
Dingdong's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dingdong's arguments, looking across every debate.
dingdong(39) Clarified
1 point

I will produce babies in your boypussy. Mmmmmmmmmmm

1 point

You know me well, slapshot.

1 point

Yes Indians are allowed in this website.

Are you Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jain, Buddhist or something else?

1 point

Filth needs to be treated like filth.

For being such an abusive Sharia-advocating piece of shit, YOU CAN GET TREATED LIKE FILTH! :)

Enjoy your ban!

1 point

Well then I will protect the "coward and pussy" from the bully like you. BYE BYE COME BACK ON QUANTUMHEAD AND THESNAKE. :)

1 point

If I ask you to expand on what you mean by this, you will say I have issue with the language.

1 point

Interesting outlook.

Unfortunately this works backwards and you end up in an axiom that never explains a thing.

1 point

Restoration is not about what you do to the perpetrator but this debate is about that.

1 point

Do you understand these words:

You are banned, get the fuck out.

Do they make sense to you?... Is it good enough English?

3 points

What about most of the western world where under-population and ageing population is becoming commonplace?

1 point

Estate is not the State. :)

It is not a game of word wars but of idea wars otherwise we may as well throw dictionaries at each other.

1 point

Lowest crime rates is like lowest rate of domestic abuse, if you are raping your child they, in some cultures may find it harder to report than others so it appears lower. :)

Alternatively, the less you outlaw the easier a low crime rate is to maintain despite cruel things going on in your nation.

1 point

You can enjoy the ban. Cool off and speak to me with respect in future endeavours or not at all.

1 point

This is a separate chain of disputes from the one that you are talking about.

1 point

In justice there are three elements:

Retribution (the tit must be proportional to the tat)

Deterrence (the tat must ensure no one wants to tit again)

Rehabilitation (the tat must ensure that the titters don't tit once released)

1 point

Sorry but how is this a dispute to what I said? I am most curious.

1 point

You are going to be one of these super right wing libertarians who says we have no responsibility to the young?

If so, I shall be sure to ignore you from now on.

1 point

Do you know the reason or are truly asking to be informed? Rhetorical or truly inquisitive?

1 point

If there is "logical approach" here then why do the punishment schemes of so many nations differ in so many ways?

1 point

It should also deter others from committing it and rehabilitate those trapped into an addiction of committing it.

Retribution is too blinkered an outlook for me.

1 point

One is much more useful to their future working generation than the other.

1 point

Thank you for your conspiracy theories, I thank you for your life mission of proving the world wrong but in the end if you prove the world wrong to itself then who ends up the sucker?

1 point

And what is the reason for them doing so? Was it to produce a child?

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