
TheEccentric's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TheEccentric's arguments, looking across every debate.

A few years ago there was this kid who was expelled from my school for openly identifying as a neo-nazi and harassing non-white students.

Because they associate Islam with brown skinned people, and associate brown skinned people with victims.

I love the bitch. She just says the politically incorrect truth.

16. That's the age of consent in most reasonable countries

You are a stupid man. It shouldn't matter how "Christian" a politician is. America is not a theocracy.

Read the OP you moron

Nope. I'm a classist, not a racist. I'd rather dumb white people have their reproduction stunted than that of a middle class black family's.

I love the bitch

Hurray for being a horrible person!!

Abortion clearly benefits society socially and economically. It just makes sense.

12 women have accused him of sexual harassment. He thinks women who have abortions should be punished. The fact that you americans love him disgusts me

-1 points

1. It's a fetus not a baby

2. This debate is asking about abortion in general, not late term. It is possible to legalise abortion without having it legal during the third trimester.

3. Up until 25 weeks the fetus has no regular EEG (brain activity) and therefore has no mind, is not truly alive. But I guess anything scientific means nothing to a religitard young earth creationist like you.

Abortion is great. I don't want the underclass of society who rely off taking government handouts who are too dumb to use birth control to continue reproducing uncontrollably.

Brain activity can't even be measured until 25 weeks, If something doesn't have regular brain activity, it's like killing pondweed.

Get a life and quit wasting our time.

Right. Says the bloke who spends hours a day shitposting religious bullcrap on a site where everyone hates him.

Reply to my question you heartless religitard

So it shouldn't be allowed even if the mother's life is at risk? You honestly value an embryo more than the life of a sentient adult human? Or if the mother had been raped, and didn't want the trauma of bearing her abuser's child? That goes to show you religious people are fucked up nutjobs. You put your own shitty idealogy before the wellbeing of an innocent woman.

Why is it thiests don't possess the humanity to not be terrorists and start wars?

Oh fuck off. Non-binary didn't even exist before the internet. Gays have existed since before time began. Gay relationships continue to exist whether other people respect them or not, whereas "non-binary" is reliant on the belief of strangers. Like fucking tinkerbell. "Non-binary" is a made up gender. Gender is a binary that society forces upon us, you are either seen as a male or female, you cannot fall outside of those two boxes. Non-binaries are not even trans. Dysphoria is a requirement of being a transsexual. "non-binary" is something you just decide to describe yourself as.

Gay isn't an "identity". You don't fucking identify as gay it's just something you are. The fact that you use "identity" to describe everything shows that you are a ridiculous identifarian snowflake tumblrina.

You calling yourself "Queer", appropriating a homophobic slur and not expecting gay males to be insulted is the equivalent of me calling myself the N word and not expecting black people to annoyed.

Muslim immigrants assault and even kill gay and transsexual people. In the UK 1/4 homophobic hate crimes are committed by them. You honestly believe that's the equivalent of someone online saying believe that gender is a binary? You pathetic fucking special snowflake. I bet you fucking love Milo Stewart on youtube. Your problems are made up, our problems are real.

I know many real transsexuals who hate your kind. You're a caricature of them, a man taking the piss out of their struggle.

PS: I have now made you my enemy as you are clearly a retard SJW who strongly adheres to tumblr idealogy. Such people can only be my enemies.

All the worse to see you, the closeted homophobe religitard Singaporean faggot has returned.

LOL. Of course you would pay attention to them, after all, the slut has many photos of herself online for the male gaze of.

I'm glad you're posting on your actual account now, instead of that weird Angelina themed alt

Michelle's speech

I care about lesbians. I care about trans people who are actually transsexual and not claiming to be "non-binary" or some made up tumblr shite just to be special.

What is a man who has bankrupted himself before going to do the US economy?

Also he's not likely to be a good president as he is religious and therefore stupid. (Religious people have lower IQs, look it up)

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