
Banthisaccou's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Banthisaccou's arguments, looking across every debate.
banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

We've already had this conversation, and you lost.

I failed to convince you of the truth, but that is not the same as a loss. You are so fat and stupid that you called science a religion and descended into repeating "shut up child" five thousand times and projecting everything you were doing onto me as you did everything you could to bend the English language to suit your own purposes. The problem is you don't know the difference between scientific thought and believing in whatever the scientific community tells you to, because that is exactly what you do. You unquestioningly believe every theory and interpretation that mainstream science hands you, to the point where you are convinced that reality is made of numbers.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

I'm insane and that's one of the great benefits of insanity. You don't need evidence or reason. You just say stupid stuff and act like it's real.

The fact that you can't tell the difference between that and science is very unfortunate. James "science is a religion" DD.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

Cool. I like Eminem. He is very talented

Eminem is the master of rhyming specifically. He is able to do wordplay and flow well when he wants to but what he is able to do better than anyone else is just rhyme so many syllables that it makes your head spin. I rap in a similar way, I just spam rhymes all over the place when I rap.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

Are you a rapper yourself?

Yes. I have an Eminem/horrocore/ "nerd rap" style.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

WOW! I did not know that. Do you like rap, or no?

I love rap, I am somewhat of an expert on it as well.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

That will backfire on you quite severely.

He will definitely try to make it backfire, but hope is not lost if I can manage to show that he is factually wrong enough times in a way that can't be denied.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

Something cool I learned as a Muslim is that the Qur'an rhymes in Arabic in a way that is actually pretty intricate. Mohammad was one of the first rappers.

I am seeing the same ad. The site looks gay and is designed for children.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

My intention is not to convince him, but hopefully make him look stupid enough to get a few of his mindless fans thinking for once in their lives so that a few of them might come to their senses.

0 points


Atheism doesn't command you to kill Christians, most atheists have never killed christians or have any intention of doing so.

The person is blamed, because to do anything else is a complete aberration of logic.

You haven't listened to enough Jacque Fresco Nom.

It doesn't mean you should blame the reason instead of the person.

It depends on what that reason is. When people start wars over irrational, insane belief systems then it is reasonable to blame it on socially acceptable mass-schizophrenia AKA religious beliefs. If people are lacking a vital resource and fight over it then it is reasonable to blame scarcity on that war. People don't exist in a vacuum and they are compelled to do what they do whether they are reasonable or not.

by extension you are arguing that women cause wars.

You're a retarded little monkey, aren't you?

Islam doesn't command anybody to do anything.

Islam is something that was always intended to be ENFORCED. It was spread through violence and enforced by violence since it's inception. It comes with a list of rules including it's own system of law and the Qur'an directly states that Islam being spread by force is acceptable. I read the Quran three times whereas you probably haven't read it once.

It's a belief system, exactly the same as atheism is a belief system.

Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a deity. That is very different from a religion which has commandments and heaps of faith-based beliefs for you to blindly accept.

ou would not be attacking me in the first place were this not tru

When you see atheists stoning and beheading people for being Muslims let me know. Until then you are just a stupid little pansy whining because I know how stupid you are and conflating that with "attacking" you in any way similar to how Muslims sexually assault 9 year old girls, cut off the heads of kaffirs and butt fuck each other violently in the back alleys of south pakistan.

An atheist tyrant takes control of the Soviet Union, kills tens of millions, but no connection to atheism.

If Atheism commanded Stalin to kill people, that would be different. Also, the idea that Communists just killed everyone constantly is propaganda. You never hear about the 100s of millions killed by capitalism but similar numbers could be produced if the same standards were applied.

People cause wars. Religion doesn't have anything to do with it.

People cause wars because of their religion and fight over religion, thus religion causes wars retard.

Islam has never caused anyone to have their head cut off

Islam directly commands you to cut people's heads off in certain instances. Atheism has no dogma or commandments, unlike most religions.

The word Islam literally means peace.

I could invent a religion called "the way of love" which commands it's followers to inject cyanide into elderly women's nipples every October 7th to commemorate the day of it's founding.

Your anti-Islamic hate videos

That video doesn't even directly mention Islam, it's an underground horrorcore rap song about hating God and succumbing to Satan's mentality.

Atheists like to create famines which kill 7 million people.

Atheism has never caused a famine, religion has directly caused wars and compelled people to behead people.

0 points

I am sorry you turned to darkness

Peace be upon you.

Muslims like to cut people's heads off and cut little girl's clits off.

I was a Muslim at one point in my life as I've mentioned before. The Qur'an is no more or less violent than the bible.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

Neatly explaining why you listened to him so frequently

Dude, do you not realize how entertaining Alex Jones can be? It's also informative in a way other than him being directly trust worthy, it can be used as a gateway to other information as well as a way to train your ability to recognize propaganda and spin.

You stole that argument from me.

It's absolute fact that he is controlled opposition. He is payed off by exactly what he claims to oppose and manages to obfuscate the real problems and misdirect blame in such a way that is too convenient to not be a sort of gatekeeping operation. Alex Jones is for those smart enough to know how absolutely fucked the system is but not smart enough to see through the web of bullshit he then proceeds to spin.

banthisaccou(82) Clarified
1 point

You seem very familiar with what Alex Jones would say. Are you Alex Jones?

I used to listen to Alex Jones frequently. I never believed most of what he said though. I thought (and still think) he is "controlled opposition" which is confirmed by him changing tone drastically after Trump emerged. There has been a widespread repackaging of right wing ideas over recent years, a strange cultural phenomena complete with new terminology and a whole new generation of meme based propaganda and Infowars and Trump seem to be riding a sort of cultural wave right now which was very probably deliberately manufactured by the capitalist elite.

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