
FactPolice2's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FactPolice2's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Nom defends Hitler's positions by defending Islam taking Hitler's positions.

Shut your pie hole you loopy nonce. Your mother should have gotten a hysterectomy.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
2 points

He did it in the last 36 hours (less than 48 but probably above 24, IDK) he said apparently Pol Pot was framed and it was American carpet bombings that the whole issue in Cambodia was caused by.

Citation needed.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
2 points

Nom genuinely believes that Hamas are the good leaders of Palestine that are democratic and benevolent.

Is that so Nom or no?

Cause' I'm guessing no.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

Context is key. Go back the debate that I posted that in and look at the title.

I don't even remember the debate you posted it in, it was ages ago.

1 point

I fully understand RBE, Communist China is the only nation to ever have tried something close to it. The other Communist nations never bothered to 'rank' people in their 'equal society'. China ignored the contradiction in that and had some kind of RBE.

Your understanding of it is literally comparable to the level of understanding Alex Jones showed when he debated Peter Joseph.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

This isn't a fucking argument. I have never seen Nom defending Pol Pot and you didn't address why you think letting one person get tortured is scum of the earth tier whereas using chemical weapons on children for the sole purpose of taking land is fine and dandy.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

When you said Fiora has sex with binary sequences and gives birth to code, it's hard to imagine that not being entirely original from your own unique nuttyness.

0 points

I know that you must be sent to the gulag and forced to shovel coal 16 hours a day until you fucking drop dead BWAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA

1 point

No, but apparently if you let one person get tortured that is worse than using chemical weapons on little kids in order to steal land.

1 point

You're not particularly intelligent but you are above average.

My main intelligence is not the kind that is innate or measurable on an IQ test. My intelligence was derived from the way I learn to think, not from actual raw intelligence.

Nom is average.

That is absolute bullshit. I dare you to take an IQ test and compare your results with Nom. I bet it's well above yours. Unlike me he actually has a high level of IQ type intelligence as opposed to relying on wisdom and knowledge like I do.

I have talked to other intelligent people in and out of my family

How open are they to all your theories? I am willing to bet no one you ever told actually considered everything to the extent that I did.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

I learned it from reading the actual interview transcripts of victims of the regime and deeply investigated journalist documentaries and books

There are plenty of anecdotal claims that the USSR was good as well you know. Besides, who is paying these journalists you speak of?

Make no mistake, USSR became progressively more tyrannical as time went on and the government did some nasty shit, that includes Stalin too, but even Stalin was not the one dimensional monster you think he was.

Stalin was actually a worse human being than Hitler because Stalin stood for nothing at all and cared about literally nothing.

That is not true. Stalin saw himself as a true Marxist and cared about the USSR but he was also insane. He was paranoid, severely prone to anger, and he did terrible things thinking it was for the greater good of preserving the USSR. Hitler was a raving eugenicist who truly saw his victims as subhuman and cared nothing for them. Stalin was vicious but he thought he was doing what he had to, whereas Hitler was genuinely evil in a cold and calculating sense, not in a delusional maniac sense.

This was highlighted when Stalin's son ran away from home over the border begging Germany for mercy as his father abused him too much and Hitler found out and rang Stalin up (or sent him a letter, this part is vague) to which Stalin replied 'like I give a fuck hahaha'.

Do you even question these things? You are only getting one side of the story, and the side you are getting is literally what Nazi fucking Germany says happened. I would wager that this story is only half true. You are the man who says using chemical weapons on children is justified because Israel is somehow entitled to the land, so how can you seriously blame Stalin for prioritizing the war effort above a single person, even if that person is his son?

If Israel is justified in murdering children just to win a war they started to steal land how is Stalin so bad for letting merely one person be tortured?

He reminds me very much of the man you want to become as leader of the RBE.

Seriously, fuck you. You believed that nutcase troll from DA about Jacque Fresco, so don't pretend you know the first fucking thing about RBE. You couldn't even get over the concept of price and value when I tried to explain it to you.

1 point

You didn't watch the video

You learned everything you know about communism from it's ideological opposition.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

Are you willing to learn or are you simply here to gloat? The answer is yes to what you asked there.

