
Dropigy's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dropigy's arguments, looking across every debate.
-2 points
-1 points

No shit, Sherlock. By the way your avatar is a shit version of Satan. Please pick a prettier image to represent our master.

1 point

I don't want to post graphic images; they will give the faint-hearted members nightmares.

-2 points
1 point

Bitch you love me too much to do it anyway.

1 point

I reported u for uploading pirated movie.

1 point

because Satan's penis isn't a patient one and you have the perfect holy* soul for it.

1 point

I know the real secret but andy pandy gets angry angry.

1 point

My predetermined fate was to post this argument in favour of free will.

1 point

Otherwise you'd be fine with being cheated on.

1 point

Don't make fun of blind ppl on internet. So rude. Imagine if he cud see what u just wrote!

1 point

I am not a bully. Who do I bully?

1 point

Andy genuinely like me more than you.

1 point

I don't try to aggravate people; I effortlessly pull it off.

0 points

Word anarchy: when evolution takes a trip back in time and right-wing nutjobs finally can intellectually cope with the monkey-tier politics.

0 points

And you wonder hwy you get banned from debates...

1 point

Can u helps me wiz zee eengliche?

1 point

It's funny coz it's hotter dan u wid a hat.

1 point

Replace the word 'it' with the word 'Buddhism' and it makes sense too.

2 points

You just proved that unicorns exist because you believe that Odin doesn't exist and that is what unicorns want you to believe. They don't want people to believe in Odin. They just want you to stray away which you've been doing and others as well.

1 point

Shit point m8 xoxo.

1 point

it's a cat sleeping on a book that says tl;dr

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