
Mr_Bombastic's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mr_Bombastic's arguments, looking across every debate.
-1 points

Hey. I've just discovered the densest thing in the universe. It's your head.

Because the only ones with guns, the government, can do any f*cking thing they want to you. Do you want to be defenseless? And think about this. Historically, what is the first thing a would-be tyrant does? They take away the guns. That's a fact. There is also the simple fact that criminals do not obey the law. No matter how many gun laws are passed, criminals will still have guns, while depriving law abiding citizens the same. Can you guess what happens then? Just look at Chicago. I'll give you the benefit of a doubt and assume you have a functioning brain. Why don't you use it?

Mr_Bombastic(132) Clarified
1 point

The last thing I learned is that I'm probably a lukewarm Christian. God wants to be first in our lives, in everything we do. Anything that takes time away from our relationship with God is a sin. For instance, I'd prefer to play computer games than read my Bible, or pray. It was a hard lesson to learn, and I'm working on it. My sinful nature is always rebelling. Some people believe that being a Christian is an emotional crutch or something that insulates us from reality and gives us a sense of comfort. The opposite is true. Being a Christian is hard work, that requires constant vigilance, and I've been slacking.

Does anyone really believe that we would still be a free country without our guns? If you do, you're an idiot.

I guess you think you're clever, or even funny. Hate to burst your bubble but it just ain't so.

I know where you're going with this. When I say yes, you're going to point out some kind of unchristian behavior on my part. Being a Christian does not make one perfect. I sometimes say things I shouldn't. Who doesn't? I tell the truth as I see it. And I can be pretty abrasive when I say it. Now, what's your point? And the answer is yes. I'm a Christian.

Where did the singularity come from? Also, if the universe consists of everything, that would mean that there is nothing outside of it. Time and space are a part of the fabric of the universe. So the question is if there was no time and space before the big bang, where and when did it happen? Hmmm?

My rights come from my Creator. If someone tries to take them away, I will kill them, as is my right.

Any doctor will tell you that a fetus is alive. I guess liberals don't care about them because they can't vote yet.

True. It really cracks me up, how liberals say they believe in free speech, then turn around and say that you cannot say something because it's offensive. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Speech without the freedom to offend is not free speech. There is nothing in our Constitution that guarantees the right to not be offended.

Mr_Bombastic(132) Clarified
0 points

Christianity is a personal relationship with God. It does not fit a strict definition of a religion.

-2 points

Universal Physical Constants. They are immaterial, yet they affect the material. There are also several of them that if they were off by just a small percentage, life and even the universe itself would not exist. Explain THAT without a Creator! You can't.

It is not imagination. The old Testament is a historical record. It describes actual events. The New Testament is a collection of eyewitness accounts. Whether or not you believe them, they were written by people who lived during the time of Christ, several of them knew Him. They traveled with Him, Watched Him perform miracles, saw Him die, then rise from the grave. So, what do you believe in? That the universe created itself from nothing, and some process called evolution magically created the millions of species we see today? How is that any more believable than a Creator? Oh, I get it. Being a follower of Christ requires one to deny themselves and give up all the 'fun' things in life, like homosexuality, premarital sex, and a bunch of other stuff. Got it. Well, enjoy them while you can. You're in for a shock.

Karma? LOL! There is no such thing as Karma. Tell us. Do you believe in luck too?

"Offered by? imagination of people millenia ago?"

You hope it's just imagination. You'll learn, someday, that you are in error. But it will probably be too late.

"Are you claiming to have the ability to read another's emotions?"

No. But I can read what you post, and it confirms what I have said.

-1 points

Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really curious. It must hurt. Do you take prescription painkillers for it? Maybe you're addicted to them? That would explain a lot.

Mr_Bombastic(132) Clarified
0 points

It's there. Keep looking. You're about to bump your head on it.

Mr_Bombastic(132) Clarified
1 point

Are you referring to those fossils that still had soft tissue in them? LOL! Some of the excuses atheists come up with to dispute that. It's hilarious! My favourite is when they say that Iron in the blood preserved them for all those MILLIONS of years. Like, anyone with a brain is going to believe that. The simple fact remains that soft tissue cannot last for millions of years. It's a scientific impossibility.

Personally, I think this is one of the best covers I've ever heard.

Supporting Evidence: Bohemian Rhapsody cover (
Mr_Bombastic(132) Clarified
-1 points

The intent of the First Amendment was to protect us from a government sponsored religion. It was also intended to prevent the government from meddling in any religion. It was NOT intended to remove religion from government. Just the misuse of religion by government. Some believe that religion should have no influence whatsoever in government. This is not true. It is religion, and the free exercise thereof, that needs to be protected from the government.

Separation of Church and State? Where was that mentioned in the Constitution? All it says is that Congress shall pass no law concerning religion. That's all it says. So, where is the separation of Church and State mentioned?

What you describe are adaptation, not evolution. No mutation is involved. It's all in our genetic code. No new information is ever added. It is simply the expression of genetic traits that already exist.

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