
VincentCross's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of VincentCross's arguments, looking across every debate.

I agree to what Joebbowers said but I want to put in my two cents as well. You asked if you were molested would you want it placed on the internet. Well it just so happens I was molested once as a child and while I would definitely not want that online if it just so happen to end up that way while it would suck. It wouldn't bother me to much. I mean yeah I may feel a bit embarrassed to learn that it was out there. But I would eventually get over it and move on. I wouldn't know who the people were looking at it and I wouldn't want to know. If its making them happy then let them have at it.

I could post a big long wall of text as to why it shouldn't be illegal but a lot of other people have already done that for me. I happen to agree with them. There is no logical reason as to why its illegal. Sure its a horrible and disgusting act but whats done is done. Not having it available to other pedophiles isn't going to turn back time. I think the possession of child porn should be legal but the creation of it should be illegal. Trimming the leafs from a tree isn't going to stop it from growing. Only pulling out the root will do that.

Hmm well to much capitalism ends in corporatism. To much socialism ends in a totalitarian dictatorship. Whats option three?

Let her marry. Its not the governments problem. If there has to be a government it should only be concerned with economic problems not social ones. Social problems should be discussed and taken care of by the people involved in them.

Most individual Muslims are nice people but the extremely devote ones are the trouble makers. But that can be said for most religions. I believe that religion as a whole is anything but peaceful and should eventually be eliminated all together.

For the most part no. But there are a few things I do like about him. So he's not a total failure at least to me.

Damn! I will just miss it. By 2050 I'll be in my late 60s. Any damage I have sustained from old age will probably be irreversible but who knows I could already be dead by then anyway.

I don't have one because I don't wait for new years to get started on my goals.

Even though I'm an anarchist now I use to a Communist / Stalinist and I agree Stalin and Lenin were great dictators but I still believe dictatorship is defenitly not the way to go. Even if you got a benevolent dictator he would eventually die and a new one who may not be so great could take his place.

Let the people govern themselves. Get rid of leaders, states, and government all together. Implement a system of direct democracy where the people can vote as a collective on the laws and how things are done. Sure things may get chaotic at first but eventually things will settle down as people get use to their new way of life and new found freedom.

Let people wear whatever the hell they want to wear and I mean "whatever" they want to wear. Back in my old high school there was a gay guy who once got in big trouble for dressing like a woman. He wasn't breaking any of the school dress codes. He was just simply dressed as a woman. Well believe it or not most of the students were perfectly fine with it. The only ones complaining were the adults.

You could say the same exact thing to the woman. They have plenty of stuff they can take to protect themselves as well. Such as the pill for one.

It would only be fair to give men the same option that women have. Either keep the baby or not. If you choose not to keep it. Then you should be able to walk away and have no responsibility to take care of it. If she chooses to have the baby even after you left then thats on her.

I'm for a direct democracy of the people. No leaders, no states, no government. The people as a whole vote to decide the laws and how things are run.

"Anarchy is order." - Pierre Joseph Proudhon

If you can form your own views on politics then you should be allowed to vote.

If you kill people you should die too. But only in that case. It's not right to kill someone who hasn't actually killed anyone. If it was a crime other than murder they should just be jailed.

All that did was show them that if they throw a big enough hissy fit they will always get what they want.

This debate is getting old. I've seen it on several other sites. I say just arm everyone, give them some training, then let the problems resolve themselves.

Give everyone a gun, train them to use it, and let the problems resolve themselves.

We don't need leaders, we don't need states, we don't need government. What we do need is direct democracy of the people.

You know the messed up thing? I read somewhere that the military put some advanced artificial intelligence inside a bot with mounted guns on it. In hopes that it could think during combat and find the enemy faster than a human soldier could and if the situation called for it eliminate the enemy on its own. But the thing was that during the testing of the device it freaking turned itself on and at one point it turned its guns on the testers! They were able to turn it off through an emergency kill switch but still that was fucked up. I think the project was canned after that and they just marked it off as a failed experiment.

Till you can make a great gaming laptop without going poor I'll stick with my PC.

It doesn't matter how many people you sleep with. The only thing that matters is how safe you were when doing it.

Nice, but I have the feeling if they were real, and could reply to that, their answer would probably be something like this; "I never said do what I do. I said do what I say."

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