearms more than the ones who work for governments, all of which can be called "evil" if such a thing was real and not entirely subjective.

1 point

It's certainly true, we only need military because other countries have militaries and other countries exist. If humanity acted as one civilization rather than a series of competing nations we wouldn't need a military. We only need police and jails and laws because we haven't developed a scientific approach to altering, preventing and predicting destructive behaviour or learned to establish and instill a logical basis for socially productive behaviour rather than programming people with social constructs and subjective morality that can easily be dismissed when one sees more reward involved with dismissing it and thinks they can get away with it. To put it simply it is logical for humans to behave in a mutually beneficial way, but only if it is mutual, and in our current social structure you are actually encouraged to fuck people over because your livelihood depends on your ability to convince people to give you money rather than your true merit or productivity.

1 point


You where with me up until the most important point in my argument.

1 point

Yes, let's ban guns for everyone except the people who use them in the worst ways possible, the government and criminals. You see, when you ban guns, that stop citizens from getting them legally, but it doesn't stop criminals from getting them illegally. Nor does it stop the biggest criminals on earth, police and military, from getting guns.

1 point


isn't it amusing how, on the rare occasion such as this when you say something that isn't retarded or nazi-like, no one upvotes you? When you get 4 upvotes everytime you say something racist or capitalisticly greedy and selfish.

1 point

People sometimes tell me that white western culture is responsible for destroying the earth but europeans where always earth loving pagans before the middle eastern, semitic cultural influence which started seeping into europe around the time of the roman empire has introduced the attitude into white culture that the earth is nothing but an inexpendible bag of resources that we can just take and take from, treating all other life as if it is our bitch. This attitude is brought to us by a christian worldview which reflects the sinister and greedy nature of the jews and sand niggers who brought it to us.

1 point


Is it so wrong to make the distinction between judaism the religion and the ethnic group known as "ashkenazi jews" who are actually white people who associate themselves with a religion which was designed around hebrew values and culture, and says specifically that hebrews are gods chosen people rather than ashkenazi white people who's ancestors converted to judaism? It's pointless to even call yourself a jew when you are a white atheist and the fact that there are ethnic groups that call themselves "jews" doesn't actually make them jews technically. A jew is a hebrew that believes in judaism.

1 point

The difference between marxist communism and stalinist communism is that Stalin centralizes the means of production in the hands of the state whereas Marx wanted to collectivize the means of production as the common heritage of all the earths people.

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point


Then why does Excon insist that he's a juden when he also admits that he's an athiest?

1 point

A common cause.

I agree, the common cause should be to exterminate the jews.

Humans need that like they need water!

The jews don't, they aren't humans.

A NEW Misiah.

I disagree there. That's what the jews said. "we don't like jesus, we need a new messsieah."

Yes his is the he POST HUMAN era.

Soon the humans will be replaced by a superhuman race known as "uber-menchin" The old law has run out of relevance

It's time to rape the jews with a cactus in their butt holes

1 point

I'm factmachine you stupid fool. Isn't that obvious? My goodness gracious you are such a blundering weasel fucking buffoon.

1 point


I never said I wanted to ban guns idiot. That's Nom, not me.

1 point

So you oppose the police and military due to your ideology ??????


1 point

Yes. Psychedelics are good for you. Give them to your kids and your pets.

1 point

You mean "won".

Yes, obviously. Sometimes my brain does that when I am replying to something so stupid and thus not even paying attention due to the obviousness of what I'm typing.

Nope. I'd prefer to not be pro Islam socialists trying to demonize Russia and Jews at every turn..

What exactly makes muslims so much worse than russians and jews?

I didn't mention free market economics.

But you believe in it. Are you aware that it's just a theory that hasn't even been put into practice before?

I mentioned the theoretical utopian, no borders, no nations, no family, no religion happy world end result according to Marxism.

Yes and I mentioned the utopian, reclusive, no nations, every family for themselves, anarcho-capitalistic scenario that would be a free market if such a thing ever existed.

2 points

And yet, you are persistent that we need to move to Marx's fictional "utopia"

Yes yes and you wish the Nazis one world war 2 and you where living in national socialist paradise so what are you buggering on about?

Free market economics is not a scientific theory, and is based on wishful hopes and faith.

1 point


The point is, everything in science, economics, and politics is based in theory. The word "theory" doesn't imply that something is incorrect, nor does it imply that it is correct. It implies that it is an idea which is supported by some form of evidence. You are an absolute dumb ass, you missed the point entirely and you think america has a free market economic system.

