
Jawkins20's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jawkins20's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Absolutely Christianity is healthy to believe in, and more it's a great way to live our lives. Being a Christian means, being Christ like. Christ means ''messiah'' which means Savior. If everyone tried to help others, even save them from their horrible circumstances, like orphans, the hungry, the poor, the heartbroken, then how much more a better World would we live in? If we all implemented Jesus' ways by serving others and thinking less of ourselves then WOW! Christianity is being Christlike, so of course it is healthy to believe in and apply to your everyday life.

1 point

Objective morals are those that are based outside of yourself. Subjective morals are those that depend on you, your situation, culture, and your preferences. Subjective morals change, can become contradictory, and might differ from person to person. This is the best that atheism has to offer us as a worldview.

Think about it, in atheism, there is no moral right and wrong. There is no moral "should and shouldn't”. Why? Because when you remove God, you remove the standard by which objective moral truth is established. In atheism morality is up for grabs.

In an atheistic worldview, lying, cheating, and stealing are neither right or wrong. They are phenomena to which, if the atheist so decides, moral values can be assigned. Sure, the atheist might say that we all should want to help society function properly and it does not benefit society as a whole to lie, cheat, and steal. But, this is weak intellectual reasoning.

1 point

Read the New Testament and inform yourself with the Truth before making such incorrect statements.

2 points

Ron Paul calls it how it is, he is a straight shooter and points out the corruption in the government. He would get things back to the way they need to be, and the rest of the dirty politicians don't want that to happen. They want someone that keeps the American people under the fog and not knowing exactly how bad the government truly is.

1 point

To all you atheists, how can you determine between what is good and evil? That's like giving one student a ninety and one an eighty, that presupposes that one hundred is a real standard. My point is this; if there is no God, where did we get the standard of goodness by which we judge evil as evil?

1 point

I do not believe it is possible to, “prove,” whether or not God exists, whether to the atheist, or to anyone else for that matter. We can present factual evidence for the unbeliever to weigh and consider as a part of the process necessary to develop his or her individual faith, but we simply cannot, “prove,” there is a God because we are not God. What I mean is this: God will prove Himself to each and every person that takes his or her first step of faith; God tailors the inner, ‘spiritual witness’ that He feels is best suited and unique to each individual, and therefore HE is the ultimate, “proof,” of Himself and His existence. Seek and ye shall find.

0 points

To believe in God you first must acknowledge Jesus is the son of God. No man comes to the father but by Jesus. If you deny Jesus then his Father, God, will deny you.

3 points

Then why were they written hundreds of years after the events ''the stories'' you say the Bible stole?

Consider the case of Sargon’s birth. Legend has it that Sargon was placed in a reed basket and sent down the river by his mother. He was rescued by Aqqi, who then adopted him as his own son. Sounds a lot like the story Moses in Exodus 2, doesn’t it? And Sargon lived about 800 years before Moses was born. So the Moses baby-sent-down-the-river-only-to-be-rescued-and-adopted story must have been borrowed from Sargon, right?

That sounds reasonable on the face of it, but what is known of Sargon comes almost entirely from legends written many hundreds of years after his death. There are very few contemporary records of Sargon’s life. The legend of Sargon’s childhood, how he was placed in a basket and sent down a river, comes from two 7th century BC cuneiform tablets (from the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal, who reigned from 668 to 627 BC), written hundreds of years after the book of Exodus. If someone wants to argue that one account was borrowed from another, it would have to be the other way around: the Sargon legend appears to have borrowed from the Exodus account of Moses.

2 points

Luke, a Bible writer, is one example. His details about Roman officials such as "Sergio Paulus of Cyprus," "Gallio, the proconsul of Achaia," "Herod the Great," "Pontius Pilate," and "King Agrippa,"are all confirmed by ancient Roman historical records and archeology. Even unbelieving scholars agree that King David, King Solomon, the Philistines, and countless other persons mentioned in the Bible were real people, and that such cities as Ephesus, Philippi, and Thessalonica were real places. The ancient Ebla Tablets, a collection of 17,000 tablets discovered since 1968 and written around 2,500 B.C. mention the biblical cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar, found in Genesis 14. The Mari Tablets, 25,000 tablets written in 1,900 B.C., mention the names of Abraham, Jacob, Nahor, Dan, Levi, Benjamin, and Ishmael, found in the book of Genesis. Also a Canaanite bronze calf was discovered a couple of years ago and reported in Time magazine, confirming the Bible's account that pagan nations worshipped calves. There is proof just do some research without a bias heart.

