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This personal waterfall shows you all of Lokita4lyfe's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

thanks for the welcome, i've been on here awhile just not really active. im not sure how i lost like ten points in two days though lol.

i guess some people just can't grow up and learn to accept people for who they are rather than their sexual preference. it's kinda sad really, but in the end it's their loss.

1 point

how are you offending people?

you asking whether gay marriage can be compared to marrying your hand, it doesn't take a genius to figure out how that could be offensive.

go look up troll on that should explain it.

im sorry if i took this the wrong way but maybe you should have mentioned in the beginning that it was someone else who said it and that you were trying to prove a point.

1 point

LOL you think people who smoke weed aren't smart?

do you have any idea how many smart people there are that smoke weed?

one of my good friends, hardcore pot smoker for years and uses many other drugs like acid, shrooms, alcohol ect., took a IQ test from his shrink the other day.

guess what his outcome was?


that's borderline genius.

your arguement is fail, please try again.

2 points

weed should be legal.

it's the safest "drug" there is and it's ridiculous that alcohol and cigarettes are legal and killing people while marijuana is illegal and hasn't killed anyone.

plus it doesn't have any serious side effects, just makes you more relaxed and sometimes you think about things that never cross your mind while sober. i think the government has no right to dictate the way we live our life and what we do in our spare time as long as we're not hurting others or vandalizing property.

there's many other reasons why i think it should be legal, this is just a few of them.

1 point

that ignorant kid needs to be smacked. even though im not gay i find comparing gay marriage to marrying your hand pretty offensive. and also, (being ignorant enough) to actually ask this question on here is offensive and makes you seem like a troll.

1 point

lol not that big of a crime?

are you guys serious and did you even see the pictures of his dog after a fight?

animal cruelty IS a serious crime. it's guys like Michael Vick that make people afraid of pitbulls because ever since they're little they're trained to be aggressive and fight, and then when they end up attacking someone it's the dog who gets punished for how it's owner raised it. euthanasia and a ban on a breed is real fair isn't it? especially for a innocent dog who doesn't get to choose his owner or how he's treated.

Michael Vick should not be allowed to play in the NFL again. there's many poor and athletic people in America so just because he's broke and a good athlete is not a good enough excuse. he fucked up, and in my opinion he should still be in jail for awhile longer.

Supporting Evidence: they were once innocent like this (
1 point

marriage is a human right not a heterosexual privilege

1 point


despite all bad things you hear about them if they're raised right they make really good pets. on the outcome of a temperament test they came out as 2nd after bull terriers. they're like part of the family and will protect your house and kids.

I love how ignorant people are about them though. i was walking my pitbull down the street a week ago and there was this lady and her 5 year old son walking like 10 feet in front of us. as soon as she realized we were behind them she took her son and stood on the other side of a car till we walked by. like my dog really would have hurt them.

1 point

coca cola has no taste, it just tastes like carbonated water and sugar.

Pepsi is win.

1 point

never was for it.

we need to end it and start putting our money elsewhere, it's part of the reason why our economy is so bad.

1 point

gold is better in the sense that it has more value

1 point

samoas (= but i heard they aren't called that anymore because girl scout cookies are made by a different company now

1 point

how can you even think a genre of music like techno is like reggae?

reggae is a calming music created by Rastafaris which was used to promote their religious beliefs. of course, now they sing about more than that in their lyrics but it's all pretty much the same.

then you have techno, up-beat computerized music associated with raves and ecstasy

...these are obviously two completely different types of music from two completely different origins and are associated with two completely different kinds of things. they do not belong in the same category.

4 points


i love it!

i would have never thought of doing something like that but im glad someone did.

2 points

"pass it to the left cause the right way is wrong"

"pass the dutchie pon de left hand side"

we all know left is always the correct way, so get with it! =)

1 point

doesn't really make sense to send the people who do the jobs that no one else wants to do and for less money than they deserve back to their country. why can't you all be grateful that they're working their asses off for a small amount of money to put food on YOUR table?

it's also hypocritical, didn't europeans come and live on land that wasn't their's? then the americans with the westward expansion, kicking native americans and the mexicans who owned part of southern cali to southern texas off their land then claiming it as their own.

to all you who think they should be sent back, "fuck you and learn to appreciate what you have."

1 point

a ban on smoking in public would be a really good idea, expecially for those who already have health problems.

my mother has asthma and anytime she walks by someone smoking, where someone had been smoking, or someone who smells like cigarrete smoke it chokes her and she's has a asthma attack. it's been so bad that she's had to go to the ER.

why should people like her have to suffer because of someone else who wants to kill themselves faster?

2 points

Reggae, it's just relaxing and has a good feel to it.

3 points

What about being born in America and being called an American am I susposed to be proud of?

2 points

Definitely samoas. It's pretty lame though because a different company makes the Girl Scout cookies now so they had to change the name =(

2 points

you cant conclude blacks as a whole are more racist than anyone else. every race has people that are racist, the individuals may not say things out loud on the topic but they still have the thoughts. also, look at the holocaust and the nazis feelings about the jews and how they went as far as to try to kill them all then try to say blacks are more racist.

3 points

There was already a group of people who had planned on assassinating him a few days ago, fortunatly they were caught before they had the chance. But, more than likely, more people will attempt to do the same and there's always a chance that they will succeed.

2 points

Kids under 21 are going to drink alcohol whether you like it or not. If they're not the one's physically buying it, their older friends are. Other countries already have 18 as their legal drinking age and some have the age requierment even lower, so don't really see what the big problem with it is especially if they're already drinking illegally.

4 points

My sister was in a car accident a few months ago and died instantly... if she had been wearing a seatbelt she would still be alive and my nephew would still have a mother.

The seatbelt law is one law that should be enforced everywhere. How hard is it to put on a seatbelt? Just by doing that small thing you could save your life. No one ever plans on getting in a fatal accident but it happens. And when it does you're not only paying the price with your life, your relatives and friends also have to deal with the loss of someone they loved and cared about.

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