
Pirate's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Pirate's arguments, looking across every debate.
11 points

Don't judge or discriminate

Be accepting of all people from all different walks of life

Be a decent person

Have fun

11 points

"Screw you guys, I'm goin' home." Cartman's one of the best characters on TV.

10 points

Some arguments aren't worth a rebuttal. Most of the time, down-voting is just a simpler way of saying: "I disagree with your perspective." Hardly any cowardice to it really.

11 points

I don't. I don't see why anyone else should.


11 points

Not the best idea, but it is very, very amusing.


11 points

My name says it all.


10 points

Very well put my good sir :D


10 points

The night-life is definitely more exciting than the morning.


10 points

No doubt.


11 points

Sounds legit.


10 points

Ok, so we've got Enlightened1, Christjesus, Thewayitis......any other trolls we should mention?

10 points

Yes. Yes he is.


10 points


10 points

I don't see why not.


10 points

Oooooooooh, yeah.


10 points

Autograph? Ya. Ya put right there. Yep, right next to George's.


10 points

I have to agree. The Six-Part saga is the greatest Epic I've ever seen.

10 points

It's actually necessary for the body. I'd expand on the concept but it looks like it's already been done.

10 points

Hard to argue with that.


12 points

They have separation of church and state for a reason. It would be best not to spark a religious feud.

10 points

" But is God unnecessary?"

Yes. Your god and your belief in him/her/it are both unnecessary and irrelevant.

10 points

As much as I and the majority of CD dislike thewayitis(n't), there was someone here who was much worse: Enlightened1

10 points

My take on religion is: Religion is unnecessary.


9 points

Sounds about right.


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