1 point

You should do neither. As a police officer your job will be one of the following:

1:Die of boredom while you sit in your squad car waiting to doll out speeding tickets

2: assault and bully minorities

or 3: risk your life scoring meth for your "partners" while you perform drug raids only to find out that everyone but you takes the same drugs that they get people killed or put in jail for possessing.

As a member of the military your job will be:

1: Die

2: oppress third world countries, exploit their resources, and die

3: risk your life for the interests of greedy politicians and wallstreet banksters, then die.

4: kill and die

1 point

Here is a Marxist who dogmatically adheres to every theoretical claim of a man from 200 years ago, even though it is all theory.

Gravity and electromagnetism are theories too you vile hagraven. Free market economics is theoretical as well since there never has been a "free" market in history.

1 point

The technology is there, and it's been done before (both in the open and in secret I'm sure). But the legality of it is still being debated.

0 points


You don't know if that person is the next Hitler or the next Jesus or anything in between, you don't know if they're more like Einstein or Tom Mcdingusberry. But you know your dog, and your dog is like a part of your family.

2 points


Ask a chimpanzee about humans being more important than chimpanzees, they would disagree with you if they could talk. Of course HUMAN society thinks HUMANS are the most important thing in the universe, but there is no objective basis for that. Value is subjective and it's more rational to value that which is useful or pleases you rather than what society tells you to value. Deep down inside almost all humans are scum, and I personally don't like them very much.

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point


Are you sure about that? what makes it any better?

1 point


Nom isn't a christian dumb ass, not everything is about Jesus so shut up.

1 point

Anti-science- liberal atheists say there are 455 genders...

I happen to be even farther left than a liberal and I don't think there are 455 genders. I think humans have two genders but aliens and other organisms can be asexual or perhaps have unknown genders.

Prudish-liberal atheists are obsessed with Trump's sex life and "just cannot believe it"......

I'm not, not all atheists are liberals and atheists in general are less prudish because they don't think an invisible superbeing is watching them masturbate to furry hentai and knows all their kinks.

Definition of slavish

1: Someone who thinks their destiny and purpose is to worship something.

2: someone who thinks turning the other cheek is a good policy whenever you get fucked over.

3: copying obsequiously or without originality superstitious beliefs that have been passed down for thousands of years instead of updating your worldview with science and free thought.

We are not talking about politics right now you daft twit, almost nothing you said is relevant to the topic.

1 point


Jesus saved me

From what?

1 point

consentusl...nice one .

1 point

No, he's not related to Edgar Allen Poe, but he is a Nomenclature alt account AKA hellno.

0 points

I’m just sick and tired of people on here dismissing arguments without adddressing points raised against .

That's odd, because you seem to do that all the time.

-2 points
1 point

You're not a Jew.

Stop telling people what they are and what they think Nom. You racist bastard.

1 point


Definition of Janus-faced

: having two contrasting aspects; especially : duplicitous, two-faced

This means that you are a dishonest hypocrite.

telling me what I think or what I know.

I know that you know because I know that it's you. I am done with your bitch ass, prepare to be destroyed.

1 point

Wow, you made that alt account just to accuse me of this. How low can you go Nomenclature?

1 point

No I don't.

Yes you do. You janus-faced twit.

it is not my account

Yes it is you absurdly perfidious canister of tapioca goblins.

I strongly suspect it is your account.

No you don't, because it's your account and you know it.

You are obsessed with Star Wars

No I'm not, I just thoroughly enjoy it.

I have never taken the time to upload a personalised photo on any account.

Yes you have, shut up.

I am sticking to my original thesis

It's not a thesis, just a meaningless and sophomoric insult.

you are a dickhead.

Only one part of me is a dickhead, the part you want to put in your mouth, faggot.

1 point

It's your account you fucking dickhead.

You know that's not true. You claimed that honesty is your highest value, start acting like it.

You say one smart, friendly thing, followed by three stupid, hostile things.

Number one: The correctness and/or intellectual merit of my statements is not determined by how "nice" I am.

Number two: Nothing I say is stupid, unless I am doing it on purpose.

Number three: If you don't want me to be hostile, then why do you respond with hostility on a regular basis? I never said anything hostile to you until you came into my debate and started hurling insults all those months ago when I made a debate about communism. We could have gotten along I think if you didn't initiate the hostility.

Number four: I am not being hostile, I am pointing out the indisputable fact that this debate was created by your very own alt account. I understand why that pisses you off, but I am only saying it because I know it to be true.

