
Rusticus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rusticus's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Even though the leftist press is continuing to protect Biden the public are beginning to notice the advancement of his ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE

You, pretending you're an internet psychiatrist when in reality you should be sitting in a padded cell wearing a strait jacket. hilarious!

thanks for the laugh!

2 points

I would be willing to test everyone (all races equally) and purge the lower 20-30%

I sure would enjoy purging a sick little worm like you

3 points

Bidens poll numbers continue to rise and Elk meat is deeeeeeelicious!

2 points

Hey Pip Squeak, I'm so sorry I've offended your metero sexual standards. Gonna be hard to sleep tonight.

Hey, just a quick question; how many times have you checked this thread looking for my reply?

Am I your hero?

2 points

How DARE you make a statement like that AFTER you've been blowing me day after day!

Look, I know you can't stand it when I'm gone. I get it, you enjoy the abuse. I've known guys like you before who go out and start fights so they can get punched in the face repeatedly. That's you to a tee, a freak for a beating. I see you. Problem is I've played that game before and found no joy in it so don't expect me to oblige you regularly.

I suggest you go get some real help, you're not going to find it on the internet.

2 points

Little nipper, your cult leader lost, Joe Biden won. But don't forget to send your allowance money directly to your loser Messiah at cult headquarters in Florida and bypass the GOP. Bleat on Little Squirt, bleat on, it's music to my ears.

Poor little Trumpling, you're a rare combination, pathetic and hilarious, both at the same time. Thanks for the entertainment.

2 points

Boy do I ever not miss this loser scum bag trash talking racist moron

3 points

There is a very interesting documentary that you might be interested in and if you decide to see it I'd be interested in what you think of it. It's 'The Century of the Self'. It's about Edward Bernays and the profound ways he changed society. I think you could still see it on youtube, hopefully it's probably not cut to pieces with advertising now.

Here's the first chapter:

2 points

your side kick Rustiballs think you are pompously announcing your

Hey Little Squirt! This broken down lackey would like to thank you for letting me into your head! It's pretty stinky in there but still, good times! Thanks!

2 points

I hope you see a doctor of you think you need to. I'm just getting over having my arm broken in two places, my elbow and my wrist. I've broken so many bones during my life that when I try to list them I usually forget a few the first time around. I've always marveled at how well I recover but this time has been a little different. After the cast came off my hand has been slow to recover to what it was before the injury. Apparently I don't heal like I used to. I have it back to a degree but there are still things I can't do with it such as making a fist. If I could do it all over again I'd take better care of myself.

Don't mess around with your hand, it has to last you a long time. If you have any doubts, see a doctor. Good luck.

2 points

Oh look, Little Squirty's gone off his nut. What's not to like about that?

Crisis hotline anyone?

2 points

Do you still have guns? if you do then go and shoot yourself and give us all a break.

Oh you poor little Squirt, I'm pretty sure I'm going to outlive you but of course you can dream all you like

By the way, it feels good being in your head. Sure is a lot of room to run about and play in there!

5 points

GOPNRA disease is real and that's the perfect name for it.

I've been interested in psychology all my life and I've followed the rabbit down a hole or two over the years. We live in an age where our minds are constantly bombarded with messaging and a lot of that messaging is bad for everybody. We humans have weaknesses that have been studied, tested and exploited for so long now that we're in real danger of enslavement. Over the past one hundred years psychological experimentation has been done on humans that have revealed our weaknesses. There are methods that when used can manipulate us.

I know anybody reading this has to be thinking about how crazy I am, but I would urge you to delve a bit into Sigmund Freud and his relationship with his nephew Edward Bernays. Durring the time that Freud was making his incredible discoveries about the human mind he was corresponding with his nephew Edward Bernays who lived in the United States. Freud, being a doctor, was interested in using his discoveries to help his patients and the patients of other doctors. Edward Bernays, (also a genius) wasn't interested in helping patients, he was only interested in using his uncles discoveries to make a lot of money, and that's exactly what he did.

Edward Bernays started what was first given the name "Public Relations" and that's exactly what it started out to be. He was using Freudian psychology to advertise for companies that paid him to help sell their products. Very few people are aware of the impact that Edward Bernays had on our society and in fact the world. Before Edward Bernays and Public Relations existed, Americans ate porridge for breakfast, similar to what the English ate for breakfast at that time. The pork industry, the flour mill industry and the Egg grower industry paid him to increase their sales so Edward Bernays changed the American breakfast to Bacon, Eggs and Toast, and it only got worse after that.

I'm not sure I remember correctly which Tobacco company paid him to get women to smoke cigarets but he was paid and he got women to smoke and this is how he did it: At that time the women's suffrage movement was huge. It was a very big deal and very important to women. At that time, very few women smoked and that drove the tobacco companies crazy so they paid Edward Bernays to change that. There was a big parade for women's suffrage down the streets of New York City one fine day. Edward Bernays had a float built for the parade and he hired a group of very nice looking well dressed young women to ride on his float. These were college girls and they all wore the same dress which was their schools uniform. They were all very attractive sharply dressed young women.

Back in those days, in order for a photograph to be taken, the subject would have to stop and freeze for the photographer who was standing under a hood behind his wooden box camera viewing the subjects image upside down. Each float would stop in front of the photographers booth and everyone on that float would freeze long enough for the photo to be taken. As the float that Edward Bernays had built stoped in front of the photographer's camera, each one of the lovely young ladies on his float pulled out a cigarette and lit it up and then they all froze in place together, prominently displaying their cigarettes for all the world to see.

