
Pedestrian's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Pedestrian's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No. It is private vs public. If public schools are insufficient, then vote to change it.

Neither belief system is forced to do anything except that public schools are to be provided by govt. Understand, even the childless pay school taxes.

1 point

Being objective, not really.

N. Korea is doing nothing that [it] hasn't done before. The only difference is that any POTUS even met with the leader.

If that gave Kim a ridiculous boost at home, so be it. Should makes no difference to us.

1 point

Atheists need prove nothing. Proof is required for such religious assertions.

1 point

Well you are wrong about my thread. Charter schools and religious schools are private not superior to public schools and deserve no funding or tax benefits.

Why doesn't every single 'religion' get a tax break and benefits ? None should get it.

People are free to believe what they want but none are deserving of any special breaks or favors.

I could more easily say that it is as much about religious discrimination and yes, racial too for parents to send their kids to a private school.

1 point

“Science has disproven God.

Wrong. Science has failed to prove a god.

Plus the idea after 9/11 of getting rid of all religion is in no way...'militant'

In fact it is the very militancy one can find in all regions (catholics middle ages, inquisition and 1930s when they jumped in bed with Hitler and the Nazis....that is the problem.

And why religion poisons everything.

1 point

However, in the case of there being a god, no affirmative existential proposition has been proved.

The prof. was a lifelong atheist until getting baptised in his 50s or later, not sure.

Clearly he did this in attempt to cover his bases.

1 point

The atheist truth claim carries with it enormous, irreparable and eternal consequences if it is wrong. That being the case, it is intellectually and morally incumbent upon the atheist to produce weighty and overriding evidence to support his/her position, but they provide nothing to substantiate their limp assertion that God “probably” does not exist.

That is unmitigated bullshit. Disbelief requires no such thing. [It] is simply just that...disbelief. Plus probabilities are a mathematical statement based on mathematical history.

1 point

First of all, the federal govt. provides less than a dime on a dollar, the rest is local and state money.

When any level of govt. allows any funding or tax benefits at all for private schools, they are not following the constitution (religious based) and it takes funding from public schools.

Furthermore, far too many private schools are not academically better than public schools.

5 points

It is my understanding at this time (today) and I have seen only one source but the repubs all too typically now, are going to put party and politics over democracy, the constitution and country.

The senate repubs are negotiating a deal whereby [they] let trump move money around this time while they press for laws to prevent it again and of course...any future dem POTUS.

And no, that not conservative. However, they are GOP first and will go along.

1 point

It's always too easy to be the cynic.

Cynicism breeds pessimism.

Pessimism has no function.

All we are left with and inspirationally optimism.

Yes, it is very difficult to change minds and almost impossible...the closed mind.

Still, we all must soldier-on and do the best we can and that's why you bother.

1 point

Facts ?

The fact is the Internet was invented by ArpNet in a govt. project.

RNC chair: The Internet came from capitalism, not the government

Wow, the capitalist never stops with [his] bullshit.

There are 22 fully corporatized industries exploited by the capitalist...formed by govt.

The capitalist is risk averse unless there is some whopping profits available like banks who if it's heads, they win...tales, you lose.

1 point

Sure he can and particularly if [he] is out to obstruct justice. Now that's a crime...just like Nixon.

1 point

I would prefer no republican party at all. It is that simple.

1 point

Not even a nice try. Half the repubs in office for the last 40 years should be in jail by the hypocritical standards of the right. (GOP) Where were all of those committee hearings under repubs of Stormy, Playboy girl and his accusers of sexual assault ?

He gets away with it all because he has an'R' after his name.

3 points

Bloomberg did an analysis. 175 tenants in [his] partnership's bldg. A clear violation of the emoluments clause because there are foreign countries and corp. America.

China alone pays $2 million a year rent at trump tower for a Chinese govt.-owned bank that nobody can enter with 2 guards making sure.

126 conflicts of interest. As corrupt as any repub and trust me...that's saying something.

1 point

Is this like a chat ? I can't tell from the sides I am offered.

4 points

I guess records are made to be broken.

The trump admin. censored, withheld or said it couldn't find records sought by citizens, journalists and others more often last year than at any point in the past decade, according to an Associated Press analysis of new data. The calculations cover eight months under President Trump the first hints about how his administration complies with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The surge of people who sought records but ended up empty-handed was driven by the government saying more than ever it could not find a single page of requested files and asserting in other cases that it would be illegal under U.S. laws to release the information.

People who asked for records under the Freedom of Information Act received censored files or nothing in 78 percent of 823,222 requests, a record over the past decade. When it provided no records, the government said it could find no information related to the request in a little over half those cases.

It turned over everything requested in roughly one of every five FOIA requests, according to the AP analysis.

Records requests can take months even years to get fulfilled. Even then, the government censored documents in nearly two-thirds of cases when it turned over anything.

The federal government also spent $40.6 million last year in legal fees defending its decisions to withhold federal files, also a record.

1 point

It is and has been my understanding that we set the clock forward to enjoy the long days when kids are still going to school in daylight until June. Then when we hit the new school year, we go back so once again kids go to school in daylight.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

Both a token liberal and token black. He was fired by NPR for acting like a righty.

1 point

.....but also get rid of religion in public schools.

The left is many things but has not sinned like the right for 40 years and surely not like they are now to support this sinner in the WH.

1 point

Fake what ? We need a baseline here. Fake socialist ? Fake republican ?

2 points

Wow, now we know only what you...want to believe as of course you have just accusations with no basis in fact. As for spending and taxes...look it up.

The right in the US spend more than the dems and are directly responsible for $15 trillion of our $22 trillion debt.

Oh and it was the right (GOP) that created identity politics and denigration of all opposition starting with Reagan when he said the left were all limousine liberals or welfare queens.

Next question.

1 point

Is this a serious question ? Jewish is much more an adjective than a noun. That adjective has Hebrew religious or biblical origins.

Ethnically they are semites same as Arabs, brothers under the skin...sons of Abraham.

So we can prove [they] are not a race.

1 point

We still get strikes, teachers with 2 or 3 jobs that 'don't do them much good.'

The school system is much less broken than our healthcare system which cost lives and shorten them compared to other countries.

Pay the right people...the teachers and hire more to reduce class size and we already know that and far too many other hands held-out...are in the way.

The above just isn't going to happen.

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