
Cruzaders's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cruzaders's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Sorry but I cant see any of your arguments, I just see some whining about Andy...

1 point

Its against the rules to make debates wich are not in the form of a question, as it is against the rules to personnally attack people. Do you want to know why? Its is to avoid utterly stupid and pointless debates such as this one.

"Andy doesn't know the difference between science and religion"

As debators what do you expect us to do when we see the title of such a "debate"? There is no debate to be had, you are just throwing out your opinions without backing them upp without any kind of evidence. A user of this website once compared people who do such things as "monkeys who throw shit at each other" , the image is stricking and fits perfectly

Here is a usefull link on how to debate, please read it:

2 points

Dunno what debate youre talking about, but maybe its because you were not following the rules he specified? This debate doesnt follow the rules either btw:

-1. All debates must be written in the form of a question. If you do not, I will take the liberty to change those which I see are statements into questions.

-3. No attacks on members. You may post debates and arguments that attack public figures, but you may not post a debate or argument attacking another member. Do it once and you will be warned. Do it twice and you will be banned.

Go read the rules and have a nice day

3 points

I'm not sure its the republican party as a whole who is against abortion but rather the christian part of it. But nonetheless I think you are right some christians are real hipocrytes (spelling?) on the question of abortion; publicly they are against it but when no one is looking they dishonor their faith

3 points

Great news! Thank you very much! May this be the beginning of a new era of prosperity for CD

cruzaders(325) Clarified
1 point

The problem with that reasoning is that the fetus didnt just pop out of nowhere like some kind of virus, it was due to consensual hanky panky stuff (rape cases etc put aside of course) If you cant assume the consequences of an action, just dont do it!

And even after birth the baby is reliable on its mother for sustenance

cruzaders(325) Clarified
1 point

Well we havent reported you ^^

No seriously even you must admit that the whole Nom/Q etc got a bit out of hand

3 points

A) I have two younger sisters Charlotte and NoƩmie, dunno if that was what you meant ^^

B) I taught basic english and latin to kids, and advanced french to adults

C) I gave blood a year and a half ago, and apparently my blood has an unusual quantity of platelets so every 3 or 4 months they call me to give blood and offer me a meal

G) In highschool I made a story telling group, I couldnt read books to them because since it was a catholic school I would have had every book to be approved by the school and it would have taken an eternity to get the group going

I) I am on the administration council, most of my job consists of stopping the pseudo communist group

3 points

Ahhh Andy is doing something? Thats really great! Long live CD

3 points

I have been elected at the administration council of my university, and I am currently working on "building" a free lawyier clinic for students.

1 point

I highly doubt the authenticity of those numbers .

1 point

Just shut upp nom .

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