Nom is not one to give people like you a chance to the extent that I do. I am probably the only intelligent person on earth who would actually thoroughly hear you out. To Nom you are a total joke.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

The Wuwu has left us. .

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

The honest answer to the end part is no, because I genuinely have studied it quite a bit in my own time

When you say you've studied it, does that mean both sides of the story or only MSM?

2 points

Of course the Left is impossible, that's why I settle for Soc-Dem, now you're beginning to correctly understand my outlook.

So why not say that instead of referring to Horseshoe theory which is not an accurate way of looking at it? And how do you know the true left is impossible?

Because the earth is flat so higher civilization will never be achieved?

Because the alien overlords will dominate us no matter what?

Because human nature though?

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

The battle was there from the first caveman going oohwa beba POW and smashing the alpha male over the head with a rock.

Yes, but the theoretical political compass comes from the french revolution. I agree with you actually about the right wing, as it ultimately culminates in fascism when taken to the extreme no matter what you do. The left however is not the same if your theory is to be taken seriously, it would be more accurate to say the far left in fact does not even exist. Because if what you say is true, then true egalitarianism is impossible therefore what the left is supposed to represent is impossible.

Stop telling me that USSR was democratic, it was literal hell on Earth.

If I attempt to show you why I said that, will you make a real effort to understand it?

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
1 point

a pure left-wing stance is pro-life as they value protection above freedom in all senses...equally purist Libertarianism (right-wing extremism)

We disagree as to what left and right wing actually means. Libertarian/authoritarian is a completely different up/down ratio. The extreme left being collectivist in nature manifests authoritarianism as an all-encompassing democracy where the individual has no say in their own life without permission from the community whereas the extreme right authoritarianism is fascism. Libertarian on the extreme right is total anarchy in the most selfish and brutal form and on the left it is collectivism that still allows individual liberty (which is what I prefer). Both wings cannot inherently seek to annihilate tyranny because the left has it's borg-like tyranny and the right has centralized tyranny. Only the left seeks to annihilate "unfairness" as all right wing systems inherently prevent equality of opportunity AND outcome at that.

The Left, in their extreme, believe it is achieved by completely oppressing the otherwise powerful and smart people by rules that 'equalise' everything and cancel out all elements of natural selection.

This is bollocks. Socially constructed class hierarchies have nothing inherently to do with actual superiority in any regard or natural selection.

In the end both end up completely contradicting their wing severely because the Left Wing authorities become the very unfairly advantageous Elite they set out to stop while conversely the Right Wing authorities become

If what you say is true, then the left as I understand it does not even exist, and I will have to go back to my old way of thinking which is that I do not actually fit on a political spectrum because my system is technically not even a political system. I know that you are incorrect however, because the whole idea that the right wing inherently represents freedom and the left represents authority is a total inversion of the truth. The left/right spectrum was born out of a fight between those who inherit wealth and power through no merit of their own and those who desire equality of opportunity.

FactPolice2(28) Clarified
2 points

What did you think? Do you want the proof or not? Speak with respect and I'll give it.

Oh please my Lord of Wuwu, I so humbly ask that you explain to me why Horseshoe Theory is valid and correct. I am sorry, I am a big meanie head, please forgive my transgressions and enlighten me.

1 point

That's what I thought horsey boy .

Mingiwuwu horseshoe theme song
1 point

Go ahead, prove me wrong horse gobbler. .

1 point

Do you want to understand my side of things or just speak to a mirror/wall?

This whole time you could have been explaining yourself, but I don't see how exact opposites could ever possibly be the same thing just because a system which is not actual communism has become associated with communism.

1 point

They are not opposites, that's the key.

They are opposites though.

The opposite of egalitarianism is elitism, and the left is egalitarianism. If you are not the opposite of a fascist, then you aren't a real leftist.

1 point

The horseshoe bullshit is stupid. Opposites are not the same thing, if they appear to be the same thing in practice then obviously one of them is claiming to be something it's not.

If I tell you I love you while cutting your throat, does that mean love is the same thing as murder?

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