
Cruzaders's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cruzaders's arguments, looking across every debate.
5 points

Because he doesnt know how to swim, is missing an arm, is in a wheelchair... There can be any number of reasons really

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Pickle tickling .

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Oh yeah I forgot the "as a punihment", thats obviously a terrible idea .

1 point

Admiro tu nivel de espanol, es increible ^^ .

1 point

What do you mean by better than that? For a crime there must be a just punishment, giving a death sentence to a serial killer or a pedophile seems justified to me

1 point

You wont be tortured and put to death because you knocked something off a shelf at your local supermarket ;)

Torture is sometimes necessary, all countries practice it but few admit to it. What would you do if you caught a terrorist who planted a bomb somewhere and refused to reveal the location?

You would have the choice between torturing a murderer, or letting innocents die. For me the choice is already done

1 point

I'm not sure refusing the execution be carried out on a plazza in the middle of town is hiding it. It can be done inside a prison and everyone who wants to can come and watch, there should also be an announce on tv that X is being executed for X crime

1 point

I'm for execution and torture (only in the cases where it is justified) but certainly not publicly, it wont help at all. You'll just give ideas to mentally ill who will see it as the opportunity to have 10 minutes of fame

1 point

I did but I'm not sure here is the place to ask that type of question ^^ .

1 point

Just read about this course on wikipedia

Why not use it? Many bad people have invented good things; its not as if this course taught you how to be a child molester. From what I understood the course was about discipline and being yourselfn where is the wrong in that?

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

I think Russia is to thank for kicking ISIS's ass, but if he convinces NK to drop their nuclear weapons then yeah he deserves a Nobel peace prize

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

I can understand why americans dont like russians, but dont try to push your hatred of them on the rest of the world

"But the russians will cause a nuclear apocalypse!!" Please, you americans are the only nation in the world that have used nuclear weapons

So fuck you

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Yeah sorry I couldnt give a very profound answer last time, I had tests and stuff to do

Democracy clearly isnt working out in my country, after the monarchy fell we have been through a succession of regimes that just dont work out. A clear proof of this is that todays republic is the 5th (and there are talks about making a 6th one)

Having a hereditary ruler would give us a continuity in our political agenda, because currently each time a leftist president does something, the next rightist president cancels it, and vice versa.

France isnt like the US where people vote for one party and stick to it for years, they vote for one side and then the other, which is bringing us nowhere

There is also another problem: since nothing is happening in french politics people became completly uninterested in them, in the last presidential elections 43 million people could vote and 35% or 40% didnt, this has been happening for years and is getting worse, each president is getting more illegitimous than the last

The people have no idea who to vote for, they just follow the media blindly, the candidate who was going to win last years elections was destroyed by the media for a minor fraud, while he was an accomplished man with experience.

Our actual president is a kid who won the elections without even presenting a program!!!!! At the time if you asked people who they were going to vote for they would reply Macron, and if you asked them why they said it was because he was young and dynamic

I could talk about this subject for hours, but here is my conclusion: the french people are too fkn dumb to vote

1 point

I am for an absolute hereditary monarchy!

Vive la France et vive le roi!

1 point

I'm getting more and more fed upp with this website, do you guys still believe in it? Or should we search for another website?

2 points

Dude you have 18 points, youre supposed to be new to this website. And yet you are comparing dermot to antrim, while pretending not to know who is nom

You are not fooling anyone, fuck off

cruzaders(326) Clarified
2 points

Can you do something about this ?

1 point

Thanks for sharing dude !

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

If you dont mind me asking, why were you in there ?

2 points

Hard to answer this question without writing a whole book (in France the roman empire is one of the most important things we study), but the answer can be summed upp to:

-During the monarchy: a bit early to tell

-During the republic: socially left wing, economically right wing

-During the empire: three periods: 1) capitalist 2) "soft" socialism 3) hardcore communist dystopia

cruzaders(326) Clarified
3 points

Oh yeah I didnt think of that, my bad. Its a shame though you cant share your artwork because of morons .

2 points

Yup that was creepy as hell .

cruzaders(326) Clarified
3 points

I f I remember correctly Dermot you are an artist, would you mind posting some of your work? I'd be ahppy to see it

1 point

The only thing I find weird is that it wasnt @Jolie who made this "debate" .

1 point

Well Nom, we finally aggree on something! Cheers !

1 point

Me directly no, but it will hurt the generations to come .

1 point

And you got it .

1 point

One thing is for sure we are great at creating stuff to destroy other people .

1 point

I come from a only boys school, and from what I can see here are the main benefits:

-boys work a lot better if there are no girls around, easier to concentrate without being in a relationship

-since we dont know many girls we have a tendency to be a lot more polite and caring (witch the ladies seem to like)

After not being around girls until university, there are tipically two kind of guys:

-the guys that will date pretty much any girl and have 3 girlfriends a year

-the guys that are like: "I have waited until now, why not wait for the right one?"