1 point

All from within the dumpster talks about is abortion because he is an obsessed lunatic who takes black and white thinking to an extreme. He is purely a one dimensional "person". He only talks about abortion and if you are not strictly prolife he assumes you want "no restriction abortions of viable retarded babies up to birth"

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point


This is a Nom alt account, so assume anything it says is deliberately stupid and the person behind the account knows what you are saying is true and is merely trolling you.

1 point

You're good at rebutting your own alt accounts arguments Nom.

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point

Now that you mention it, aren't they protesting both? .

1 point

Can you just fucking die already please? Thank you. You are a fat ugly stupid brainless cunt and it would be better if you just died. Isn't that what you want anyway, to go to heaven?

1 point

Who cares, they protest Trump but would be fine with a scum weasel like Hillary. Both Hillary and Trump are sacks of garbage and so are 99% of all politicians so it's not like their protest has any merit. They are still sucking the establishments dick in their own way.

1 point

Eminem either sounds like he's constipated or he got his nuts chopped off on every song on revival.

FactLord(149) Clarified
1 point


I wish you cancer. Die you fool, die I say.

I guess I am taking the bait in a way though, I'm wasting my time replying to a racist moron who can't be reasoned with anymore than a moldy sock.

2 points

Yes Nom, he is a pointless dickhead if I've ever seen one. If I wanted to kill myself I would climb up his ego and jump down to his IQ

0 points

Kendrick dumbar was looking for an excuse to virtue signal. If you ask me he is just another no talent jizz bucket who doesn't deserve anyone's recognition. But alas, this is what happens when people who say "nigga" every five seconds are propelled to a monetary and cultural status far beyond their true worth. The whole purpose of bringing that stupid bitch on stage was to point out the fact that she said a certain set of syllables that are part of the song in the first place and virtue signal about why white people can't make certain sounds with their mouth or they are racist, regardless of the intent behind them. Kendrick Lamar is a dick, and she is a stupid cunt for listening to him.

2 points

No I am absolutely 100% correct in my appraisal of this issue, as I am in all others.

I'm afraid you are 100% incorrect scum and the only thing you are good at is sitting on your ass and calling people bongos.

1 point

When you say "taking the bait" and "easy to manipulate" are you referring to how you trick people into coming down to your sophomoric level so that you can dumb down the conversation and avoid hearing things that threaten your simple minded world view?

2 points

Oh dear , why are you so ashamed to admit what you are ?

I don't know, maybe because I'm a fucking caucasian caucasoid western european white person and 70% of my DNA comes from blond haired blue eyed aryans and vikings.

That’s true as you’re sub standard

I am a god compared to someone who thinks reality is entirely subjective but still blathers on about things as if everything they say is objective fact.

Success seems to upset you greatly whys that ?

I have no problem with success, what I have a problem with is the fact that society rewards, above all else, greed and stupidity. You see, the most wealthy people tend to be money grubbing jews and total fags and whores. The zionist bankers exist for no reason except to make themselves money, they contribute nothing and society rewards them because the social construct of the monetary system is what they know best rather than anything of true merit. And when it comes to media the name of the game is mass appeal rather than artistic talent so naturally since the average human is a retarded disease it's almost always simple minded and faggy garbage that ends up being the most lucrative in the entertainment industry. So in capitalist societies the two most worthless types of people, bankers and Justin Beiber type people, are the ones who are rewarded the most by society. I don't consider this success, in "my reality" this is considered a failure, because useless people are given way more than they deserve and elevated far beyond their true worth.

1 point

Are you proclaiming support of the animals of MS-13 ? Water Carrier you know nothing.

Are you proclaiming support of the animals of the KKK ? Paper boy you know how to give a pangolin a blowjob.

1 point

Blacks should start voting Republican then to neuter their adversary.

Actually everyone in america should stop voting entirely and refuse to obey the government but that's not gunna happen because you're all domesticated monkeys.

1 point

I'm not black and I'm anything but standard. You on the other hand are a standard racist old fart of a capitalist elitist pig.

2 points


Notice how you immediately come to accuse me of outrageous unfounded bullshit yet you have no problem with blatant, flagrant racist remarks made by cuntservative wanks like Antrim.

5 points

It's nothing to be proud of. You could technically get the most points just by spamming the word "penis" thousands of times.

1 point

This is abNom-cum-Fartmachine-cum-Uncle Tom cobley and all.

Do you realize how fucking retarded that makes you look? That is the most nonsensical and childish excuse for an insult I have ever seen.

