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Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Historically, if you were physically capable of working, then you SHOULD have been working and you would have been evading taxes if you were to suicide. If, on the other hand, you were incapable of working due to mental or physical illness, infirmity, or incapacity; no none really cared if you were to suicide. Although, historically, you were more likely to go out due to disease anyway.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Yes, the police and the mental health system. .

1 point

Laws against suicide began during the Feudal period in Britain when the death of a tax-paying peasant would deprive the monarch of tax revenue. The same holds true today that your suicide is a form of tax evasion.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

If you can provide some evidence to support the claim that he had a small army protecting him; that would be great. I'm just going sit here and wait for that evidence rather than making assumptions.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Whilst that might be an amusing anecdote, there's a strong sense of false equivalence in relating two disparate phenomena.

This might be of interest to you:

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
2 points

That's a lot of assumptions. Can I introduce you to Occam's razor as a reasoning tool? It's always best avoid making assumptions.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

I take you never saw his documentary "Science and Islam". He went back to Iraq to film on location. Number of times he was executed = 0.

1 point

Yes; but not because the question is problematic. I think it's a fun question to debate; only there are some people on both sides of the debate that lack the ability to debate the question in a reasonable manner while avoiding fallacies. Once we get a more mature membership, I hope to see these debates being reintroduced.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Actually, it's only been applied 4 times in the last 25 years. It's not like exmuslims are really living in fear of their lives. Jim Al-Khalili, the British physicist, doesn't seem to be running around like Chicken Little.

5 points

I dunno...some guy bit me on the way home today. I've been feeling a bit weird sinddn'sskdnf...ARGHHHH!!!!

Bwains! Bwains!

4 points

Lets be absolutely clear, we're not a pacifist religion. But the theology of the religion of Islam is far from the violent religion that many neoconservative media outlets would like people to believe.

People I have killed since being a Muslim = 0

Living in a Muslim country as I do, the number of people I have seen killed via sharia law or for reasons pertaining to religion = 0

3 points

Someones got a bit of a chip on his shoulder, eh? .

6 points

According to schools of fiqh which were written around 300 years after the death of Mohammed, the punishment for apostasy is death. However, Mohammed himself was inconsistent in applying this punishment and, according to hadith evidence, only applied in when the apostate also engaged in acts of treason. They were otherwise permitted to leave the religion freely.

Consequently, many contemporary Islamic scholars do not support the classic fiqh position on apostasy. Furthermore, this punishment has seldom being implemented in modern times.

3 points

Can you explain how 40% constitutes a majority? As a physicist, I think it might be reasonable to expect you have some understanding of basic math. 40% is LESS THAN 51%. Therefore, it's a MINORITY.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
2 points

There's really only one thing you can do in times like this...facepalm.

2 points

OK, I want to hear the story of what happened, and don't skimp on the juicy bits .

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Well, for starters you'd probably have a lot of trouble being able to read because the letters seem to be all jumbled up or dancing around the page.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

People with dyslexia see letters all jumbled up. So, the word "pencil" might be seen as "necilp" and the word "bar" seen as "bra".

And there are lots of jokes that begin with "A man walked into a bar..."

2 points

A dyslexic man walked into a bra...

That one always brings a tear to my eyes.

1 point

Muhammad forced his followers to leave their families


He warned those who did not follow him, leaving behind their families, will be cursed by Allah


In Yathrib he banished and killed the Jews who did not believe in him

FALSE - They tried to kill him.

I wont bother wasting my time debunking the rest of your diatribe. Needless to say, is hardly a repudable site. I see critical thinking isn't something you're particularly familiar with.

Not at all unexpected, I suppose.

1 point

I'm not sure if you understand the difference between a cult and a religion. You're using words that you don't fully comprehend and that's funny.

1 point

said by bronze age myth follower

Said by someone who obviously didn't know that the Levantian Bronze Age had already concluded by 1200 BC.

It's called H.I.S.T.O.R.Y

Supporting Evidence: Bronze Age in the Levant (
2 points

He's not the sharpest tool in the shed by any means; but I would think the "Stupidest atheist" award belongs to Sam Harris. Dawkins just likes to talk outside his field of expertise and mash up his epistemologies such that he can make some rather spectacular public blunders. But that both men should never be allowed near a Twitter account is obvious.

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