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Stravick(32) Clarified
1 point

The point of morality what makes you feel good, mostly based on empathy for other people's feelings.

And the answer to the second question is subjective. You might think another person beliefs are just a justified while someone else might be repulsed those ideas. A society typically makes the final design.

1 point

I specifically just said it is whatever you want it to be. As atheist, they can make whatever they want to be.

1 point

So you worship Jesus over God? Because it was fairly clear who I was talking about.

1 point

First and foremost, E=MC^2 states a relationship between matter and energy and does not state in any way that matter can neither be created nor destroy. Secondly, it is the first law of Thermodynamics that makes it all possible. Energy can not be created, by anyone or anything including God. Which simply means everything has always existed, there was no beginning. Things simply were.

Lastly, there is very clear evidence for abiogenesis. Tests done show that in a climate of prelife earth all it would take is a proper electrical discharge (lightning or thunder) to cause simple amino acids necessary for the most basic of life to occur. From there the incredibly simple life forms would grown and evolve.

2 points

Blind faith is belief without evidence. Faith is belief with little evidence. Accepting the Big Bang theory is coming to the logical conclusion of the most likely way the universe began based on all the evidence.

2 points

Actually, you do need science to prove Jesus was correct. That is how logic and reason tends to work. For one, we know Jesus wouldn't look like his common depiction in the church, and two we don't even know if he was a real person. The only, and I repeat, the only documentation for Jesus is the Bible itself, and the books on Jesus were written by a man who had never even met him.

And if you want to know why James Gates finds a 'code' in nature, it's called Natural Selection. Animals with better traits tend to survive more than those with lesser traits. Thus creating a trend of common traits among all living things based on what helps them survive.

1 point

But you wouldn't know about those things were it not for science discovering them and in some cases just thinking the concept into existence.

2 points

Women's rights have already been given. Woman have all rights men have and in some cases more. Because of this feminism is no longer needed in this society, yet the group continues to be an issue. And the longer feminism continues to fight for rights women already have they are only going to get more and more frustrated when they can receive more than they already have. That in turn is going to make the group increasingly violent, something we have already seen the beginning of.

1 point

I mean woman already have equal rights in first world countries and therefore feminism shouldn't exist in one.

3 points

Certainly, science can explain almost everything in our world and even make logical educated guesses on the things it can't. There are detailed scientific reports that explain everything from the Big Bang to how evolution created us.

1 point

It is a person's own body and life and as sad as it is, it is their right to do as they wish.

1 point

Atheist don't wish anything of the sort. They don't care enough to even ponder that false reality.

1 point

Life originated from natural processes that took no outside entity to preform.

2 points

The only way life could have originated was with lighting. Various experiments have replicated the conditions of a pre-life Earth and shown that the creation of simple amino acid protein chains necessary for the creation the most basic forms of life could form with an electrical discharge at the right place and time. From those simplest life forms bacteria would evolve and then so on and so on.

3 points

It would be a sad life if the only reason we were here on this Earth was to stroke the ego of a god that should be above such things.

1 point

The purpose of life is whatever you make it out to be. There is no higher purpose to serve, only the biological fact that you are here to procreate and die. But as a sentient creature of this world you have the power to make life's purpose anything you wish it to be. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

1 point

The absurdity of what you're claiming is quite large, but I'm going to do my best to debunk you sentence by sentence. First, the concept of imperialism is claiming more land for either its resources and/or to enlighten its people, also humans as the sentient beings of this world get to decide what nonphysical concepts do and do not exist. And considering the concept of owning land has existed since farming techniques have existed, it is safe to say owning land is a very true thing to exist in this world.

Secondly, species going extinct can occur naturally as many of the critically endangered species of animals are and there really isn't an issue with deforesting large amounts of land. And quite honestly? It is just silly to think we are doing serious damage to the environment, least of all damage it can't recover from. Nature is incredibly tough and always has and as ways will overcome humans impact on the planet. Nature will survive us, but we might not survive nature.

Lastly, that last sentence is quite frankly Utopian levels of delusion. We shouldn't have to coexist with nature when we could achieve something so much more. Military force is a necessary reality of this world. And laws most certainly do exist.

0 points

Imperialism helped a vast majority of every country it took place in. In most of Africa, countries were gain infrastructure, rights, and of forms of civilization that all came crashing down when European nations withdrew from them. The Middle East was kept in check under Britain's thumb, preventing groups like ISIS from rising. European empires stopped the terrorist groups like Boko Haram from rising in Africa until they left. In regard to the American empire, it freed Cuba, stopped industrial slavery in Hawaii, and liberated and further civilized the Philipinos.

1 point

Law and religion both come from the same source, communities agreeing on what is right and what is wrong. In old times people that collectively agreed on something, put in in a book and created mythos explaining why these morals are. In modern law, people come together and perform a collective vote to decide what is right and wrong. In short, morality is subjective to each individual person and to create laws many people come together and agree on the common factors.

2 points

In no way could Atheism be considered a religion. Atheism simply isn't a system of beliefs the way a religion is. A religion has common teachings and figures of worship, traditions that get passed down and a series of common beliefs that unite a group of people. The only thing Atheism has in the lack of a belief in a God. It is more common for two Atheists to have completely different opinions than otherwise, but they are both still Atheists. However, in a religious setting, they would be two different denominations because religion has a ridged belief structure far beyond what Atheism has.

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