0 points

For a Bongo

I am white, and I have met plenty of bongos who are smarter than you.

1 point

Yes that what one tends to get from the mind of a simpleton

In case you didn't notice this rap is a rant about dumbed down lyrics, not an endorsement or an example of them. I saw the gay shit you posted a while back then deleted out of embarrassment. For an "artist" you seem to be lacking in creativity, you think "dummy" is a good insult and you insult my lyrics yet fail to realize they are far more advanced than anything you could ever produce which has already been demonstrated by the pile of crap you wrote to "diss" me then immediately removed because you realized how embarrassing it was.

0 points

It's all standard mindless Bongo activity.

Shut up you cod piece polishing racist man-tit tickling pickle puffer.

FactLord(149) Clarified
2 points


Isn't it funny that cunt bags like bronto and dana always cop out by saying the old testament applies to jews rather than christians yet they still spout the ten commandments and cherry pick parts of the old testament that they like?

2 points

MS-13 targets anyone who gets in the way of their criminal enterprises, which includes other predominantly black gangs.

1 point


I licked a monkeys butthole with a taco up my ass from taco bell. They asked if I wanted sour cream and I just said "no thanks, I'll take elephant sperm instead" and I just shoved it up my booty pants. I love sperm, semen, and cum...but my favorite is sploog. I have a vagina where my mouth should be, and I smoke crack through my face vagina. I don't have a penis, but I do have a tiny worm that lives in a hole in my crotch, when I get excited he pokes out briefly to say hello.

Wow...just wow.

0 points


You are a loopy nutter. You can't understand the most basic of concepts.

0 points


After reading this shit, I have come to the conclusion that you are fucking insane. You are desperate to disagree with me simply because I am being mean to you at this point, and you are willing to believe anything as long as it's not what I am saying.

Is any definition of objective reality really just a democracy or vote which is relying on the most popular perception?

Where do you get this drivel? I have been telling you this whole time that peoples perception doesn't decide what objective reality is. I would go so far as to say that if the average human believes something is true, it's probably not.

If #1 is true

It's not, because it's literally even more retarded than believing in God.

If #1 is false, then how can it be explained that ideas like logic, empirical data from the 5 senses, the scientific method, and any other basis used to determine objective reality is true outside of an individual's perception of both these ideas and the other observers needed to verify them?

So basically you don't believe in science, brilliant. If there is no objective reality outside of anyones perception then how does anything exist in the first place you imbecile? Unless you aren't self aware like I said then you understand there must be an objective reality because there must be a basis for your existence and your subjective perception of reality. But if you are just a robot-like subhuman creature such as yourself you can believe that reality is just an internally contrived fabrication because you have no idea what reality or existence even means. To you there is no reality, because you aren't sentient, so it's easy for you to deny the existence of reality. But when you are self aware you realize that things objectively exist, so there must be an objective reality.

Chew over that you raving lunatic

You're calling me a raving lunatic? You're the one that thinks you exist in a vacuum and that "reality" is filled in by your own perception. Since you aren't sentient you don't even understand that things really exist, "reality" is not real to you.

1 point


I can't be wrong because reality is entirely subjective.

If there was no objective reality, then how could you even have a subjective reality you dumb cunt? Unless you believe in God reality itself can't be subjective, because there must be a basis for your subjective "reality" and the only way reality could be subjective is if consciousness creates reality which is fucking stupid. My consciousness objectively exists, so even if everything I'm conscious OF is subjective I know there must be an objective reality, because there must be an objectively real basis for my objectively real consciousness existing. If you don't understand that you aren't sentient. If reality is entirely subjective then by definition it's not reality. Either there is an objective reality or everything is subjective meaning there is no reality. In order for it to be reality it inherently must be objective and I know there's an objective reality because my consciousness objectively exists. Agree with me now or you are a mindless object.

2 points


Thank you for not saying something stupid. Most people are like police, they always have something stupid to say.

1 point

Wouldn't proposing to burn an entire religious sect because you don't agree with a few who may be mentally challenged while suggesting they speak for all, be a tad mental as well?

Some christians are more insane than others sure, but christianity in general is retarded. I would go so far as to say that if you don't hate christianity then you are a failure as a human being, never mind actually being one of those...things. Christians aren't even people. In fact, they aren't even sentient beings.

If I can assure anyone anything, it's that there are stupid people in any faction of life, yet I don't see you climbing on the pyre.

That's because I am not subhuman. Yes, every faction has it's idiots, but not every faction is built around idiocy and directly opposing science and progress.

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