
WB40's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of WB40's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What are you? You sir are an immature child who uses school yard come-backs that do not pertain to what he said.

2 points

Terminator please there are young people on this website. But i do agree with you it does seem like USPS is trying to stir the pot a little.

2 points

I support this because having a swastika for a picture if pretty offensive.

1 point

Any language should be used but they should put some sort of translation under neath the post.

2 points

Yes schools should distribute homework because it helps students understand the subject better and learn more.

1 point

Yes i would assassinate Hitler so that not so many innocent people would die for no apparent reason.

1 point

Yes i did like it but my favorite was the one when the kid slapped the other guy for touching his doritos.

1 point

I watched the game for the Ad's because every year they are great. But this year they we not as good.

1 point

Yes these pictures are very disturbing i can't believe these picture are real. These picture's show some of the horrors of the Holocaust.

1 point

HA thats funny because he gives these really long post's like any one is gunna read the whole thing.

1 point

I do believe in UFOs but more importantly is there intelligent life somewhere out in the universe.

(Besides here on Earth)

1 point

Christmas, because calling it Christmas is a good thing because it signifies what the holiday is all about Christ. Also you should not mess with a good thing because bad things will follow, and Christmas is a good thing. Plus "Xmas" just sounds weird.

1 point

Yes, we already have plasma screens and other types so eventually we will have 3D TV's.

4 points

Yes gays and lesbians should be aloud in the military, because if they want to serve there country like the rest of us let them do it.

1 point

I think Hitler killed himself and his wife and then the Russians took his body.

0 points

Yes profanity. When you search "Create Debate" it says "Online debate community for logical and passionate people" and racism and profanity isn't very logical.

0 points

Yes people work. Just because they have a bunch of points does not mean they don't work. They might just posting on a bunch of different in one sitting. So don't imply people don't work. Fool

2 points

Yes if we stopped imports from China we would have to make our own stuff and that would give more people a job opportunity. Also the national debt would stop growing.

1 point

The best movie ever has to be Monty Python and the quest for the holy grail. So don disagree or i will say "NI" at you.

1 point

When where there midgets in Happy Gilmore, and also Bob beat Happy in that fight hands down!!!

1 point

Some should be banned for making a racist comment or using profane language in excess.

1 point

Cash is much better because you can use it with out having to worry about getting into debt or losing it and having some one steal your identity like you have to with a credit card.

1 point

Hahahaha i completely agree.

P.S. I don't like the 50 character requirement.:(

1 point

My favorite villain from the comics and the movies is the joker because, no matter what

Batman does he won't go away. Also when i say the movies i mean the Jack Nicholson joker not Heath Ledger. Not that i have anything against Mr.Ledger i just like Jack Nicholson better as the joker. :l

1 point

No Atheism is not a religion it is an idea. Its an idea that God doesn't exist. Also i have never seen the first church of atheism have. Have you?

1 point

The 50 character limit is stupid i wish it wasn't a rule but they gave a good reason that they have it because if it wasn't there we would have a stupid joke epidemic!!!!!!

1 point

I think a gun and ammo is better for hunting because it can take down a deer easily. But a bow and arrow is better for targets because it takes more aiming ability.

1 point

Is this debate about weather or not i am hungry? Because if so, no i am not hungry.

1 point

Yes and no, torture sometimes is good for getting info from suspected terrorists but some times plain interrogation works just as well.

2 points

Yes the Holocaust really happened. We know this because we have survivors who say it happened. Also we should never deny that it happened because "those who deny history are bound to repeat it."

-it have no idea who said that but it is a quote-

1 point

No he should not retire from Create Debate if he wants to get more points let him

1 point

Emotion is what mainly make a human human. but aside from that its our sense's and the way we have evolved.

2 points

The worst sound in the world is knifes and forks on a glass plate!!!!!!

1 point

The best superhero movie is iron man because it had great special effects and Robert Downy Jr. was great in the movie. Finally its based on an awesome comic book.

1 point

Books are better then movies because it allows you to imagine what the characters look like. Plus you can read a book over and over but eventually watching a movie would get boring.

1 point

Indiana Jones had great theme song so id hsve to go with that.

1 point

Futurama is better because wasn't on for 15+ years so it stopped when it was funny and didn't have time to get annoying unlike the Simpson's which aggravates me.

1 point

Its not the best music but its not boring its music you listen to when you want to be calm.

1 point

No it would be an awful idea to clone a dinosaur because if it gets loose from a lab it woul eat us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 points

No death is essayer than life and plus you get to meet God!!!!!!!!!

1 point

The end of the world is more likely because for world peace to occur ever tribe very wear would have to get along and that probably will never happen.

1 point

Summer blockbusters are the best especially the one that are based on toys, old TV shows and comics

1 point

The egg came first because before the chicken or hen was alive other species where laying eggs

1 point

It does matter what you watch because if you only watch movies that revolve on thing it is bad for your brain. But if you watch Jeopardy or the history channel you might benefit from it.

1 point

What makes a good movie is: first a very good story.

next it must have some comedy

several good action sequences

and mystery and suspense

1 point

Yes it was right because if we did not do that then we would have had to invade Tokyo which would have resulted in more lose of life on the American side, and on Japan's side.

