
Debator97's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Debator97's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

why are you trying to make a bigger scene of this than it already is? by doubting it you are just trying to put images in peoples heads that arent true, and give People like you, paranoia!

2 points

why are you trying to make a bigger scene of this than it already is? by doubting it you are just trying to put images in peoples heads that arent true, and give People like you, paranoia!

1 point

you want proof? go to the graveyard, look at my dads tombstone, that should be enough proof! osama killed lots of innocent bystanders, you wanna TRY to give me that shit??? osama deserved it.

1 point

what do you mean? i said no... ...

1 point

people can be evil, go ask osama... oh wait hes dead, after being killed when he was hidden- we seeked him out after he knocked over the twin towers with over 1000 people in it! That is another example of evilness

2 points

i SAW IT HAPPEN!!!!!! its not fake and people like you just try to say everything is fake... im guessing you think the holocaust is fake too?

1 point

so why are you even debating me? to get a kick out of it? someone like hitler is EVIL. he was mental. he might have had some good in him UNTIL he became a leader. He destroyed his countries reputation forever

1 point

i agree with you, a number of american presidents are not good leaders! however, there is a difference in killing for war purposes and killing for no reason other than differences in religion or beliefs or race!

1 point

so what are you saying? that america faked it? that people just... dissapeared? that debris from the building just came crashing down? that the building turned invisible?

you know this is ridiculous and that it is true!!

1 point

i dont know i up voted you again ;P .

1 point

hahahah you actually just made me laugh. not cursing like "You shall have frogs crawling out of your ear", cursing like fuck you bitch

1 point

thank you for actually seeing the truth and agreeing with it!!!!!

1 point

i dont think you guys understand. he MURDERED 6 MILLION PEOPLE!!!! No person that can do that is a good leader. its not about the money, dont you see!!! if murder for no reason other than prejudices doesnt matter than i dont know what this world has come to

1 point

what i am saying is that while i might have been aggressive, supremepizza was just as much! i am telling you to read because while you might have read my posts you definitely didnt read his time where he was petulant


1 point

as much as i disagree with you about that hitler crap, i agree with you. Cursing is a way to express yourself. you dont like it? get over yourself. bitch- do you think im a bad person? than if i said... i dont know something like snobby brat would you think im a bad person? they mean the same thing!!!

1 point

idk how blind you are, did yopu not just see supremepizza call me dumb fuck, stupid, biased,and other things? we both disputed like that. so start looking harder if that is all you can see

1 point

a bad person is a bad leader. he may have put the country out of ruins but that doesnt mean he was a good leader. because a good leader isnt about only riches. a good leader has to have morals, and CLEARLY he didnt have good morals. therefore he wasnt a good leader. i dont care if he got them rich, money doesnt buy happiness. neither does murdering. and guess what? you think im stupid shit, yet your arguing with a 14 year old! feel stupid yet that she is winning you?

1 point

it shouldnt be a question

if you acknowleged that you shouldnt think hes good dumbshit

"those that opposed him created it" your so stupid you ever wonder why they oppose him? not because he was a murderer or anything!

your so racist!

and stop shitting about america we dont pretend to help we do help

your so stubborn you HAVE to be right, hes good oh and yeah he killed millions of people, but he got money! he must be amazing right? oh and if your too stupid to see that was SARCASTIC!!! my idea of bad is NOT fucked up the library lady at my school is from the holocaust she was sent to death camp you see the tortured look in her eyes, how she tells us how wonderful it is to see children everyday and how lucky we are to have whaat we need. She cant walk right, she has frostibite, and shes just ONE person! thats one wittness, look around for more u asshole!!!

2 points

is this even a question? he murdered, MURDERED over 6 million jews, and countless homosexuals, disabled people, and gypsies. he TORTURED tons of people. because he made the country rich he was good? he created a world war! the only reason he got the money is because he STOLE it from the people who he sent to ghettos, concentration camps, and death camps. You think that is a good leader? your idea of good is fucked up.

2 points

its not their responsibility, but at the same time it is their duty. to do the right thing. its not so much about what other women want, that is just an alternative. its more about what is wrong. it is WRONG to kill

2 points


1 point

Killing can be justifiable sometimes IF NECESSARRY. however, abortions arent necesarry

i agree with you about saving mothers life, but that situation is so rare!

as for the others, read what i said before!

i blamed someone for being slutty because they were! i show respect to my human who deserve respect. people who run to the bed and have sex without protection dont deserve respect.

and as for not having that right, i have just as much right as you. whereas i dont have compassion for sluts, YOU dont have compassion for murdering babies.

1 point

i understand but confederates werent members of the kkk; they didn't kill people. in fact, that wasnt their goal! the civil war was because the confederates divided. if they would have won, they would have stayed a different country. they would have kept slaves. but they would not ha ve murdered all the slaves! they needed them. If the Nazis would have won, they would have gont to their "Final Solution" and would have murdered all the jews, along with gypsies, homosexuals, disabled people, and for the record, even probably blacks!

1 point

why would you think it would be fake? people have lost mothers and fathers because of it. i saw it. the fact that i even have to debate it? your sick!

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