2 points

I am familiar with these stories man has made up to try steal the Bibles authenticity. Satan will use anything and any lie to drive people away from God and His Word.

2 points

Luke, a Bible writer, is one example. His details about Roman officials such as "Sergio Paulus of Cyprus," "Gallio, the proconsul of Achaia," "Herod the Great," "Pontius Pilate," and "King Agrippa,"are all confirmed by ancient Roman historical records and archeology. Even unbelieving scholars agree that King David, King Solomon, the Philistines, and countless other persons mentioned in the Bible were real people, and that such cities as Ephesus, Philippi, and Thessalonica were real places. The ancient Ebla Tablets, a collection of 17,000 tablets discovered since 1968 and written around 2,500 B.C. mention the biblical cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar, found in Genesis 14. The Mari Tablets, 25,000 tablets written in 1,900 B.C., mention the names of Abraham, Jacob, Nahor, Dan, Levi, Benjamin, and Ishmael, found in the book of Genesis. Also a Canaanite bronze calf was discovered a couple of years ago and reported in Time magazine, confirming the Bible's account that pagan nations worshipped calves. Do some research before you make such a statement.

3 points

The Bible is all truth and there is proof that backs it up, do a little research and you will find this out.

2 points

It signifies that the Bible is true and different than any other religions or their writings. It is God breathed He is the author, it proves the Bible is copied.

7 points

The Bible is composed of 66 parts, or books, written over a period of approximately 1,500 years (from about 1450 BC to about 90 AD) by over 40 different people. These writers were all different from each other. Some were rich, some poor, some young, some old. Some were priests, some prophets, one was a tax collector (Matthew), one was a doctor (Luke), a tentmaker (Paul), and a fisherman (Peter). Yet they all wrote about the same man who claimed to be God - Jesus Christ. On the surface, there might seem to be disagreement between the writers, but if you study deeper, you will find that they all agree about Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the end times, salvation, heaven, hell, etc.

Not all collections of religious writings can claim this feature. The Koran was entirely written through the revelations of one man, Mohummad. The Book of Mormon was entirely written through one man, Joseph Smith.

Jawkins20(140) Clarified
1 point

Actually I was home taught, and then received my GED. I like reading and informing myself of various subjects.

1 point

The hominoids are descendants of a common ancestor. Those ancestor are of primate origin according to Charles Darwin.

1 point

Slavery was lawful, does that make it right? Abortionists ripping babies limbs apart, crushing their skulls and sucking them up through a vacuum isn't malice?

If when two people have sex and a baby is formed by this, your're saying this organism isn't of human origin? Sounds like a bunch of ludicrous.

1 point

Slavery was once legal, just because it was doesn't make it right. This is a imperfect world, we have free will and clearly choose the wrong hand most of the time. When you don't follow Gods plan and design look how screwed up it can all get. My gosh murder is legal and it's happening at an alarming rate!

1 point

Evolutionists claim to rely only on natural forces, but natural forces cannot design and build new plants and animals. So they add magical thinking, the perfect description of the evolutionist mind.

1 point

God's laws are HIGHER than mans, when He said thou shall not murder, then we need to listen to him. Not the justifications of man, using manipulation and words like fetus, tissue, blob to disguise what their actually doing, is killing a baby.

1 point

I am not threatening anyone, just telling the Truth. Sometimes the Truth hurts, it would be wrong of me to keep the Truth to myself, and not spread it with as many lost souls as I can.

1 point

Does the Bible say thou shall not kill? Abortion is murder, therefore against God.

1 point

What does that woman need to get pregnant, a man. Therefor a man has a right to say something about the woman aborting his child. Takes two to tango. Call me a butt hole all you want, but my job is to speak the Truth and try to punch holes in all this darkness. I would rather be called a butt hole than a coward, I call it how it is, murder is murder and when a woman has an abortion that is murder. I am a God pleaser not a man pleaser.

1 point

God gave us all a choice to follow His ways or follow our own. God is simply carrying out our due punishment if we choose our own paths. Follow God's path and it leads to eternal life, Heaven; follow your own path and it leads to eternal death, hell. You can choose today which path you're going to take. Don't blame God when you get what you deserve at the end of the path you chose.

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