
Vermink's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Vermink's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Religion now just causes conflict. Maybe comfort for individuals but it's a bit of a smudge on the world itself. With medicine being prevented massively in the middle ages because of Christianity and whole wars being done on behalf of religion and now ISIS, it's getting a bit ridiculous now. People fighting because their supposed man in the sky is more valid than someone elses or their view on the world is the better one because it's in some old book.

Honestly, it just causes conflict and prevents progression in my opinion and should be irrelevant. It certainly shouldn't still hold the power it has today in politics.

1 point

If they are physically capable of getting into the army then why not let them? The army is always looking for more soldiers to send into the fray so why not women as well?

1 point

I would believe only refutable sites by refutable people. Not ones like the one you just gave me which is aimed only to attack another political party. Looks like the sort of website you'd see those BS conspiracy theorists using.

Not enough people are stupid enough to start a pedophobe trend. Maybe extremists but not regular people. As I said this debate is purely an attack and makes you look foolish as does the video you sent. Oh wow, an account from one man, I am forever changed in my perception!

1 point

I wouldn't trust that site if it was the only thing keeping me from falling off a cliff. That's exactly the propaganda I talk about when you and that fool Fromwithin use when you argue. Get better sources and I may have a reasonable debate with you.

2 points

Ah once again. Rights and lefts are constantly against each other but I hope no one is that stupid. This debate just shows the intelligence coming out of the right though. No fact to claims just outward attack, wanting to keep the world closed minded and in the 1950s. Yeah that's a great movement 👍

Base your arguments on facts and figures and look past propaganda. You make yourselves look bad with these futile attacks.

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

The point of the debate is to prevent it so abortion doesn't need to be a thing and stop the abortion debate. There are a lot of people that are against it and a lot for it. This just stops it all together.

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

No. I said you can't legally carry a knife. .

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

They're available to everyone. People tend to use them for food. The regulations on them are that you need to be over 18 to buy one and you aren't allowed to carry one in public (concealed or not).

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

Kids can have mental effects on parents, especially if the parents didn't actually want that child. But that's not what I was getting at, I was talking about abortions and their health implications (mentally and physically).

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

We have kitchens, and knives are readily available, it is just illegal to carry them in public. .

2 points

It's a very good book, there is also a film but I have yet to watch it. Certainly a worthwhile read though.

1 point

Yet God's final plague in Egypt killed the first born child simply because he was angry at the Pharaoh or when he was going to wipe out an entire city if Jonah didn't make them Christian. Yeah, ok he definitely has a soft spot for innocent and viable children and never ordered death. But continue to live in your fantasy.

You always prove to be a total waste of time to debate, because your bigoted hatred blinds the truth.

That line right there. That is rich coming from you 😂

2 points

Gone - a 7 book series by Michael Grant

It's a teen fiction book that is really well written. The words just capture you and the characters are really well thought out. The plot is great as well.

A Monster calls - Patrick Ness

Beautifully sad and dark story. Well written and really gets you attached the the characters. I love the psychological side to it, can really show people that kids have more complex minds than meets the eye.

A Natural History of Dragons - Marie Brennan

Different style of story. Very interesting writing style and the story is good. Written in the style of Memoires in a world where dragons exist. It's a great fantasy book.

I like a lot more books as well but these are my top choices.

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

Oh no of course, I wouldn't say a child is a disease. I'm more just saying that they both affect your health (different ways of course). So I don't think it would be too different.

Abortions although I agree with the choice, can have negative effects on mental health and sometimes physical due to side effects. I would see them both as preventative treatments so would say it would be fine for it to be a requirement.

1 point

You didn't read a word I said. You're literally the most ridiculous person I've ever spoken to from here and you never talk with facts or grace. I shant be replying to any arguments you throw at me, you're not worth the time.

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

Making it a law that women have to have one of these is wrong. If they CHOOSE to that's one thing but making it so that they are forced to insert that in their body to be following the law is wrong.

As long as there are no negative effects it's really not that bad especially with what it can prevent. It's not that different from Australia's law that you have to get your kids injections.

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

We haven't had a recent terrorist attack using guns. Our latest was a British man in a van, before that another van where the 3 culprits started using knives on people and then the Manchester suicide bombing.

1 point

Oh my God, do you literally get all your information from propaganda? You talk like you literally know nothing. Something goes wrong? Oh it's definitely those lefts messing up again. So are you saying America has never had a terrorist issue because you have guns? Because I think you're having a memory block. What with 9/11, multiple mass shootings (which hasn't been an issue in the UK) and rampant gun violence. Have guns stopped those? No. In a few cases they caused them. Proof in the link I attached if you even looked at it.

We're talking about gun violence not terrorists. But if we are talking about terrorists then we'll look at our latest terror attack that was done in a van by a British man on innocent Muslims. The one before that was an attack where a van ran through a group of people and then they used knifes to kill people. Police got to the scene very quickly and handled the situation. Then of course the very unfortunate Manchester attack but even if people had a gun what would it have done? It was a suicide bombing, the culprit was dead before anyone would have had time to react.

No I don't think the gun is the problem, stupid people being able to get a hold of them is the issue. With your laws being so lax on the issue you will always have the issue, and that's a political issue on your side, not the lefts. If you're going to openly support a pile of crap then at least stand by it and take responsibility for it.

1 point

I don't live in America so I don't really care that much but facts are facts.

I live in the UK and I feel safe even though I legally can't have a gun or knife on me in public. Because I know the law applies to everyone. No, not all police officers here hold a gun either. You know they're experienced if they have one though. Again, I wouldn't feel safe if guns were just given out willy nilly for any old bozo to get a hold of.

I know the main argument is "defence" but what do you have to defend against if guns aren't even accessible to the idiots that would use them against you?

1 point

Link doesn't want to work but I think I get the idea.

This would definitely be a good idea. Not only would it mean that rape victims won't conceive but people can essentially "turn it off" if and when they want children. The only thing it might not change is if someone who wants the child gets a medical issue that means they'd have to abort. However, these cases are fairly rare but as long as abortion is option for these cases then this would definitely mean that abortion wouldn't be an issue.

0 points

Completely moral? I will leave you with this video

This explains my argument on god very well.

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

You know you can put all your arguments into one post right? 😂 Well have fun being blackmailed, I'll enjoy my freedom :)

1 point

You call saying "if you reject me you go to hell" a freedom? That's a religion based on blackmail. You only get redemption if you love me, it's like a clingy ex. If he really loved his subjects like a "father" then freedom would allow rejection without much consequence. You barely have a choice with what you've just spouted.

I digress though, it's a good thing he's not real. I don't believe the words of a brainwashed troll. Have a good day :)

Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

We are all dying, that's life :) I am glad to not be associated with that glorified monster. It's a shame that when you die, you will eventually learn the truth but you will be dead so you'll never know if how you've used your life was worth it or not.

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