1 point

He had the ability to souround himself with very talented men, was probably the best speaker I have ever listened to. Was batshit crazy and was a terrible artist

1 point

Hi I'm catholic and I dont know much about protestants but it doesnt seem to make sense: why would God give us the right to only exist in hell?

There is no predestination, we are all born equal in front of God and our actions and toughts determine if we go to hell or heaven

-1 points

Nope .

1 point

Apparently yes

Little side note: a few weeks ago in Paris two people were convicted of cannibalism, they attacked a homeless guy and ate his ears ans his lips.

I'm pretty sure they werent french

1 point

I'm student, enough said .

5 points

In itself technological progress is always good, its what we do with it that is often wrong, the problem resides with the people, not with the technology

1 point

Just a question about accents: is it true that american girls love the french accent? (I will maybe travel to the US this summer, so I gotta be ready)

3 points

For the sake of entertainement I googled the 73 gender list, I advise you to do the same its hilarious, I couldnt stop laughing

2 points

After my own observation I can say there is a wage gap: not because women are payed less because they are women but because they work jobs they like even if they dont pay much (women do mostly "social" work: history, litterature, languages etc) while often men dont consider if they like the job or not, they just look at the salary

1 point

I have said it before and I will say it again:

We abosolutely need more lucid politicians like Jolie running the world, things would be so much better, she is like a super AI: capable of learning from everything, just look at the brilliant idea that has just sparked in her while watching the Matrix

I wonder what wondrous ideas might spawn in her mind while watching Disney movies

0 points

What do you call a safe place ?

1 point

We both agrree that war is horrible, but on this matter I dont think the nationalist team would go down without a fight

1 point

Nomenclature? Is that you again ?

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Damn, when I was a kid my mom told me she played with my legos while I was at school, maybe it wasnt a joke


2 points

Sounds fine to me !

2 points

I'd like to join (although I cant debate about science stuff, but history and philosophy are totally my thing)

cruzaders(326) Clarified
2 points

will nomenclature be allowed in these "debates"? .

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Werent you a mom? When do you get the time to play video games?

2 points

My favorite video game: the whole total war series (medieval 2 is the best though)

My favorite board game is chess (I think im somewhat good at it? Or the rest of my family sucks)

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

That movie game me nightmares, I saw it as a kid (its one of my moms favorites) and I still cant forgt it, I dunno who wrote the plot to that movie but he was definitively on crack


1 point

I think that can be said for the politicians of any country .

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Labyrinth, do you mean the trilogy or the movie with David Bowie? (that terrorised me as a child)

2 points

My favorite book is "Le Rouge et le Noir" written by Stendhal

2 points

I realize this is quite an unusual pick, but my favorite movie is The Village by Night Shyamalan

2 points

If I had to make a top three it would be reading, ice skating and petting my cat

Have a nice day!

1 point

Nomenclature, have you read your own article ?

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

way it is used has created educational barriers for the poor.

What do you mean?

1 point

I believe we all know the answer, but what I find interesting is that the US is the only country I know of where white nationlist commit terrorism

1 point

We wont do your homework for free, if that was the question .

cruzaders(326) Clarified
-1 points

I agree with you, apparently I had misunderstood the theory of evolution

(read the answerof marcusmoon, he understood what I meant and his answer was on point)

Have a nice day!

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

unwed parenthood and divorce are much greater threats to society than gay marriage and adoption

I believe that they are the root of the problem, homosexuality, transexualism etc are just one of the many consequences of it.

I dont know if you were implying this but just because there are worse things is not a reason to allow such things

I had no idea the situation was that bad in the US, in France it is about 17,5% wich is not as bad, but still, damn

1 point

I approve of the leader of another country so I have to move out?

Thats harsh

1 point

Hi nom,

I dont hate democracy, I just think it is completely broken at the moment; another guy made a debate about it, it was very interesting, go read it and raise your IQ

0 points

You have cleared my misunderstanding thank you very much

Have a nice day!

0 points

Nomenclature you have clearly not understood the question

Also goodbye

1 point

Sure, I mean who doesnt? .

1 point

I know a guy who is bald, and when its sunny we cant look at him because his head is so fucking shiny; so my guess is that big sky daddy invented hair to protect our eyes

1 point

Well depends, I think the guy should always propose, the answer depends on the girl, and you can have a good idea of the kind of girl she is when its time to pay

For the first few dates I think they should split the fee, only if it gets serious the girl should accept that the guy pays for her

0 points

He did an outstanding job with his country, I'd rather have a self proclamed dictator who does a good job than a president who is terrible who got elected because he lied to a bunch of morons

1 point

First of all thank you for your elaborate response

I'm french wich changes several things fro what you may think:

- while it is lagally possible for gay "married" people to adopt, it is near impossible for them because french psychologist consider it detrimental for the psychological well being off the child (link later on)

- surrogacy pregnancies are illegal for several reasons: the french constitutionnal court deemed it illegal because it is essentially give away a child for money (you can sugar coat it the way you want but essentially it boils down to that), and it raises additionnal bioethic problems

Gay marriage leads to surrogacy, the court of human rights is condemning us every few months trying to force us to change our legislation so it will probably be legal in a few years :(

I will continue to respond to this later on, but now I have a trin to take

Have a nice day!

