
Doomcave's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Doomcave's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It would not be called sexism if it were only against women The definition of Sex is a gender sorry to say also involves men.

1 point

I get that this is a joke but we are not ancestors of apes but we share a common ancestor with them.

1 point

I play minecraft occasionally i have it on my computer that i wrote this on and i thinl minecraft is overated.

1 point

no it isn't i just want peoples opinions

1 point

i know i support all religions i am atheist and but what religious people need to know

is that atheist means non theist not anti theist

1 point

i just want to say i support you. you have many people who love you love your life dont commit suicide please

1 point

a serbian assassin assassinated the arch duke of Austria-Hungary then they invaded and got allies and then serbia got allies and it started the war

1 point

yeah but i dont see any proof for religion because virgin birth NO

2 points

why pedophiles it is there sexual orientation that they like kids

2 points

China is there allie that is why we dont fight north korea any more

1 point

My favorite Tv show is Futurama ._________________________________________________________________Line so this counts

1 point

Yes i mean they in my opinion make the best computer why not the best game console

1 point

Hell they are if you have a religion and you dont believe superman exists then your god does not exist and they are cults

0 points

first of all it is not free you have to pay monthly and also have you ever heard of mods. second "Just building and building and fight monsters. Roblox lets you to fight zombies and other games that Minecraft doesn't have" minecraft has zombies and there are mods and servers. Third minecraft was made in 2009. fourth minecraft did not copy roblox markus persson had an idea for the game he did not go copy roblox 5th i like minecraft but you cant just hate something because it is different

2 points

first of all games cannot have a sexuality second nothing perfect

third he is not talking about cheating he is talking about playing LAN and he is talking about texturepacks and skins not mods or cheats

you are just a lonely troll

1 point

I say minecraft because of better 3d graphics that make it bedder and has better textures and you have to pay once and your done people think the monthly membership to roblox is cheaper but adding up all that money from those payments to roblox makes it more expensive and roblox bad people cannot get banned.

1 point

yes and no but women do use feminism as an excuse to be sexist against men

1 point

Yes women get 63% less time in jail i believe in equality if women want for us to be less sexist you have to understand that women fly under the radar in crime and punishment and have to understand that sexism happens with men and women

-1 points

W A N T T O B E A L L I E S? P L E A S E 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

1 point

No it is just how people are determines there happiness also R e l i g i o n has nothing to do with moods

1 point

no if drugs were legal and had restrictions there would be less murder and more fun people

1 point

No its there body its like going to a homeless person and forcing them to give you there money and liver

1 point

I'm a guy i dont know that much about fashion but it is really not necessary it can be for a job interview but for casual wear no

1 point

It just matter what you think nobody is a dumbass they disagree with you

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