
FearDaTurtle's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FearDaTurtle's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, because humans are distinct beings, and just because something works on an animal doesn't mean it will work on us! So why waste animal lives?

2 points

Seeing as life begins at conception, yes I agree with this statement!

1 point

Should a child' life be take, because of the actions if their parents? I don't see why people don't just put children up for adoption! I personally would love to adopt a child one day!

4 points

What is a fetus then? A dog? An alien? Last time I checked humans create humans!

2 points

Why should it not be made compulsory? Those children have as much right to live as you and I? Besides, no one loses with adoption, so why wouldn't you utilize it?

1 point

Yes, and this is cing from one! I believe we have lost our values, and as a result, we are not as respectful as previous generations! This is not to say all of us are like that, but overall I believe we are.

2 points

It is related to certain religions, but it in and d itself is not a religion!

1 point

There is and I don't think that's racist! It's all about your preferences!

1 point

Then take birth control or use a cod! Abortion isn't contraception, it's murder!!!

1 point

No! Why would we do that? It would haut make more people end up on the streets and infested with stds!

0 points

The viewing hurts children, because by viewing it, you are showing support for this monstrosity!

2 points

Amen! Life begins when the egg cell an sperm cell join togther! Period!

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