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2 points

It's a lot more complicated actually. Its like the fuel cell but the plates switch polarities very quickly back and forth, causing the molecules to get excited and turning it into a steam before seperating it into H and O. Then, there is an electron collector that pulls the electrons of the H and O making it unstable so it decays and the energy from the nuclear fisson (or fusion) actually powers the engine or something. It's crazy

1 point

I mean water powered engine as in splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis then burning the hydrogen to drive the pistons. I believe that is cold fusion that you referred to though. It is possible. What I was meant by the question, is not whether it is possible or not, but whether anyone would be able to mass produce it with these over powering oil companies.

1 point

The water power car though is just burning hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe.

1 point

I'm not saying the water is inexpensive. I see what you mean, but to an extent it can cost much much less.

first, If you were to make the engine yourself It would be pretty cheap, but you would have to have the knowledge. Which, if you did enough research on the internet and some dedicated time would be do-able.

Second, Stan Meyers invented an injector that goes inplace of the spark plug, and with a little clean up of the engine, and this injector, you can easily convert a normal combustible engine into a water powered engine. this would probably cost around $300 or so. Unfortunatly nobody knows how to make it and Stan Meyers is dead. The pattens with scematics are available on the internet, and the patten has timed out. So it only takes someone capable of understanding his scematics and making it, and there are plenty of well qualified scientists in this world.

1 point

A very low price actually. It costs hardly anything. Way cheaper than to pay for gasoline for a year.

1 point

Stan Meyers is the name. He had been working on it for years, and then he was mysteriously poisoned. Not only was it a water powered car, but he devised a way to easily convert a normal vehicle to watered powered

3 points

It takes imagination to think of possible solutions to scientific questions.

1 point


2 points

That would be bad to see an all gays college. eww..... haha.

1 point

thanks, that helped a little bit. at least the top half. Apparently affirmative is the Position I HAVE to take. Its only english class though.

1 point

I love posting my school essay topics on here ;)

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

0 points

Woah, check out the debate stats. Imma genious, I write like a 22nd grader.

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