
WB40's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of WB40's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No it is in there DNA to hunt and kill! It wouldn't be possible to genetically alter there behavior.

1 point

The best band ever has to be CAKE!! They are just an amazing and under rated band.

1 point

Kids already carry there phones around in school the real problem is weather the should be aloud to use them or not.

1 point

Neither map is good get Black Ops and play Kino der Toten or Ascension.

2 points

I think Nickelodeon is better because they had spongebob and Avatar but now they are both awful.

1 point

The black beauty is better because it has rockets that will blow you up the bat-mobile doesn't, it just has defensive messures that the black beauty also has. SO the black beauty owns the bat-mobile.

1 point

Joe you have done nothing wrong your sense of humor is your own and we forgive you. Also you have a great eye for architecture.

7 points

All your debates are pointless because you only give options on the for or against side that support what you think. Oh and no they shouldn't.

1 point

I think the best thing about 2010 was the book George Bush released.

1 point

I can't justify the remake the original was better but the remake was still better and less confusing than inception.

1 point

I feel that a two year service should be mandatory, because look at Israel each one of there citizens are required to join the military and then they keep the guns they use. Now they are one of the most threatening countries in the middle east.

1 point

Batman would win because he would hide in the shadow's like a ninja and the pop out if no-where and take iron man out. Or Batman would just shoot an EMP at iron man.

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