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1 point

Hello Gay Con,

Poor little fella. You got nothing. No fella, I present numerous arguments which werenall in agreement

1 point

What is funny is that you present evolution as a fact and what you believe, thrn you only post what others believe. You dance around fact and theory, and accept their defense as a fact. A fact is a fact, it does not morph into another thing because evolutionist wish to claim it. When we ask for science evidence and fact, we are not asking for the opinions and defenses of scientist's. We want the studies, the scientific process and the peer review.

Evolution is mythology and not even a hypothesis. You are unaware of the origin. Evlltuionmuputh was revitalised in the 19th century to combat the spread of religion. Odd. But, where did it come from? Greek mythology. The Big Bang theory was proposed as an alternative the Genesis creation, but Greek atheist GOAT herders. Then they introduced speciation which was already forumjjkated in Greek mythology, centaurs, menataurs, mermaids, etc.

I bet you think that Columbus arrived in America in 1492. He did not. So, do you know why they teach that lie. Learn why they teach you lies and you will begin to understand the evolution lie

1 point

So, presents those facts, based on observation, repeatability, testing and verification. What aspect of evolution are you holding on to? Let's focus on two: a 14 billion year evolution process from nonliving matter like cosmic rocks to humans. Also, please provide evidence of one direct evolution processing of one species to another.

Are you a liberal Democrat ?.......I bet you think that a homosexual orientation exists too, since they said that it did over 1,000 times. When you finish with the evolution evidence then you can lresent the science behind homosexual orientation.

You see, you follow a blind secular religion, and you do so blindly.

1 point

Do you mean the evolutionary adaption of two ears to three, or two eyes to three, or arms to wings. Wait, that has never happened. No, you call God-given thinking evolution. You all are so desperate for evolution thst you call progress that has been fostered mostly by religious countries, your version of evolution.

1 point

Progess? England, Italy, Spain, France, India, and the United States, all have religious basis and all have progressed. Like the US, we started as a Christian nation and formed a Christian constitution, and now we are the most powerful nation ever known. A Chrisitan majority. Perhaps, the ignorance lies in the atheist nations who keep peddling backwards.

1 point

No, they believe that rocks and dirt suddenly had a conscious awareness and did not like be immovable so they consciously decided to spend billions of years evolving. Not their their sake, but so that the atheists might live today.

1 point

Sorry, but if the water is too hot, pour in some ice. Studies have shown that atheism is a mental illness. Nope, I said brain functionality impaired. Oh, so you think Chrisitan are supposed to accept yojr bike nonsense and you think that we should treat you like a child and just accept your rants and spewings.

Yeah, sorry, I forgot to make an unsubstantiated claim that the theory of evolution was a fact. Yeah, in fact, it is a theory but not even a scientific theory. The issue is your inability to debate evolution.

If you think you have learned this and studied evolution, thrn debate it without trying to insert some lame authority figures.

0 points

Nearly everyone? So, you think the minority whites in Europe are everyone. No, I am talking about the Christian origin of schools and hospitals in the U.S. The fact that Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Vanderbilt, Cambridge, Notre Dame, BUT, Oral Roberts and over 1,000 universities were founded by religious institutions.

1 point

I love how atheists claim that the theory of evolution is a fact , but then thry refuse to present any scientific facts that have been verfied, repeated and observed.

1 point

What makes you think a Christian should defend their religion? In fact, Christianity is quite different because it is an individual relationship. Funny, you atheists make this claim, but you all collectively and without fact to knowledge follow evolution.

The question is the factual basis of evolution, which you are clueless.

You beleive that humans evolved a 200 million year old Triassic rodentia, but you do not even know why.

You believe that the oldest four legged hiiman ancestor is the 500 million year old four legged worm.

You also believe that nonliving matter evolved into living matter.

You also beleive that evolve is going on now, but that it has stopped.

I do not believe that you have ever even read a science book. By the way, this debate is about evolution and not what is read in a Bible.

1 point

You actually took facts and thrn lied about them. You claimed that Evangelical Protestants, which I am not, since there is no such thing as an Evangelical protestant or Pentecostal Protestant, are rhe mkst likely to reject evolution. You said that like evolution was supposed to be a fact thing. Also, the Pew Center cited Jehovah Witness and Seven Day Adventist as more likely.

1 point

Sorry, when did we last have a suicide bomber in America that was Muslim. If we look at suicide bombers in Muslim cojjntries then of course they are Muslim. We have had suicide killers in America, like Omar Mateen, and he was gay. Jim Jones was also gay and atheist and he led 1000s to suicide and he also gave some of his followers AIDS. Also, Muslims do not kill in the name of their God, they kill in the name of not being colonized by Americans and Europeans. Mao and Stalin rejected religion and killed people who kept following their religion, so yes they did kill in the name of atheism.

1 point

WHAT? No one some accept evolution, because your argument is nonsense. The study of biology and human biology have no connection to evolution, but evolution theorists have tried to use it as a crutch to stand on.

The are two parts to evolution: one things are evolving and two things started evolving 14 billion years ago. That means thst the theory is that non-biological matter evolved into biological matter, which is not biology. Also, with songularites, mcromechanism, black holes, and space time vs earth time, there is a huge hole in the theory of a 14 billion year evolution process.

1 point

The argument presented is a lie in and of itself and contradicts itself. It says that Evangeical Protestants are the most likely to reject evolution, at 58%, but Jehovah Witness reject at 75% and Seven Day Adventist reject at 67%. Also, your premise is that evolution is a proven theory, when in fact it is based on Greek mythology and rejection of the scientific method.

1 point

This is true. Atheism rejects science and tries to promote evolution as a fact. The progress of the West is based on religion.

1 point

Oh yeah, like atheism and homosexuality are inclusive and not divisiveness. Grown a better argument. Also, if you think that rejection of evolution theory is your basis, then present evolution facts or even tested and verified theories. It is not that religious people do not accept evolution, it is that religious people are intelligent enough to accept science since science is a religious discipline. Evolution theory rejects all scientific principles.

1 point

Yet, recent studies have proven that atheism is a mental illness that 2% of the world suffers from.

1 point

Atheists never started any hospitals nor schools. Why? Because atheists are ignorant and have to be told what to do, because their cranial brain functionality is impaired

0 points

I guess you failed history, because Christianity is what gave us all the hospitals and the religious leaders were all the doctors.

2 points

Obama did not feel that DOMA was constitutional, so he lied about appointing two justices. When they we 'ree asked they said that they would defend DOMA and that same sex marriage was not constitutional. Based on religious objections and the fact that SCOTUS will overturn SSM, County Clerks and even governors and attorneys can refuse to defend SSM cases.

2 points

Currently gays have the right to a same sex marriage, but it is a lesser right with no constitutional authority, than the First Amendment freedom of religion and Congress can not pass any laws respecting the establisjjment of religion. Same Sex marriage was never passed by congress.

2 points

In Kentucky, Texas and about 10 states, they are using the conscientious objection and Hobby Lobby decision, and they have passed Senate backed proposition which allow County Clerks who have religious objections to same sex marriage to recuse themselves.

2 points

There are legal precedents for County Clerks refusal to issue same sex marriage licenses. The Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision and the RFR Act, plus the religious conscientious objection clause which was made a part of the Role v. Wade decision for doctors.

1 point

The reason that County clerks can decide to not issue SSM is that those marriages are based on faux sexual orientation because homosexuality is not a sexual orientation, but sexual orientation is not a quasi-suspect class and as such it has no rights.

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