1 point

countless studies have shown the exact opposite, find another argument

1 point

Gay marriage doesn't pose any more of a danger than heterosexual marriage,

It actually does, because marriage gives them (or will give them) the right to adopt, and you need a man and a women to correctly raise a child

It is also bringing upp other issues such as (dunno the english term for it, but its when you pay a woman to carry your child), the french constitutionnal court outlawed it because it is essentially buying a human being, and it brings other problems such as "baby factories", making medecine out of unborn babies etc

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Hi, the first time I saw a debate like this I thought it was a joke, but apparently there are people who really believe this, how wide spread is this movement? And do they really believe it or do they just want to fool around?

1 point

Aristarcus of Samos: that guy calculated the distance between earth and the sun... (310bc - 230bc)

2000 years later I still cant count to eleven without using my toes

1 point

I see what you mean, and I aggree with you it would be more effective to spend that money on equipment and other stuff; here he is showing his public support to the army wich his supporters will like, while promoting nationalistic feelings. I dont think it is about his ego, and the other countries of the world will perceive this not as Trump acting but an american display of power. With this parade americans have nothing or not much to loose and everything to gain

1 point

I'm sure if any other president wanted a military parade everyone would be "he is supporting our troops, he truly is a great president"

Its just a military parade

1 point

Well I think its normal: they have opposing ideologies, both of them think they are right, and it is normal to dislike what is wrong.

1 point

Like everything: depends the use, you can have robot surgeons, but knowing human nature one day, one guy will have the idea to build huge death bots

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

I'd be interested to learnwhat their achievements are exactly .

2 points

Sadly no, but does that poor bastard deserve it? Probably!

1 point

Depends what you do I suppose, and if you have other means of communications (gmail, facebook, carrier pigeon etc).

But in a general way I think you are right, I think it is ridiculus that kids get smartphones starting age 8, what are they going to do? Phone their friends to ask how pre school was?

1 point

Another beautifull qhote from Katy Perry:"Are math part of science?"

1 point

Yeah technology is great and all but its just a cool bonus, and a dangerous one look at all the terrible stuff we have done with it. The progress or regression of a civilization should be quantified by its morals

1 point

nope you just have to leave 50 spaces and put a comma at the end .

3 points

Nomenclature you arent a 12 year old anymore, you need to grow upp. I cant imagine how sad your life must be if your only consolation is to come to this website to call people nazis. I'll pray for you buddy, hang in there

Have a nice day

1 point

Black lives do matter.

Trans men are not men, full stop

Trans women are not women, full stop

Do you want to ban free speech, question mark

Dunno a lot of jews so I dont really know, full stop

Hitler was a bad person but he did do good stuff, full stop

White people do benefit from white supremacy in white societies, full stop

Black people benefit from black supremacy in black societies, full stop

Patriarcal forms of oppression, question mark

I hope the world will get better, but we are going downhill for the moment, full stop

Have a nice day, exclamation mark

1 point

On what proof do you base these allegations that go against common sense?

1 point

"Deserved" interesting wording, its not as if he posed a risk to national security or was involved in anything illegal; Obama just wanted to give a hand to Hillary because they are both democrats, what is the fine for abuse of power & tcheating during election times?

1 point

To be honest I've read it (didnt understand all of it so I may be wrong) and it would appear there is not much in it, they throw in a few minor names, that memo would have been more interesting if they drew out the consequences

Am I wright or did I miss something?

1 point

Yay lets teach children to cheat and lie, I'm sure it will come in handy during their lives

1 point

Dunno if this enters one of your categories but here is y input: good old french musci :)

Edith Piaf
1 point

Thanks alot, I have also heard something about two fbi agents texting about Trump while investigating him, whats upp with that?

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

He was the guy who played the character of Jesus in The Passion, very good acting, you should watch the movie if you havent: a masterpiece

1 point

I agrree on what you said about basketball but not sure putting men and women in the same competitions is a good idea

Imagine a race with mixed genders: 3 men arrive first and then a woman in 4 th place, only one man would get a trophee and the woman would get one too; I can imagine the two other males runners would be mad bc they arrived before her and didnt get anything

1 point

Could you post on link on what it is? And why is everyone freaking about it?

1 point

I dont really see why its discriminating, if they are just gathering publicly available info, I dont know what they will be using the data for, but it can serve for medical prevention for example, as some races are more sensible to some kinds of deseases

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