
MistVillage's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MistVillage's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

all they do is punch "nazis" who are really just white males or people that disagree with them and they use violence to spread a political point

1 point

Qualifications should mater, race, gender, sex, etc should not matter when it comes to jobs and such because of "diversity"

MistVillage(61) Clarified
1 point

You gotta understand that before we had the knowledge of the world that we have today that the ancient peoples did not fully understand what was going on so they created stories to come up with reasons that made sense to them

1 point

Anyone who answers no needs to be in a mental hospital. This shouldn't even be a debate

1 point

You do know dihydrogen monoxide is just water correct? Soooooooooooo

1 point

As a Christian man there's really no evidence to claim that evolution didn't happen. not saying that I believe in the evolution of monkeys to man, but I do believe in more gradual stages of evolution in the human species, if that makes any sense. But there is irrefutable proof of animals and plants evolving over vast amounts of time from generation to generation.

1 point

I think it's stupid to even think that there isn't. If God created billions upon billions of planets, why would he put life on only one? And if you don't believe in God(s) consider this. Through this endless universe that we live in (excluding the possibility of multiple universes) with many Earth like planets and planets with similar atmospheres, distance from the sun, etc are bound to exist so why couldn't there be life on other planets? I highly doubt that in this endless universe there isn't at least one planet pout there that has some kind of animal or plant life at the least

1 point

Yes. When we create a new product we need to test it to make sure it's safe and has no serious side affects. How else would we figure out if a new medicine works if we don't test it on a living organism? Yet we can't test humans because unlike most animals we have a family, friends, etc. Besides would you rather have a mouse tested on and killed or a man with a wife and children be tested, and eventually die from a failed drug?

2 points

I can't believe people still believe in a flat Earth. It's an irrefutable fact that the Earth is indeed round

1 point

If you have a penis use the mens room, if you don't use the women's room, it's very simple. If you went through surgery to change your genitalia use the bathroom for what you now have. It's very simple.

0 points

We're not talking about torturing a child, we're talking about a simple spank or whip from a belt. I was spanked as a kid and whipped if I really screwed up. It teaches discipline and consequences to your actions, something kids nowadays need to learn because they think they can just get away with anything

2 points

So they are triggered by living in America? The best country this world has ever seen? Then leave, we don't need your crying

2 points

Of course it's free speech. As long as you don't threaten people with their lives or threaten to damage their property or anything you're fine

1 point

Also I guarantee ll those "Muslims" never went nor never will go to Mecca. Also I bet if they ever went to a Muslim country they'd change religions or something because majority of Islamic countries completely contradict liberal beliefs

1 point

What? people in California the most liberal state other than New York are Muslim? Huge shocker.

1 point

Chocolate milk because who besides little kids drinks white milk (minus when you eat cereal)

1 point

I'm kind of prejudiced because my first main series Pokemon game was Pokemon Diamond so naturally I like that generation better. Also Heart Gold is my second favorite pokemon game right behind black 2

1 point

Yes that's what it means. But modern third wave feminism doesn't quite get that message.

1 point

Actually they are legally responsible for their own actions when drunk (with the exception of drunk women having sex) also if we make alcohol illegal do you know what will happen? Another prohibition. During that time crime was at an all time high in the country. Long story short no alcohol equals more crime.

1 point

But you know that's not important at all. the feelings of the Muslims matter more than the actual facts

2 points

It will destroy the western world because Islam is not a peaceful tolerant religion like they want you to believe. All the Muslims in America that say it is never been to the Middle East and refuse to. Another argument is that "only conservative Muslims are like that" only makes my point more because if they are "conservative Muslims" then they want to keep everything the way it is. Like traditions, the laws, etc. Which are all from the Quaran.

0 points

Also your grammar is really bad. It's your sources not you're sources

0 points

Also to put it more blatantly that would be a trans sexual not a trans gender. Because even though you have the other parts now you're still biologically a male or female because you'll still have XY or XX chromosomes

0 points

Transgender isn't a gender though. it's a description word used for someone who is transitioning between genders.

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