And all the world did see that picture, Edward Bernays made sure of that. That's how Edward Bernays tied smoking to the women's suffrage movement. The message sent was clear; "Liberated women should smoke just like men." Very quickly, tobacco sales skyrocketed. Remember the Virginia Slims ad campaign slogan "You've come a long way baby"? That's where it came from.

Since that time, Public Relations has evolved into Advertising Science which is the science of getting into our heads. It's real, and billions of dollars are spent to study and refine it each and every year.

Does anyone think that money would be spent each year if it didn't work?

3 points

I own a few guns, I've owned guns all my life. As a kid, I was a pheasant hunting fanatic and elk hunter and ground squirrel murderer. I feel bad about the ground squirrels, I killed a lot of them, uh oh, I forgot about rabbits. Ok, I think you get the picture, I was a turd.

Here's my claim: There's no way in hell that any any civilian needs to have high capacity magazines or assault style weapons.

If some asshole claims he's such a bad shot that he needs a 30 round clip to kill a deer, get that fucking weapon away from him as soon as humanly possible.

There is no excuse to have a gun like that. Those guns are meant to do one thing - to kill humans. They were designed and built to do one thing, spray a lot of bullets toward human beings.

Let me pretend for the sake of the argument that I’m a legislator. I’ve drafted a bill and am putting it forward for a vote.

I maintain that the meaning of the Second Amendment has been distorted so much that it’s implementation is completely wrong. Gun nuts only quote PART of the Second Amendment and that part is this: “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. Oddly enough, the first part of the Second Amendment is almost never quoted. Of course, the reason for that is because when read in its entirety, the Second Amendment is a very different thing than it is currently perceived and practiced to be. As it is now, no one is required to belong to a well regulated militia in order to be allowed to bear Arms. I’d change that. I’d require membership in a “well regulated Militia” for anyone who wishes to be allowed to bear arms.

Of course, ‘well regulated’ means Federally regulated.

Here's the second Amendment in it’s entirety, there really isn't much to it: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

That's it, short and sweet. Where in that amendment does it say the Arms in question should be able to spray bullets, thirty at a time?

The Second Amendment was written in the era of the muzzleloading musket. The time has come to honor the Constitution and the Founders of our country who created the Second Amendment, by doing exactly what it says. It's not complicated, just do what the Second Amendment says, word by word.

This would be the first draft of my bill:

1. Restrict ownership of Arms to those people who belong to a United States Federal Government well regulated Militia

2. Since the Second Amendment was written in the era of the muzzleloader, the Arms in question will be muzzleloading muskets because the founders could never have envisioned that a single man could hold in his two hands the firepower of an entire company of Federal soldiers as they were Armed at the time the Second Amendment was written. Original intenet.

3. Those civilians who become members of a federally well regulated militia will be able to carry as many as three muzzleloading muskets at any one time. (they’re very heavy)

After that bill becomes the law of the land it would be time to negotiate towards a more reasonable position where hunters could own normal hunting firearms but the assault weapons and simi-automatic hand guns for civilians would be gone forever.

Most people would consider my plan draconian, I do, but if that's what it takes to separate these clowns from military weapons so be it.

That’s what would happen if it were up to me. Essentially, I’d take all of their guns.

That’s pretty far from where we are now, where we have heavily armed goons dressed up like swat team members threatening to storm the nation’s Capital building again and mentally deranged psychopaths who can easily buy military weapons and walk into a school or a church or a grocery store and spray bullets.

That’s my big fuck you to cowardly idiots who have to have weapons of mass destruction under their beds in order to feel safe enough to sleep at night.

1 point

This looks like some sort of code. I wonder what this is really about. Something evil would probably be a good guess

1 point

I've never gotten along well with cats. I'm for the dogs all the way, maybe because I've never had a cat retrieve a pheasant for me.

When I split with my wife I ended up with our tiny little Maltese. He weighed about four and a half pounds. If you've ever been around a Maltese you would know how sweet they are. Seriously, they're like babies. Oddly enough he wasn't much of a bird dog. He got his ass kicked by a little pint sized half grown bunny in my yard one day. I wouldn't even call it a real rabbit, it was just a small bunny and he TUMPED Olie hard in the nose. That was the end of Olie's rabbit chasing days. I was always worried an eagle would pick him up and take him flying. I can't believe how crazy I was about him. Tell you one thing, whenever I had him anywhere women would come out of the woodwork in order to get to him. He was so cute and tiny I'm sure they assumed I was safely gay. Broke my heart when he died a couple of years ago.

He was over 15 years old.

1 point

Squirt, who said it was a hate crime besides you?

I'm serious, I thought it was just another gun crazy right wing lunatic like it usually is. Did someone on Reich wing news tell you it was supposed to be a hate crime or did you just have a bad dream? Was it a hate crime because some idiot made a debate that said it was? Not sure I get it

1 point

Seeing as I only have this one account.

I've already become bored with you. I'm actually surprised it happened so fast. You might just be my personal best.

1 point

I bet he’s trying desperately to jack off to photos his best buddy Jeffery

Thank God he's gone. I'd hoped I'd be over my hatred for Trump by now but apparently I'm stuck with it for a while longer.

1 point

I'm having to write 50 characters here because I don't know how to delete a post

1 point

I'm having to write 50 characters here because I don't know how to delete a post

1 point

I like your use of the word mewling, I'd completely forgotten that word. Perfect

Mewling: "to cry or whimper as an infant or young child"

2 points

I've gone back and now realize that it was a spoof but I still like it. I'll leave the link to it.

Supporting Evidence: Defying gravity (
2 points

he's holding in a fart

He’s very very strange to say the least, anything’s possible with a freak like that

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