1 point

If my friends turned out to be betrayers to our country I'd probably the FBI or a major security group.

2 points

We cant literally destroy the planet we can wipe out the human race but we cant destroy the planet.

1 point

We need to keep it open or else what would we do with the terrorists?

1 point

We need to keep Guantanamo Bay open because if we close it where would we put the terrorist we have there? I mean there own country's don't even want them back.

2 points

Family Guy is much funnier because it hasn't been on for like 20 years so. Also Seth Mcfarlen is a comedy genius. So you can't compete with him.

1 point

No we should not remove it from school curriculum because we need to learn about it because if we forget about some idiot will do it again. And also who is it gunna offend?

1 point

I agree completely.

P.S. You did not spell destroy right.

1 point

Adam Sandler is more hilarious because he does not have to try to be funny he just is.l

2 points

A picture is way more powerful than words because if you accuses some one of something the picture confirms your story because you have stone cold proof

2 points

The American version because it has Steve Carrel and he is hilarious

2 points

Defiantly Iron man because he has no secrets about his identity. Plus Batman would probably make a better dictator because he has said he became Batman so that he could strike FEAR into people. Also i just like MARVEL better than DC

2 points

Yes the thing is creepy and should be taken down plus its looks like its made out of a fabric. like the bogeyman from "the nightmare before Christmas":(

2 points

If they had create debate awards they should have awards for most allies, most enemies, most posts, most points. Also they should make it so all the awards you win should be displayed on your home page, with a badge or section thats labeled "awards" or they should put up a picture with a caption.

2 points

British culture is the queen drinking tea instead of coffee and eating those little crumpets while taking about the queen and saying "Ello govenor"

1 point

Use of steroids in sports is disgraceful and its cheating because it makes you strong so you can hit, throw, or kick a ball farther

1 point

We would have to defend freedom because freedom is what makes our nation great.

But order is just as important

1 point

Gun laws should entail that: if you have a criminal record you should not be aloud to own a fire arm.

You need a permit.

You need to be at least 22

1 point

No rap isn't real music all they are doing is talking in rhyme with instruments behind them. But in real music they are singing

2 points

I agree completly welfare in this country has gotten out of control

1 point

Freedom of speech should always be defended it was written in our constitution as the 1st amendment. If its first it has to be important

1 point

Its a number.

I don't understand the point of the debate.

1 point

If he never crys than what is the point of his tears curing cancer

1 point

Top 5:

Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding

If you can spell Chuck Norris in scrabble you win for ever

Chuck Norris uses pepper spray to spice up his steaks

There is no theory of evolution just a list creatures Chuck Norris has let live

1 point

I think it should stay the same because its become a norm to see Mr.Grants face on the 50

1 point

Yes he is defiantly a symbol of our great county and this movie will help raise our spirits and patriotism

2 points

I think Marvel is better because of Spider man, Daredevil, the x-men and the final reason its better. Two words CAPTAIN AMERICA

1 point

(sorry forgot one) they wanted to put Chuck Norris on mount Rushmore but the granite couldn't support his beard

2 points

When Chuck Norris goes swimming he doesn't get wet the water gets Chuck Norris

1 point

I have to say America because we beat Russia to the moon so why couldn't we beat them here on Earth

1 point

We should spend more on space technology because if we did we could put up more satellites to gather information for the military

1 point

My friend told me about it and it got me very interested and now i have an account

1 point

Yes war can be justified in world war 2 we mainly went to war with Japan because they bombed us at pearl harbor so yes war can be completely justified

1 point

No because if its some one of a different religion it might not effect them to tell the truth and plus even if you are Christian or catholic it cant MAKE you tell the truth

2 points

Nothing. Every one says that the Mayans predict it. But is there any solid evidence that they really predict it or does the calender just end?

1 point

HA! Spending another 2 trillion on the military. That is probably the only smart way to spend that much money

1 point

Yes we need to invest more in the military!! the more money the have the more supplies they can buy to keep this great nation safe

1 point

That is the stupidest thing i have ever read no one could survive a black hole so that statement is irrelevant

1 point

I HAVE READ THE CONSTITUTION alright PrayerFails so dont say i havent

0 points

True but neither does bowing to a foreign leader. Do you know any other president that has done that

1 point

This is the greatest country in the world so yes go united states of AMERICA

1 point

Plus one point for correcting me and do you even know what branch of th military rasied that flag and how many of them there where

0 points

I think the funniest movie would have to be anchor man because it just has some classic comedy

1 point

I think it should be longer because if we went to school more during the week we would have a longer summer and we would graduate at a younger age

1 point

America should help Israel if they ever need help because they are kind of our only allies in the middle east. Also they probably will never need help because they can take care of them selves I'm mean they have the Masad

2 points

No when Jesus wants to come back to our world he will return and no sooner than that

1 point

I vote life in jail because if we kill the convicts they pay for what they did but it be more of a punishment to have them in a small cell

1 point

Alright i have to give you props you have me on this one "hmicciche"

1 point

Yes i do know what a communist is ok

Do you have any clue what indiscriminately means

1 point

OK i did say he hasnt done any thing but he is the president he should be doing something

1 point

I would defend my second amendement rights till the bitter end because if they took that right away from citizens then only criminals could get fire arms and gun crimes would sky rocket

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