
Joennie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Joennie's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

A personal insult. ;)

1 point

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1 point

I live without God and want to die without God. How's that? Can I converse here? I pick this side ;)

1 point

They live so long..., but the good ones still bond with us for our entire lives. These immortals are so kind. We must be good friends to them. ;)

2 points

OK, Betty, calm your tits. Trump is not going to destroy America just to spite the liberals. The liberals may want Trump to destroy America just so that they can say, "SEE?!?!? I TOLD YOU!!!" but Trump and the rest of us aren't like that. I know Trump said he would protest a Hillary win and the liberals were appalled... but now that he won, it is the liberals who are implementing his hatred. It is the liberals who took a page from Trump's play book and are protesting the election. It is the liberals who are behaving more Trump like than Trump himself. Isn't that ironic? ;)

joennie(63) Clarified
1 point

Hey, I'm not making God look bad. God's making Himself look bad.

1 point

He paid your price so you can be set free.

But that's exactly the problem. I will NOT be set free. I am his indentured servant. He paid my price and now I owe Him. I repay my debt by worshiping Him for all eternity. I will never be set free. He made us all His bitch. We either obey or He will torture in Hell for all eternity. He only got to suffer on the cross for 3 days but the rest of us get all eternity. Nice! ;)

1 point

Don't take it so hard. I'll vote for us. ;)

1 point

She came over to cry on my shoulder. You big meanie.

1 point

Because, except for cuaroc, I am the only one here. You need to send a shout out to your allies to help a brother out. Where are your allies/friends?

1 point

If this had transpired in real life, you would have called the person a pshyco, walked away and then told yourself, "Darn, I should have explained why..." then you would have marched back and proceed to explain. Awkward.

1 point

Just to be clear, I did not down vote you. I am just checking my debate after 311 days. But, thanks for playing.

1 point

You can't even defeat the 50 character limit.

1 point

I agree with joe. 14 year old boys spend a lot of time beating their meat.

2 points

I asked your mom to show me your baby picture and she showed me this. 2013/09/jGGN94m.jpg

1 point

Here's what i had to tell your mother about you. 2013/09/Mpwm7ge4.jpg

1 point

I learned it from your mom. Maybe she watches that stupid show.

1 point

I spelled it the way your mother spells it, ass munch.

1 point

If I wanted my own come back, I'd wipe it off your mom's face.

1 point

Your mama sucks cocks in hell, you punk ass bitch!

3 points

Lol, I'm all for vaginal action every day of the week.

1 point

Every life-form comes from (is created by) another life-form (reproduction). No life-form can arise from a sterile environment.

1 point

Even the simplest life form is more complicated than our most complicated systems.

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