
Logicalend2e's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Logicalend2e's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

God is Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Ptolemy, Tesla, Einstein, Hubble, Heisenberg, Da' Vinci, Edison....all the individuals that added upon our shared knowledge of the working universe. All the while questioning the accepted beliefs and starring persecution/death in the eyes because of their unyielding faith in human evolution through thought, questioning everything that they were taught as being the norm.

2 points

Sumerian civilization by far is the greatest epoch of advancement when considering ancient hot spots. They not only created language and writing but all of the gods that are followed to this day. Babylonians to Egyptians to Greeks and Romans deities can be traced back to this singular society...not to mention that they created and harnessed the wheel, irrigation, aqueducts, thermal springs, all the while joining together over 100,000 individuals in a centralized city. They are the reason why we stopped being nomadic and actively worked to coexist.

umm... what you are describing is the Higgs/God particle giving weight to sub atomic particles...and how helium and hydrogen condensed into heaver elements, is simple and has been reproduced infinitely many times in the real, real bore me....please move along~~@

we are all stardust,,,,helium gas,,,gathers together,,,forms a large sphere of that gas,,then it collapses in upon its self,,,forming ever more intricate compounds....

2 points

Please explain how there are infants that have never heard Mozart, yet can play his 7th symphony, or lets regress into simple mammalian creatures that have the 6th sense in their ability to find breeding grounds 3,000 miles away. Look up the concept of an universal knowledge/akashic field, that allows previous thought/knowledge to pass seamlessly through all living,self aware,...hell star dust configurations...enjoy!

2 points

Know thy self, is to know, that all things must and should be debated, until there is only one logical explanation.

Yes.....all individuals should have the ability to form groups, these groups form collective voting rights. Unions have only been good to the advancement of society because the forgotten man, who never spoke, finds himself with a voice. !!

Die trying to save the ten other men and you will only face this challenge once but everyone that hears of your bravery will make sure you live on in infamy.

2 points

The big bang only explains where the original energy came from, M theory explains how that energy expands between two opposing filaments but where are those membranes housed?? Hence Chicken or the Egg!!

For all the religious folk out there, in heaven wouldn't you be able to see the past, present and future once connected to god. Hence you would witness your funeral!

2 points

Until someone can explain how the chicken came first or where the egg is positioned, there is an order to the multi-verse. Big bang, M theory.. what came first...we are all star dust, created out of a super nova billions of years ago, thats provable but what contained the original bang or what houses the membranes. I side with consciousness, we are all god, hence from god and will return to god because we are all unique, yet completely the same!

Yes we can easily see wind and gravity, sir. Isac Newton showed us the way, as far as gravity is concerned. The wind is measured by any simple device that fluctuates when air is applied upon it, weather vain, balloon, streamer.

Can you see farther then 1,000 feet, yes as long as you use a telescope, which is only focused photons/light. This isn't an argument for the belief in God.

Big bang, no strings to be found here, even if M theory is proven correct, where are the membranes located! Me thinks this is only for GOD to know and I don't believe in him/her.

2 points

Big bang theorists would and can prove within a small speck of time that we came from a singularity of combined forces/energy but what was that in before it broke open.

Sex, is strictly penetration of the vaginal canal with a penis. Oral sex is, cunnilingus or penetration with the tongue or in the woman's case sucking a mans cock. If sex is any act that can be performed in public kissing is sex in most middle eastern countries, hell even the U.S. had/has public displays of affection laws, depending on the state.

So a young girl who was being chased by 3 men attempting to rape her is fair game. Seems a little off don't you think. Justifiable homicide is understood as giving warning that you have a gun and will use it to protect yourself and family. Shooting vagrants, drunk teens, or mentally ill is murder!

You only started to win because the U.S. was sending; planes,trains and automobiles, not to mention plenty of young, eager men, that felt a loyalty, nay an obligation to defend what they inherently knew to be right. Without the U.S. everyone would be speaking German, that is the ones that survived. Hitler was crazy ambitious and if he wasn't crazy, things would be a whole lot different. I've never lost a game of Axis and Allies before, when you take America out of the game, hell never even contemplated it as its ludicrous!

Evolution is an unstoppable imperative, we as a creature of this process need to mate with the best person that can provide the greatest chance of our combined progeny to succeed and flourish. If we as a society have evolved to the point of being able to create the best and brightest offspring it is only natural that we follow through with this concept!

2 points

The reason for the infanticide of females in China is only due to the societal construct that men are superior. Superior is defined as most beneficial or has the best chance at survival/advancement in said society. Women are and have throughout time been considered unequal in all facets of life compared to men.

However wrong this belief is, it has laid claim to the consciousness of most men. We as humans were more enlightened in our early evolution as the Egyptians had several female rulers, passed down from the Babylonians belief that the females ability to create/incubate life was GOD like! Our inability as a race to see the truth in our own existence is baffling!

2 points

I pose a simple question, if you had more money then you could possibly spend, would you; die with it, leave it to only family members directly related or make the suffering of the less fortunate a little easier, more then likely allowing those you benevolently sponsored to flourish. This should be a no brainer but unfortunately its not in U.S. society! Me thinks another dark age is settling in!

How can the ability of mass/instant communication with all corners of the globe be considered a contamination of truthful reporting. Wouldn't this result in the exact opposite of biased news coverage, you (governments) can no longer spin/create the news. Facts will be captured and reported as they happen.

A small caveat to this statement, governments still warp the news in many countries where they have complete control over the technology that distributes the information but the reporting in general from truly independent observers is changing the old concept of propaganda. Yes the U.S. may have a liberal bias as far as the ancient broadcast companies are concerned but that would indicate that the majority of the populace holds those same beliefs.

True knowledge can never be distorted only an individual can warp it to fit their singular view of reality!

A resounding YES, the quicker homo sapiens realize that we are but a speck in the chaotic, ever unfolding universe, the quicker, all will realize that we are more alike then different.

The easiest path to unlocking this fundamental concept in all self aware beings on the third circular object, that orbits a small helium/hydrogen nuclear reactor, is for other sentient beings to announce themselves! Then earthlings will have to realize that what used to be an easily understood flat world is but one of 100,000,000,000,000 similarly composed objects!

By the creator of this debates logic the only real right one has is the right to impose his will on some or everyone else, hence getting his entitlements through force or cunning. Sounds like an apt example of human evolution!

Ummm....have you ever been in a bar, possibly seen a fight or two break our. OK, now give the particapints guns, even you can see where this is going and thats just one of many examples of humans acting on basic urges/impulses! To be human is to be fallable!

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