
Anthrstofmnd's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Anthrstofmnd's arguments, looking across every debate.

Think a little bit more about it. Imagine all of the suffering you would have to live through. You would have to live through the lives and deaths of everyone around you. For me it would be pretty cool for a while, but then it start to be quite torturous when I am the last person alive in the world.

2 points

I agree with both you and Joe. Spending all this money trying to fix it is like trying to put a band aid on a mortal wound. Let it fix itself instead of trying to prolong it and waste money at the same time.

3 points

God is all powerful and created Chuck Norris, even if Chuck Norris is awesome.

5 points

I realize what you are saying in that we have left the square of the "god did it" rhetoric because of the theory that we have today, but then there is even bigger square outside of that proving the existence of God. Science will never be able to explain where all of the matter and energy in the universe and the big bang came from. Something cannot come from nothing. That is my reason for believing in creationism. I don't believed it happened as described exactly as it is in the Bible, but I believe in the message that the story was trying to get across: that God created the world, the universe, and humanity, in one way or another.

8 points

The evidence of God's existence is all around us: You, Me, Life the World, the Universe. There is no way science can explain how something can just come into existence out of nothing. The Big Bang Theory? Where did that little ball of matter that exploded come from? How did it come to be? There is no way to explain the existence of everything in the universe without God or some sort of higher power. In science, one has to know how to explain something, but we don't have to understand God. One must just have faith. The existence of God is what makes sense to show where everything came from, while science does not makes sense in this subject. Why did we come to be? What causes us to have morals? Do you really want to believe that your mind, body, spirit, and whole being are just a random collection of matter, that you mean nothing. I don't know about you, but that is such a grim thought to me.

2 points

You just agreed with me that abortion is killing someone and not something. Isn't it against the law to kill an innocent person? I know that a lot of times it is extremely difficult to for a woman to cope with an unplanned pregnancy, but i think that ultimately, the government should make abortion illegal, but in turn provide programs to help the woman through this hard time and make the right choice in what to do with the child after birth, whether it would be adoption, or keeping the baby, in order to preserve life. I also think that the government should provide more funding for to take care of the children in the foster care system. It may be true that we shouldn't tell other people how to live their lives or what they can and can't do, but isn't that what we attempt to do whenever we vote?

2 points

There are many arguments to both sides of this issue, but I think the arguments for being pro-life are way better than the one's for being pro-choice. First of all, no matter how much you deny it, cover it up, or lie about it, abortion is killing someone. You can keep telling yourself that it isn't, but it is. That's against the law just to let you know. It is against my religion and that is one of the reasons why I think it is wrong, but I can argue from a secular point of view also. The Declaration of Independence lists three inalienable rights: LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Isn't killing an innocent baby taking all three of these rights away from it? Also, one argument for being pro-choice is that restrictions on abortion are a violation to rights of privacy, but privacy is not mentioned once in the constitution. Besides, isn't the right to life a little more important the right to privacy? If the baby itself is not causing any real danger to the mother, then she does not have the right to takes its life a way.

2 points

The evidence of God's existence is all around us: You, Me, Life the World, the Universe. There is no way science can explain how something can just come into existence out of nothing. The Big Bang Theory? Where did that little ball of matter that exploded come from? How did it come to be? There is no way to explain the existence of everything in the universe without God or some sort of higher power. In science, one has to know how to explain something, but we don't have to understand God. One must just have faith. The existence of God is what makes sense to show where everything came from, while science does not makes sense in this subject. Do you really want to believe that your mind, body, spirit, and whole being is just a random collection of matter, that you mean nothing. I don't know about you, but that is such a grim thought to me.

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