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This personal waterfall shows you all of SupremeLord's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Honestly I think no big changes at the fundamental level is needed. The reason this website is getting lower traffic is because the population of the world is getting dumber and dumber, overall. I blame it on the society. It's not your fault CreateDebate, lol!

2 points

Mexican is not a race god damn it, it is a country. It is like saying American is a race. It is not a race, it is a nationality.

I assume you mean latinos, then I guess Latinos are the best.

1 point

Of course not! The phrase work hard by itself contridicts with its goal. Things that are truly rewarding should always be easy. Things that are hard are: grinding fingers off, stabbing self, breaking favourite lego toys, telling your friends to touch you down there.

To say work hard pays off is words of a suicidal person! TRUTH!

1 point

Now, I know what I am about to write is gonna make you sad.

Your kind will completely dissappear in a few generations. Your kind will not live on, ours will. Please, let your inner rages boil, inferiority complex is what you are all about!

1 point

What kind of question is this. Was slavery a generally good idea for who? For which country? For what empire?

If I am forced to answer this blurry question, I would say that slavery was indeed a good idea since it created more jobs, and therefore better job market.

0 points

Pokemon cards are slight cheaper this is why I prefer Pokemon Trading Card Game.

1 point

Ignore all above comments, they are not anyone useful/important/worthy of reading their comments.

Hitler didn't suicide, why would he? -.-. he was assasinated.

1 point

Yes, Native Americans have good genes that European-Americans need.

1 point

War is good my friend.

War means victory no? Oh wait, it means a loss for you. HAHAHAHA Loser!

1 point

No, just suicide if the "stress" is too much.

I've been to torture in jail for 4 years, I still dont call life stress.

so if u didn;t go thorugh 4 years of torture, yet call life stress, then it means ur body is not meant for living, it is meant for dying. so please die.

0 points

I repeat:

Hitler didn't throw the 2 nukes, AMerica did.

And you red-skinned albinos wanna stop thumbing down my glorious posts?

-2 points
2 points

I dont trust them at all.

ANything that is not heldby the government is what i trust

1 point

Dump those folks.

Send them to Africa, let them be on their own.

-1 points

THere shouldn;t even be classrooms in the first place, what is this, World War II period?

0 points

You enjoy underrestimating the power of genetics don't you?

3 points

Dude, you people are so foolish.

Have you guys ever tried eating human meat? It's really really hard to digest, since it has certain enzymes that our stomach is allergic to.

However, certain (actually most) African tribe folks could digest human meat rather easily!

1 point

The modern life is very wasteful.

Whenever someone buys food in America, they are not buying food, they are buying packaging.

1 point

Money can help you, but not create something completely non-existant.

0 points

A strong middle class is not good for democracy.

You have completely missed the point of everything.

THere is no such thing as middle class. ANd there is no such thing as democeracy.

And even if they do exist, they do not play in a role of how wealthy a nation is .

This topic should be closed.

1 point

Yes, but only humanoids skillful enough like me can survive on the moon.

1 point

I dispute. With thoughts like urs, I am not surprised u dont make it as far as me in life.

1 point

Haha nice, I just punch them in the face with my magnetic pulse rifle.

1 point

NOt everything has to be 50%, 50%. That is childish thinking.

Also, if you look at basketball players, how many are white I wonder.

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