
Dcovan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dcovan's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

WOW. You actually got upvoted for that. The lower class are liberals statement is to funny. Do you have anything other than they vote for democrats to back that statement up?

2 points

Seems like name of videos should be Why is this creationists an idiot. Didnt know one person could acount for an entire grp of people . I never got to vote for an 18 yr old kid to be the mouthpiece for creationism. Only watched 2 videos but really making some scientist wanna be 18 year old with no idea what hes saying look dumb isnt that hard.

1 point

NO. Thats a tough corner to put someone in. If a young woman or man isnt attracted to someone of a different race your by default calling them racist and pressuring them to keep with social codes in effect taking away their freedom to choose a partner they find attractive.

2 points

How can anyone who is pro choice want to exclude someone of practicing their own beliefs. Abortion being right or wrong isnt the question, its if christians should stop campaigning against it. No one should stop campaigning against anything they think is unjust reguardless of how I feel about the issue.

1 point

You have alot of good points but you miss one key point. Someone has to choose to make money. If the cost of making money gets to high rich people will stop making money. As you have said they don't need anymore. All higher taxes will do is keep the middle class from striving to become an upper class citizen because due to taxes that would be impossible. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is an unalienable right endowed by our creator that no government of this country can or should take away.

0 points

Liberals by far. Extremists only operate because we let them. Their best shot at us was 9-11 which was horrible but compared to other tragedies not that high of a death count. Liberals on the other hand prop abortion which accounts for millions of humans not having the chance at life. Create no win situations for low income families with welfare. Spend our tax dollars on programs that dont work then complain they dont have enough money while vacationing and living like rockstars. Say what you want i never hear conservatives saying they need more of the taxpayers money. I figure legal drugs, legal assisted suicides,and plenty of other ways to insure the libs keeep the lower class as their slaves.

2 points

Hmmmm... Guess God wouldnt put some people on a course to protest this immoral action?

1 point

Of course. Its ok to discriminate against fetuses that are human so why not non-human animals.

2 points

Most men behave certain ways to attract the opposite sex. Alot of women prefer bad boys or un savory over nice well mannered wimps. SO i would argue women indirectly are responsible for more crime than men.

1 point

A fetus is not a parasite. Its an undeveloped human. No skin cells, hair follicles or any other bunch of cells. A undeveloped human. A woman has eggs for reproduction. These eggs have to be fertilized to create a fetus. If left unchecked as long as the fetus is healthy a human being will be formed inside the womans womb. If a woman doesnt want a child its her responsibility to prevent it from getting started. Women have plenty of ways to prevent unwanted prgnancy. Killing a fetus is wrong. Its a very young human. You can argue details but bottom line is it will one day, if all goes well,become a functioning member of the human race. Terminating this is murder. The question we need to ask is why do we have this problem in our "advanced" civilization. Most abortions are from unwanted pregnancy not rapes or medical conditions. Are women not ready for their rights? Mass murder of undeveloped humans because of irresponsibilty. We shouldn't condone this behavior as a womans right. WE should condemn because its a womans responsibility to be a mother when she decides to create a fetus.

1 point

Biggest question is who is we? The government? The people? If this is an American you should be ahamed. 10% of population is what 30 million people roughly. Who would be in charge of the culling? Plus what would that help? If your speaking as an American then you dont understand what it means to be an American.

1 point

The main thing here is race it is not about individuality. It is the whole race. Compare whole races not segments. No one can be objective on this.

1 point

UK is great because you can not work and make the same as someone working? Great for you you lazy selfish person. What about the guy working paying his way and your way. What train of thought makes that great. Please dont let America become this way.

1 point

The PC crowd on this site will never be honest about this question. They use stas and research and theories on other debates but on this point its always the crap thats fed to us by the tolerence crowd. Race discussion is sorely missing in this world due to the enigma of being branded racist. No one should be discriminated by their race but the differences are there.

1 point

Illegal drugs should be treated as criminal activity. Most people with the public health argument are lucky to not have to deal with an addict. You can argue for certain drugs maybe but for the most part an addict is not a reasonable person. They will do whatever they can do to get the next high. Lie, steal, kill, it makes no difference. people have pimped ther kids for drugs. You say rehab, I say unless someone wants to get clean they wont get clean.

2 points

Believing in something with no evidence=low intelligence? Notice the debate. You have to believe religious people look down on critical thinking with no evidence or highly questionable evidence. Nice point.

0 points

Im sorry i forget some people think babies are only babies when they are birthed. Any abortion is murder of baby. You know a baby isnt the same thing as a grownup but you know it will become one if noone kills it or something happens to it. Guess this is another debate.

1 point

I would say stop having these types of conversations with PE teacher. Its PE there is a reason why hes not teaching real classes plus its wierd to talk to students about sex unless its sex ed or health class.

0 points

Hmmmmm......analogy sucks. Doesnt help at all. They try to give human characteristics to animals and give them rights yet have no stance on human rights?

1 point

If PETA stood for one thing outside of the animal world i would think abortion would be it. Guess PETA fails again. Takes up for animals suffering but no thought on babies being murdered?

1 point

Why is being smart about sex never a thought. I know its not the easiest thing to do but what if 2 people abstained from sex until marriage and remained faithful? Wow STDs would go away. Even if you abstained until you were in a meaningful relationship STDs would drop.

1 point

For all the evolution people STD = natural selection. Im sorry but other than someone getting raped or being lied to about STDs I feel no pity for people with STDs. Its preventable. I can go to bed everynight and know i dont have to worry about STDs. Plenty of bad things can happen to me but STDs are self inflicted in most cases.

1 point

Im no scientists and dont claim to be one but you and i both know all the spark of life theories are theories. In certain situations with certain environment with certain this and certain that something can be puched toward producing life. What about the life coming from outer space thats a good one. You speak of this excuse me copy this like everything you wrote is documented please link some of the stuff you threw in there as fact. I know i dont understand how everything works and its aggravating when someone thinks they do because they took a class or read a book.

1 point

WOW I cant believe the arguments. People are in jail for breaking laws. Sex in jail is illegal. So to prevent spread of STDs you give condemns instead of enforce the laws. Also no clue here just the rumors everyone hears about rape in prison, I dont think the rapists will worry about passing stds anyway.

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