
WildCat's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of WildCat's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

I have never watched it, it doesn't appeal to my taste in prime-time TV. It is very popular so they must be doing something right, and I highly doubt it has anything to do with homosexuality.

2 points

Cowards on an opinion site? Please say it isn't so, I can't believe it! LOL

3 points

I wish there was an all of the above option. IMO..Teen suicides are due to peer pressure which leads to drinking and/or drugs, low self esteem, and an unstable home-life. All of these things can lead to psychological problems making it hard for the teen to decipher between reality and disillusion.

2 points

Kind of reminds me of a stupid blue bird on that other site. You know the one!! LOL

3 points

I'm all for it as long as there is a lot of research involved on the placement of the reactor(s). That seems the direction that we need to go in to keep up with the rest of the world...but I doubt Obama will take us in that direction.

1 point

There are usually a lot of red flags or warning signs that a person shows before they actually take their own life. If someone is suffering that much and sees death as the only solution, there is little or nothing that can be done to help them. If they don't succeed the first time, they will keep trying until they do.

0 points

You mean 'whining' not 'winning' right? Because he does deserve an Emmy for whining! LOL

1 point

Charlie Sheen is mentally insane and takes drugs to deal with his insanity. It's a double-edged sword....he takes drugs to manage the insanity, and he is insane because the drugs have fried his brain.

2 points

No, I don't believe it can. Islam is a religion of peace, or so they say...Democracy goes against everything they believe in.

3 points


2 points

HELL NO!!!! They are ILLEGAL!! Last time I checked, that meant 'against the law'! Government assistance money comes from the tax payers like you and me...I would rather have my money go to something that doesn't eat, sh*t, and multiply!

5 points

Morality comes from with in the individual, whether you believe in God or not.

4 points

Excellent question Sunset! My ideal President would be everything the current POS POTUS isn't....starting with: he would have to be a man WITH balls.

1 point

As long as they don't air it on Fox, then I am all for it! LOL

1 point

I like the way you think Eliot...pedophiles should be put in to the chipper shredder pee-pee first!

4 points

On another site, pirates scare the crap out of a gay army of ninja's!! Did you know that? LMFAO!

4 points

Are you kidding? Pirates by a long shot! Ninja's tend to be liberal pussy's that look like cartoon characters.

2 points

I wouldn't mind seeing an illegal hump a land mine!! Maybe a land mine taco would be fun to watch too!! LOL

3 points

No, I don't! And it is just a matter of time before we have another Katrina or a huge earthquake and tsunami in the U.S. Thank goodness I live in the desert! LOL

1 point

I think we should get in there, get the job done, and get out!

2 points

I don't remember how I got the picture to post...I will have to try it again and let you know! LOL

I agree...put the military on the border...load it with troops.

1 point

LMAO! It was one of the first questions I asked on SH! It did a lot better on there! Your memory is amazing, it is my lack of creativity that is the problemo!

2 points

Everyone needs to take their 5 hour energy shot and get on here to get it on! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

1 point

Yes America is on a path towards communism, and Barack Hussein Obama is leading the way!

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